Question, do we Freepers have what it takes to become an insurgent and organized minority?
They control the WH, Congress, the MSM, academia, public opinion, Hollywood, and for all I know, my morning commute. The only majorities they don’t have is the Supreme Court and us, but that may not last.
There is no amount of work you can perform that they can’t steal from you.
I would say that the 2010 elections will correct the lopsided dictates of the federal government vs. the will of the people except that you have to take into account that the Dems are intent on subverting the vote again by giving away cash to ACORN and a host of other undemocratic organizations. Voter registration should only be done directly with the government and not through shadowy partisan groups.
What the Democrats are doing now is what you should have been doing and NEED TO DO if by some miracle you regain power!
The "get along" crap is balderdash. Remember when YOU had power, and the minority party--the Democrats--stonewalled President Bush? I do. And you guys bent over backwards to work with them. You let the media handle you, instead of handling the media.
I don't give a damn what Newt says: the "era of Reagan" still holds lessons for us! And one of those lessons is to go over the media's heads!
The process of legislating is important, but so is the communication to the public of the goals of that process! On that level, you guys are FAILING. The Tea Partiers and a few commentators are carrying the water for the conservative movement. Oh, there are a few of you doing a yeoman's job: DeMint, Palin, Coburn. But the rest of you are being mere political animals. Get off your duffs and SPEAK OUT! I know it is comfortable in D.C., you get the best seats in restaurants, etc. But our Republic really is in danger.
I urge you to work for the people and against these socialists.
My only hope is that, if the Pubbies take control, they will be at least as tyrannical and brutal to the Democrats as the Democrats were to them.
Won’t happen though. In addition to being the Stupid Party, the GOP is also the Wuss Party.