If the Democrats get there way and pass this bill, it may be to late.....even if we do vote them out. Imagine how hard it will be to repeal this bill if it passes. Once you give people something like this, it’s hard to take it away from them. They will ruin this country and turn it into a complete dictatorship. This bill can’t pass......period. It’s total control over Americans lives.
actually most of this abomination of a bill won’t take effect until 2013
some parts will of course but it won’t be too late
you re right, it would be better to stop odumbo now
“If the Democrats get there way and pass this bill, it may be to late.....even if we do vote them out. Imagine how hard it will be to repeal this bill if it passes. Once you give people something like this, its hard to take it away from them. They will ruin this country and turn it into a complete dictatorship.”
In the past, this was true. They have tried to steal so much, so quickly, that they have ruined the slow creeping death we have had going on since Woodrow Wilson. The clumsy burglars knocked a lamp onto the floor this time.
Respectuflly, this country will not become a dictatorship. They would perish in the attempt, should they make one.
Too many Americans are too well armed for the most ambitionless and parasitic scum of our idle, soft, and indulgence corrupted society to effect a putsch. An effort to suppress liberty would be fatal to the oppressors.
We will win, electorally or otherwise. Our rights are INALIENABLE, and will not be yielded to the most useless, skilless and degenerate sectors of our population.