Well hey....I been around FreeRepublic for ten years now.
I am a pretty good poster, and reader of threads.
I serve in semi-official capacities on this forum.
So I’d argue, I say gently, that I’m not really stupid or a newbie.
And I’m betting if I got confused that you’ll have other confused readers cause I thought you were posting a thread for commentary on Delaware candidates. The thread was titled, go with me here...DELAWARE ELECTION CENTRAL.
so I jumped on and offered my commentary, wisdom and recent meeting about a candidate, silly me.
Also, you’re putting up a bunch of links at the top of threads right in the middle of a Freepathon. Thus your post kind of looks like links that are part of FreeRepublic fundraising comments now at the top of all posts.
So I’m not sure your snarkism is warranted cause hey, I’m just an average guy doing what Freepers do.
I think you ought to re-think how you’re posting this as you’ve got a darn good idea but it’s not clear what you want of the readers.
Or I could be dumb, some would agree.
I honestly was NOT being snarky. I thought you meant to post all the candidate’s info from every state to one thread. If I offended you, I am truly sorry. It wasn’t meant that way at all. I misunderstood your question.
The links are to a Jim Robinson sanctioned project. They are not meant in any way to interfere with the freepathon.
Again. I apologize.