Posted on 01/25/2010 1:35:14 PM PST by Jim Robinson
Folks, it's just as simple as this:
1) McCain is anti-free speech. The Roberts Court has declared McCain-Feingold, the ultimate self-serving pro-incumbency act, unconstitutional as we all knew it was from the start.
2) McCain supported and voted for the bailouts which are unconstitutional, anti-liberty, anti-capitalism, anti-free-markets, un-American and not only enabled, but swept the Marxist B. Hussin Obama into power.
3) McCain is pro-global warming which is unconstitutional, anti-capitalism, anti-free-economy, un-American and idiotic!
4) McCain is pro-amnesty for illigal aliens which is anti-capitalism, anti-liberty, un-American and idiotic!
5) Instead of fighting FOR us, FOR the Constitution and FOR Liberty, McCain chooses to join with the Democrats to fight AGAINST us and against Liberty at every chance he gets. He's a backstabber!! The enemy within!!
There are many other reasons to reject McCain but I believe the five listed above are reason enough.
McCain is anti-liberty, anti-capitalism, anti-constitution, anti-free-markets, pro-Big Government and willingly and knowingly passes liberty killing unconstitutional laws and therefore is not part of the solution; he is part of the problem. The problem is too much government and too little freedom and McCain is pro-Big Government. He is no conservative, not even a moderate. He's a progressive!!
Tea Partiers please take action against McCain. I'm only a day's drive from Arizona, so please let me know when and where and if at all possible, I'll be there.
Meanwhile, in this year of the Liberty-loving, anti-Big Government, anti-progressive-incumbent Tea Party, please send your support to the most viable challenger, J.D. Hayworth!!
Woo hoo!! GO JD!!
Rebellion is brewing!!
And, no, I don't hate Sarah for supporting McCain, but I sure hope she doesn't damage herself too badly. We need her in 2012! She just hasn't realized yet that the primary reason Joe Biden is sitting in her office in D.C. is JOHN MCCAIN himself!!
Don’t feel like the Lone Ranger. We’ve all been shot full of arrows.
Activism may no longer be your cup of tea, but nay saying does not become you either. Don’t expect me or anyone else on FR to snap to on your criticisms of the Tea Party movement or of Sarah Palin or of our pro Life & Liberty conservatism.
FR is pro-God, pro-Life, pro-Liberty, pro-family, pro-gun, pro-constitution, pro-small government, pro-national defense, pro-America and we no longer stomach RINOS!!
We are here for like minded individuals who wish to support our pro Life & Liberty conservative causes and candidates.
The Tea Party movement suits me fine and so does Sarah Palin!
McCain, Romney, et al, and their nay saying RINO supporters can suck goose eggs.
You worry too much about things you cannot control.
It’s not worry Jim, politics is a hobby. I participate here because it helps me get my “freak” on, just like tens of thousands other participants. I have no intention of getting back in the game although I still dabble and RighTalk is still functioning but headed in a different direction.
If anything I think some people ascribe too much attention to things I say. I will be the first to agree that my rhetoric is sometimes over the top and in some cases relies more on being inflammatory than reasonable. But one thing I learned quickly on FR is that one’s comments don’t get much consideration if they are wobbly or milktoasty. One has to be direct and go for the jugular if you want others to think about what you say.
And if that’s the truth, and it may be, I am nothing more than a product of FR. In other words, you made me what I am...;-].
Oh, no. You’re not going to get away with that. You are a self-made man.
FR is just a place where a whole bunch of like-minded people got together and decided to try to make a difference. But we were not alone. As it turns out, hundreds and thousands of other groups have been doing the same. And now we’re beginning to meet each other at tea parties all across the nation and our numbers and our strength is growing. I’m not going to do anything that might slow it down.
GO Tea Party!!
And if Sarah survives McCain, GO SARAH!!
I haven't seen Palin being 'bashed' & haven't read the Scott Brown threads but have seen that if someone dare questions former gov Palin's decision regarding McCain, that's when the name calling and bashing starts. It's pretty over the top with personal attacks and accusations. It's really only natural to question a decision that is so completely contrary to her words and what she says she represents.
She was a breath of fresh air when she came on the scene and I disagree with those that say if it weren't for McCain we wouldn't have Palin because someone with the ability/potential that she has demonstrated, would have surfaced sooner or later. To say otherwise would be to diminish her. Yes it may have been later but in any case, she would have surfaced. Discard her completely....?absolutely not, but as someone great once said "trust, but verify". /rambling off
No, we ALL haven’t been shot full of arrows, only some of us. As the creator of FR you were the main target and took 80% of the abuse but I think I was the secondary target. I’ve had private investigators parked outside my house for days at a time. I had anti-freeper sites posting maps to my house and suggesting people rape my wife. I had them sending letters to my franchisor making business trouble for me.
Much of this was instigated by mojo, whom you felt was benign enough to let back in the fold. Of course his first action was to start attacking th Network. I told you on several occasions that was going to turn out bad but you didn’t listen to me. Mojo being allowed back onto FR after his (with his cohorts)relentless attacks on anything FReeper was, shall we say, a “defining” moment for the Network. You lost the BOD in that moment and after that is was inevitable it would fold. We didn’t trust you anymore, we didn’t feel that you had our backs.
Ces’t la vie. I guess reviewing FR history is useless introspection, what’s past is past, but the pain is still there for some of us. So much potential, so much lost.
Because I’m one of the “naysaying nincompoops” who thinks Sarah’s falling into the Manchurian Republican’s trap and making a horrible mistake here.
I’m already getting copies of your previous posts (to Bob J., incidentally) in my inbox from other posters, as a sort of warning for questioning Palin. That’s in addition to being called a traitor to my country, a Palin-hater, a Ron Paul troll, a Bircher troll, a jerk, and so on. When those posters see you characterize us this way, it’s only going to get worse. It’s basically open season on anyone who dares to question anything Sarah Palin does now.
As I said Jim, I fully support the TP movement and have great hopes for it’s future.
Jim, if you tell me now that Palin criticism of any kind will not be tolerated on FR, I will abide by that and desist in posting any further comments that put her in a less than flattering perspective.
It’s your site, it’s your rules.
Well, I did not have you in mind when I said nay saying nincompoop.
Sorry to jump in in a post not directed to me.
“Well, I did not have you in mind when I said nay saying nincompoop.’
Who did you have in
I don’t think I’ve ever suggested any such thing. Criticize whomever you wish. Just don’t expect the posters here to go along with you because I believe the majority here think a lot of Sarah Palin. And I sure as hell will not go along with you. I’m still waiting for you to confess which RINO you want us to support in 2012. Hope it’s not Romney. Romney will NEVER get my support or the support of FR. If Romney’s in, I’m OUT!
I don’t expect others, even you, to go along with me. I post what I think, I don’t wilt, although on many occasions I have “adjusted” my thinking on some things due to well thought out, cogently structured arguments of other FReepers.
Wilting or going wobbly in the face of criticism would be so...un-FReeper like.
I thought you were referring to Palin’s critics (on the McCain support issue) in general.
We’ve talked about this. I kind of like DeMint right now, would support Cheney if he ran. Bachman is on the short list.
That’s it, but I’m hoping the menu increases before 2012.
Well, you were the guy I was conversing with. But I will rephrase the comment:
I sincerely doubt that Sarah Palin is going to follow the advice of nay saying anonymous poster sniping at her heels from the sidelines.
I was commenting on one person’s post.
My mistake.
“She just hasn’t realized yet that the primary reason Joe Biden is sitting in her office in D.C. is JOHN MCCAIN himself!!”
Sarah as VP? Is this what you’re implying? or am I just not getting it?
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