May the King of the Universe, who entered this world as a helpless infant, give us the humility to be healed.
My power is made perfect in weakness.
-- 2 Corinthians 12:9
The great mystery of the Humility of God is very near and dear to the mission of those serving in pro life and in a special way, post abortion ministries across this nation.
For those wounded by their participation in abortion, the door to healing often feels like crossing an abyss of great fear: fear of judgment, fear of being torn apart by the pain, by self hatred and rage at those who hurt and abandoned you, and manipulated you in your time of temptation.
For men in particular, entering the unknown waters of emotional vulnerability, so necessary to healing calls for a different kind of courage that feels deceptively like weakness.
The door to healing is humility.
It is born in the inability to no longer control the pain, to live with the consequences of that tragic decision to reject life. The hearts cries out, "I have committed a grave offense against my Creator and I am consumed by regret, grief and sorrow!"
During these forty days let us pray for all who have participated in abortion and with love call them to healing and reconciliation. With healing these women and men can become as John Paul II proclaimed in the Gospel of Life, "the most eloquent defenders of everyone's right to life."
Jesus proclaimed, "I am the Vine, you are the branches" (John 15:5). To bear the greatest fruit, the branches must be pruned. Each level of pruning of the vine requires a deeper level of humility so that we can abandon ourselves to His will.
This is not a lofty theological concept as much as it is an earthy experience of pulling weeds, tilling rocky soil, pruning and healing the vines. "If a man wishes to come after me, he must deny his very self, take up his cross, and begin to follow in my footsteps" (Matthew 16:24).
Lord, during these forty days, we ask that with each day of this sacred vigil, everything in us that separates us from your perfect will would be pruned from our hearts and souls.
In this blessed freedom may we experience a powerful anointing of your Holy Spirit. Filled with confidence and trust may we proclaim with the mother of Jesus, "Let it be done to me, according to your Word."
Heavenly Father,
We come together with other believers in this nation, standing in the gap in defense of the innocent unborn children who have no voice against the horrors of abortion. Transform the hearts of each mother and father, filling them with Your unconditional love for their child. Help us to continue in prayer and in active involvement until every precious baby is received with joy and is cherished as Your blessed creation. In the Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed.”. Proverbs 31:8
The Ten Commandments
1 And God spoke all these words: 2 “I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
Job 12:10 ~ “In HIS hand is the LIFE of every living thing, and the BREATH of ALL mankind.”
How grievous is our sin, O Lord ... how grievous is our sin.
Lord have mercy.
Pray, pray, pray.