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Summit Over, Democrats Move to Ram Healthcare Into Law ^
| Feb. 26, 2010
| David A. Patten
Posted on 02/26/2010 7:20:09 AM PST by NoRedTape
"That's why I think this was a group of folks dancing around the campfire. I'm not sure that they moved one inch either way on the big issue
. I think the political price tag might be too high for that scenario to come to fruition. But that's about the only way I see there being any chance for this to happen."
On Wednesday, several House Democrats said getting the Senate bill through the House as is will be a very difficult proposition. The original bill passed by the House in November following months of tortuous negotiations passed by just 220-215. A defection of just three more Democratic votes would have doomed the bill. And that was before Sen. Scott Brown's stunning upset in Massachusetts.
Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Mich., continues to speak out for House members who feel the Senate bill doesn't go far enough to ensure public funds would not be spent to pay for abortions. But he said Wednesday there are other shortcomings in the bill as well.
"Despite the abortion language," Stupak said yesterday, "no, there are other problems with this bill...[I have spoken to] probably about 15 or 20 of them in the last 24 hours; they've said there are other problems with this bill."
Despite the Democrats' 77-seat majority in the House, losing those 15 votes would all but doom ObamaCare according to most analysts.
Pelosi will also try to assure her members that the backlash from using reconciliation to pass healthcare reform won't cost Democrats control of one or possibly both house of Congress."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Constitution/Conservatism; Culture/Society; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: care; health; obama; reid
Hope that no one in the Congress "changes" to the oBamaCare camp and that "reconciliation" doesn't get anywhere near occuring.
Let's sure "hope" that the ridiculous oBamaCare bill doesn't "change" from its doomed position. America does not want this slop from oBama, Reid and Pelosi - the 3 blind mice.
posted on
02/26/2010 7:20:09 AM PST
To: NoRedTape
I found the prez to be extremely rude....We c reated a monster!!
posted on
02/26/2010 7:23:56 AM PST
To: NoRedTape
I know this has been discussed previously, but:
If this un-Constitutional legislation is passed - can the next POTUS rescind it - or can a GOP Congress defund it - or do we have to wait for a SCOTUS challenge?
posted on
02/26/2010 7:24:54 AM PST
(Despair - Man's surrender. Laughter - God's redemption.)
To: NoRedTape
Do the Dems all want to drink Kool-Aid for a one term loser?
We shall see.
posted on
02/26/2010 7:28:14 AM PST
(Support our troops, and vote out the RINOS)
To: sodpoodle
It’ll be challenged immediately if it’s passed and that should put it on hold for awhile.
The next Congress can legislate it out but BO won’t sign it so we’ll have to wait until the next POTUS.
posted on
02/26/2010 7:28:15 AM PST
(OBAMA, Why stupid people shouldn't vote.)
To: Sacajaweau
We didn't create the monster, we elected the monster.
posted on
02/26/2010 7:29:53 AM PST
To: stephenjohnbanker
He can at least go down in history as the biggest a-hole to ever hold the post.
posted on
02/26/2010 7:31:00 AM PST
( I am rolling over in my grave and I am not even dead yet.)
To: Sacajaweau
I found the prez to be extremely rude....We c reated a monster!!
To: sodpoodle
"I know this has been discussed previously, but:
If this un-Constitutional legislation is passed - can the next POTUS rescind it - or can a GOP Congress defund it - or do we have to wait for a SCOTUS challenge?"
Great question. I've never even heard of "reconciliation" before, and the experts say it has only been used for specific budgetary items, not for an issue of this magnitude.
That weasel Reid pulled this ploy out just to jam through something that Americans DO NOT want. I can't wait for Reid's landslide loss in November in the great State of Nevada......
posted on
02/26/2010 7:35:14 AM PST
To: Sacajaweau
"I found the prez to be extremely rude....We created a monster!"
He is a weakened "Moderator", at best. We don't have a President right now, imo. A President is supposed to uphold the will of the people, not push to circumvent the process through side door loopholes.
To: NoRedTape
I think that Fox / Newsmax ( Murdoch)are trying now trying to get the Dems to ran something thru for the sake of RATINGS !
The last two posts are from Murdoch sources cheering on the Dems to do it.
posted on
02/26/2010 7:39:27 AM PST
(San Fran Nan , Your Harvey Milk was gunned down by a fellow Dem-RAT)
To: NoRedTape
One big problem with this is bill, from what I understand, is a provision that states that if the bill is passed, no future Congress can get rid of it. This was never mentioned in the summit. If Congress can’t change the laws, what good are they? If this is true, then it would over ride the Constitution.
posted on
02/26/2010 7:42:04 AM PST
To: NoRedTape
"Pelosi will also try to assure her members that the backlash from using reconciliation to pass healthcare reform won't cost Democrats control of one or possibly both house of Congress."
Oh I am SURE that Democrats believe her now. Pelosi has lost a lot of political capitol. With Brown winning in Mass, and the loss of NJ Governorships, ETC they would be FOOLS to vote for a bill that a majority of Americans DO NOT WANT. But they are democrats so .... yea.... 'nuff said.
posted on
02/26/2010 7:42:28 AM PST
(Don't like our Constitution? Try living in a country with out one.)
To: ncalburt
***The last two posts are from Murdoch sources cheering on the Dems to do it.***
Calling their bluff or reverse psychology?
When did the Dems ever take orders or suggestions from FOX?
posted on
02/26/2010 7:45:25 AM PST
(Despair - Man's surrender. Laughter - God's redemption.)
To: RC2
Constitutional amendment by the States? i.e. prohibition?
posted on
02/26/2010 7:46:42 AM PST
(Despair - Man's surrender. Laughter - God's redemption.)
To: NoRedTape
I agree: and why was he the self appointed moderator to begin with? He could have delegated someone else to be the time keeper.. like Frank Luntz. :-)
To: Danae
"Pelosi will also try to assure her members that the backlash from using reconciliation to pass healthcare reform won't cost Democrats control of one or possibly both house of Congress."
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.
Dear Nancy:
We the governed do not consent to your form of government. This might cost you a lot more than just control of the congress.
posted on
02/26/2010 7:58:03 AM PST
(There are millions of paranoid people in the world and they are all out to get me.)
To: sodpoodle
I really don't know but the dems are obsessed with Fox
posted on
02/26/2010 7:58:47 AM PST
(San Fran Nan , Your Harvey Milk was gunned down by a fellow Dem-RAT)
To: NoRedTape
DUmmie pistol. Go ahead dingy hairy and pig lousy. Pull the trigger.
posted on
02/26/2010 8:18:55 AM PST
(Hey zero, It is NOT Bush's fault anymore.)
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