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John Edwards, Mesothelioma Man, and Health Care Reform
Ameican Thinker ^
| Feb. 20, 2010
| Ralph Alter
Posted on 02/20/2010 4:30:45 PM PST by libstripper
It has been fairly well-demonstrated that John Edwards is a pretty-boy philanderer married to a condescending harridan willing to go to any lengths to acquire stationery with the 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue imprint. But what do we know about the bag-man behind the elaborate cover-up scheme designed to keep the sleeping bloodhounds of the Beltway media at bay?
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Business/Economy; Crime/Corruption; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: edwards; mesotheioma; obama
This shows how completely the trial lawyers have corrupted the Democrats. When it comes to Obama, it's abundantly clear that he will allow any corruption of the justice and Federal regulatory systems as long at it benefits his cronies and supporters. All we need to do is look at the AGW scam, the total illegal fovoritism for the unions in the auto industry bankruptcies, the New Black Panther case, and this horrible asbestos litigation. Worst of all it means federal agencies that are supposed to be objective watchdogs are being corrupted and perverted to the point where it is impossible to believe anything any of them says.
To: libstripper
I’ve noticed a couple of interesting things about John Edwards: 1) He has poor taste in women, and 2) His women have poor taste in men.
posted on
02/20/2010 4:32:44 PM PST
To: libstripper
All this talk about tens of millions of people not having healthcare (a lie BTW) reminds me that far more lack access to the legal system.
Unless you are very well off, or poor enough to get pro bono help, you are pretty much locked out of the legal system—absent the kind of claim that someone will take on contingency. You cant say that about healthcare.
posted on
02/20/2010 4:37:36 PM PST
(Congratulations Senator Brown. One down, 59 to go.)
To: Brilliant
Isn’t Edwards the POS that pretended to channel a dead baby during closing arguements in a big bucks civil trial?
posted on
02/20/2010 4:37:44 PM PST
Farmer Dean
(every time a toilet flushes,another liberal gets his brains)
To: libstripper
posted on
02/20/2010 4:40:46 PM PST
To: libstripper
Every regulatory agency will be taken over by the industry it regulates. Personnel are always drawn from the target industry after the first staffing with idealists because that is where the knowledge and expertise is. These people coming from industry have expectations that their careers within that industry are not over and most will have pensions from that industry and still have stock, even if in “blind” trusts.
posted on
02/20/2010 4:50:13 PM PST
("If you don't believe in shooting abortionists, don't shoot an abortionist." -Ann C.)
To: libstripper
Back around 1980 after my plant in Detroit laid off literally hundereds of employees and sold our wheel and brake division, our workers comp. dept. was deluged with literally hundreds of WC claims........almost all of them were from the same legal group who had ties to our UAW Local..........
I'm sure it was just a coincidence.....
posted on
02/20/2010 4:52:04 PM PST
Hot Tabasco
(Politics has gotten everyone here too puckered up.........)
To: Farmer Dean
Isnt Edwards the POS that pretended to channel a dead baby during closing arguements in a big bucks civil trial? Yes. It was still alive though. He was nicknamed the "fetus whisperer".
posted on
02/20/2010 5:17:39 PM PST
(I know how to deal with communists, I still wear their scars on my back from Hollywood-Ronald Reagan)
To: libstripper
The article is accurate except for one obfuscation. The author sort of blends the run of the mill asbestos exposure case with mesothelioma, which is a devastating fatal cancer most likely caused by asbestos.
I was involved in defending asbestos cases long ago, and his description of how the plaintiffs ran the run of the mill cases is accurate.
But it was always my understanding mesothelioma is quite another matter.
posted on
02/20/2010 5:41:41 PM PST
(It's the policies, stupid)
To: MitchellC
To: freespirited
All this talk about tens of millions of people not having healthcare (a lie BTW) reminds me that far more lack access to the legal system.
Great analogy! BHO should propose a tax on lawyers to fund a public option so that everyone can afford to sue.
posted on
02/20/2010 6:02:07 PM PST
(No legislation longer than the Constitution.)
To: libstripper
An excellent book, fiction, to read describing this disgraceful legal practice of class-action lawsuits, is KING OF TORTS, by John Grisham. You’ll hate them all by the end.
To: 100%FEDUP; 2ndMostConservativeBrdMember; ~Vor~; A2J; a4drvr; Adder; Aegedius; Afronaut; alethia; ...
NC *Ping*
Please FRmail MitchellC if you want to be added to or removed from this North Carolina ping list.
To: libstripper; Williams
If pulmonologists wouldn't diagnose asbestosis so liberally, the trial lawyers would be out of business. This is the problem in my opinion. The lawyers are only representing what the doctors say is wrong with their clients. The defense attorneys need to go after these doctors without mercy but they won't because they want the game to continue just as much as anyone since their pockets are lined by defending asbestos mfgs.
The whole system is corrupt. The best chance for reform was blocked by the dems back in 2001(?) when Republicans wanted to setup a trust to evaluate claims.
posted on
02/22/2010 6:05:20 AM PST
To: Williams
posted on
03/03/2010 9:38:00 AM PST
(Like the Ft Hood Killer, James Earl Ray was just stressed when he killed MLK Jr.)
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