Posted on 12/04/2009 4:47:27 PM PST by cycle of discernment
Political analysis by John Charlton
Obama's presidential campaign was hailed for its forceful imagery, but after 11 months the public has come to understand the undisputed facts about him, don't fit the requirements of the U.S. Constitution.
(Dec. 4, 2009) Georgias representative in the U.S. House, Nathan Deal announced in early November that he and 10 House colleagues were going to sign a joint letter, asking Obama to publicly reveal his birth certificate,.
The simple enough question was rebuffed and ridiculed by the Main Stream Media, and even the Savannah Morning News, as if a birth certificate was some sort of private journal or diary of past affairs.
The mere fact that the liberals and progressives ridiculed Nathan Deal whose only interest is to quiet the nation shows that they have no substantive reason to oppose the request. It further shows that they know that Obama cannot oblige Deal and his co-signatories, for in Democratic circles nothing is a secret.
What will Obama say to Nathan Deal? The answer must come soon. Deal said that he was to send his letter after Thanksgiving. Any delay on the part of Barack Hussein Obama to oblige Deal, will only further erode his political influence in Washington, D.C..
Obama has been effectively checkmated by the concerted effort of public support, publicized lawsuits on the eligibility question, publicity campaigns such as those of World Net Daily and Charles Kerchner to put the issue in the face of liberals on a constant basis, and blogs and bloggers the world over.
If Obama obliges him, then the online image of a Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) provided by his campaign will be proven a forgery, according to the consensus of opinion of citizens who have studied the images posted on the net and found some images of the allegedly same document, contain a HI State seal and some do not.
If Obama does refuses, however, it will only further confirm that he has something to hide.
Palins remark that it is a valid issue and Ogdens resignation as Deputy U.S. Attorney General in the same week, following the sending of Nathan Deals letter, appear to be diagnostic signs that the political establishment understands the risks and imminent crisis about to break. The publicity garnered by the testimony of the U.S. Marine, who goes by the nik, Race Bannon, only further tilt the Obama regime towards political implosion.
Even the pulse of Obamas political support on the net tells the tale: a lull and quiet among them posting comments at opposition blogs is noticeable. There remain only the violent, the perverse and the somewhat mad to carry on the cheers of Change, which were the mind numbing drum beat of the Obama for American campaign, just 14 months ago.
The political momentum of the nation now follows diverse roads to the same destination, and the resulting fireworks are going to be much brighter and invigorating than those of any Fourth of July in many a year!
She's too busy kissing Obama's backside to give a flip.
I don't believe you. Do you have a link?
If your recall is correct, it’s highly likely that was Obama you conversed with.
Let's see. She said, "Barack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii." That seems pretty straight forward do me. How do you figure that's "parsed" or "evasive?"
Just as an aside, I recall reading that in l961 Kapiolani was NOT a hospital but a simple clinic only. I believe it was simply there to treat simple “boo-boos”!! CO
You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. I don’t support Obama or his refusal to disclose relevant information about himself that should be available to American citizens.
I don’t believe he is eligible to hold the office of POTUS based on his British/Kenyan citizenship at birth. I support challeges to his eligibility. I simply don’t believe that any of the eligibility suits thus far have legal standing. And I certainly don’t support Orly Taitz because she’s either mentally ill or an attention whore or both.
I am working on my own challenge in Texas against the Texas Democratic Party and the Texas Secretary of State to regarding the numerous Texas election laws they broke during the 2008 election and to require future absolute verification of presidential candidates’ eligibility under the Constitution.
You base your conclusions about me upon a single comment about birthers? Who’s pathetic? Don’t confuse my opinion of legal standing in the eligibility suits or my disdain for birthers who destroy the credibility of the eligibility issue with my support for Obama.
Born in Hawai. If that's the case Obama should release his birth certificate. I highly suspect grandma Dunham lied to Hawaii by saying [affidavit] Obama was born in Hawaii. You should wonder un-Curios why Fukino said that a day after Rep. Abercrombie-rat got Congress to pass a meaningless resolution stating Obama was born in Hawaii that is buried inside the resolution. That is called covered my butt because Congress said so too if this blows up in my [Fukino's] face.
So Hawaii gets Congress to state Obama was born in Hawaii? LoL! Like that's going to change the fact if Obama was NOT born in the state. Where Obama was born should be clearly apparent. Again, that's evasiveness.
He released pictures of his COLB, a hard copy of which is just as good for the purposes of proving place of birth in any court of low or any Federal agency. Now it's true, a hard copy, not just a picture, is necessary for proof, but sending out a hard copy to every citizen who requests one doesn't seem like a reasonable demand to me.
I highly suspect grandma Dunham lied to Hawaii by saying [affidavit] Obama was born in Hawaii.
And what, pray tell, is the basis of your suspicion?
You should wonder un-Curios why Fukino said that a day after Rep. Abercrombie-rat got Congress to pass a meaningless resolution stating Obama was born in Hawaii that is buried inside the resolution. That is called covered my butt because Congress said so too if this blows up in my [Fukino's] face.
Huh? I don't follow your logic here. She based here statement on what Hawaii's vital records state, not on the Congressional resolution.
So Hawaii gets Congress to state Obama was born in Hawaii?
No, Hawaii says its vital records show Obama was born in Hawaii. I don't see what the congressional resolution has to do with it.
Where Obama was born should be clearly apparent.
It is.
Again, that's evasiveness.
Only in your mind.
LOL. This is how false internet rumors get started. Someone "recalls reading" something that isn't true, then in gets repeated again and again until everyone just assumes it is true, and no one bothers to check.
That's how so many birthers came to believe the following falsehoods:
1) There was a State Department ban on travel to Pakistan by US citizens in 1981.
2) That Obama and his sister once said he was born in Queens hospital.
3) That Obama's sister has a Hawaiian COLB listing Hawaii as her birthplace.
4) That anyone born outside Hawaii can get a COLB that falsely says one was born in Hawaii.
5) That Obama's step-grandma says she whitnessed his birth in Kenya.
6) That McCain released his birth certificate to the public.
7) That McCain was born in Colon, Panama.
None of the above claims are true, yet birthers continue to repeat them, ad nausiam, over and over again as if they were gospel.
Let me give you a word of advice: don't believe everything you read.
I’ll gather some information (with links) on quo warranto for you and post it here.
Leo and Steve were hired to bring two actions on behalf of the auto dealers. First, they will petition the bankruptcy court for a re-hearing. Second, they will petition the D.C. District Court for leave to file a quo warranto against Obama and his administration.
If A.G. Holder and (separately) the current U.S. Attorney for the D.C. District Court refuse to initiate a quo warranto action, then Leo and Steve may petition the D.C. District Court for leave to file the action. Such an action is brought in the name of the U.S. ex relator. (IANAL)
Their “special interest” is the standing of their clients who have demonstrable injury caused by the direct actions of Obama AND his administration in the handling of the Chrysler bankruptcy action. They don’t have to prove that Obama and his administration took such actions because Obama is not an NBC. They essentially have to prove that their injuries were a direct result of the Obama Admininistration’s actions and that such actions were/are unconstitutional. Then they have to provide sufficient evidence that a question exists about Obama’s eligiblity to hold the office of POTUS (and by definition his administration’s eligibility to hold their appointed offices.) To do so they must prove that the definition of NBC is undefined as it pertains to Obama’s British/Kenyan citizenship at birth under the British Nationality Act.
Auto dealers have standing while active and retired military do not because their personal property was taken by order of the government under the bankruptcy agreement, which was orchestrated, negotiated, and approved by the Obama Administration. They sustained significant financial damage due to the bankruptcy agreement.
LoL, you are not convincing anyone. Obama released pictures of a fraudulent COLB that is placed on the Internet. Totally meaningless. Are you for real? You can print his Internet COLB on any printer and it would still not be worth a bucket of Obama dung. For Obama's COLB to have legal status is to submit it to a court of law to verify its veracity, or he can authorize Hawaii to release his birth certificate to a court.
And what, pray tell, is the basis of your suspicion?
And again, Obama could release his real Hawaiian birth certificate to a court of law to relieve suspicions. As you know, Hawaii accepted statements of person(s) who witnessed a birth in the state of Hawaii in lieu of a baby being born in a Hawaiian hospital.
Huh? I don't follow your logic here. She based here statement on what Hawaii's vital records state, not on the Congressional resolution.
What I said was clear.
No, Hawaii says its vital records show Obama was born in Hawaii. I don't see what the congressional resolution has to do with it.
Most likely Grandma Dunham said so to Hawaii. You are being dense again. I stated why above.
Only in your mind.
No evasiveness here but yours is.
Common Sense dictates that less official persons involved in creating or registering.recording a document makes it easier it commit fraud.:
State Practices Create Opportunities for Fraud
Delayed, Amended, and Midwife Birth Registrations Provide Opportunities for Fraud. State and local vital records staff say birth certificates issued based on delayed and amended birth registrations are more likely to be fraudulent. They also say they consider births registered by midwives, and other home births, to have a high potential for fraud.
Delayed birth registration occurs when a certificate of birth is not filed within the time specified by State law. Delayed birth registrations are sometimes the result of unattended home births, midwife births, and other out-of-hospital births.
The Model State and Vital Statistics Act and Regulations require delayed certificates to be issued for births not filed within 1 year. Based on our survey responses, the State median time frame for filing delayed registrations is 1 year, but varies from State-to-State and ranges between 10 days and 4 years.
Federal and State staff alerted us to problems with delayed birth registration. These problems arise from the lack of evidence required to file a delayed birth in some States. Not all States include information with birth certificates about the documentary evidence they accept as proof a birth occurred, and upon which delayed registrations are allowed, with delayed birth certificates. Likewise, the documentary evidence required to register delayed births is inconsistent among States. Forty-seven States accept affidavits of personal knowledge as proof a birth occurred, and 14 include no abstract of documentary evidence when issuing delayed birth certificates.
Amended birth registration occurs when changes are made to the vital information contained on the original birth registration. While we did not specifically address amended birth registrations in our survey, they were identified as problematic in our discussions with Federal agency and State vital records office staff. The overall concern surrounding amended registrations is similar to that of delayed registrations in that some States do not require substantial evidence to amend birth registrations and that birth certificates issued based on amended registrations are not clearly marked as having been amended. One State registrar also noted a growing problem in which adults are adopted by other adults, usually for inheritance purposes. In these cases, the adopted person undergoes a legal change of name and their birth record is altered, but the fact that the adoption took place is never recorded in any way on the original or amended birth certificate.
Midwife birth registrations were also identified as an area of concern. Midwives provide a valuable service in insuring the healthy delivery of children and accurate registration of births. However, out-of-hospital births attended by midwives have raised concerns. Sixteen State registrars indicate they have encountered problems specifically linked to midwife birth registration. Our discussions with Federal, State, and local staff during our onsite visits indicate that problems associated with midwife registrations are concentrated along the United States-Mexico border. In fact, midwife registration has become such a problem in one border city we visited that they now require a police officer to be called to the scene shortly after any midwife delivery to verify that the birth actually occurred in the United States. All 41 States that allow midwives to register births have procedures and guidelines in place for such registration, but only 17 of those States require information in addition to or different from that required for hospital births. The additional information required to register midwife births in these States can include attendant affidavits, prenatal and/or post-partum records, and notarized statements or other documentation verifying the birth took place. In addition, some States require that midwives provide documentation that the mother lived in the State at the time the birth occurred.
And you are simply an Obot one sentence Charlie that states “That is not true” to EVERYTHING. Not to mention that you have exaggerated some of the things. Nobody or few said a travel ban, they said “a travel warning” to Pakistan. You never really back up anything. And as to a COLB. Yeah you could take a live breathing baby into a hospital in Hawaii with a witness and they would certify that you had a Living baby (or birth). A puppy would work too.
Everything aside tho, it’s kinda sad that you are so unconcerned for WHO and WHAT is ruining your once wonderful country at such lightning speed. When the Islamic nukes start dropping on you or when the THUGS are at your door, you just might not take it so lightly. I am very sorry for you. CO
Actually, if I miscontrued that you were in favour of Obama being POTUS under the present circumstances then you have my apology. Sometimes, it helps if one makes their stanace absolutely clear tho. CO
Yes, I agree, it is easier to commit fraud in the case of a home birth. That still doesn't mean it is "likely" that Obama's birth was fraudulantly registered.
What makes you think it was likely? What possible motive would Bambi's grandma have? What evidence do you have that she did it?
What am I supposed to say when I read something that isn't true?
You never really back up anything.
I back up every positive factual assertion that I make.
When I deny a fact that someone else positively asserts, it is up to that person, not me, to back it up.
It really amuses me how birthers respond to me when I say "that's not true." If I say that something isn't true, and it really is true, then the appropriate response is to provide the evidence to show it is true.
But you birthers never do that. Instead you complain about my denial.
Well, put up of shut up. If my denail of your claims is so off base, then show me the evidence that proves your claims to be true.
Your failure to do so proves my point.
If Obie jrs parents were living in Honolulu Hawaii in 1961, they are very close to hospitals and would likely go to a hospital immediately upon indications of labor. A home birth in Honolulu is unlikely. In fact less than 1% of all births in the Hawaiian islands in 1961 were home births.
Of course his mother and grandmother had every reason to lie about his place of birth, if he was not born in the USA but in Kenya, he would not be an American citizen and would make it difficult for Stanley Ann (and grandma) to get custody. Please take off your blinders and look at this objectively.
What evidence do you have that he was born in a hospital and which one?
“...out of our WH in hand cuffs...”
Along with the others complicit in this fraud...Pelosi, Reid, et al.
LOL. The fact that you and some anonymous internet "guru," without any real credentials, thinks it is fraudulent doesn't make it so.
For Obama's COLB to have legal status is to submit it to a court of law to verify its veracity, or he can authorize Hawaii to release his birth certificate to a court.
Yes, if a court or law were to ask for it, that is what he would do. But no court has asked for it to date.
And again, Obama could release his real Hawaiian birth certificate to a court of law to relieve suspicions.
What makes you think he, or any court of law, takes your suspicions seriously?
What evidence can you provide to make a court think your suspicions anything more than a baseless, wild accusation?
As you know, Hawaii accepted statements of person(s) who witnessed a birth in the state of Hawaii in lieu of a baby being born in a Hawaiian hospital.
As does every state. So what? That doesn't stop the State Department or any other Federal agency from accepting birth certificates based on such testimony. If someone wants to assert that such a birth is fraudulant, then the burden is on him to prove it.
Now why don't you answer my question: what makes you think it is likely that Obama's birth was fraudulantly registered?
I agree, which is why I seriously doubt he was born at home. However, even if turned out he were born in the home, that would be no reason to suspect fraud.
Of course his mother and grandmother had every reason to lie about his place of birth, if he was not born in the USA but in Kenya, he would not be an American citizen and would make it difficult for Stanley Ann (and grandma) to get custody.
Barbara Streisand. If he were born in Kenya, he wouldn't have been born a US citizen, but it would be very easy for his mother to obtain naturalized citizenship for him, since she herself was a US citizen.
Why should she risk committing fraud when she could do everything legally?
Unless, of course, you think she was secretly planning for the day her son would run for President...
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