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Attn Liberals: How to advance from the govt plantation to fabulous wealth in only one generation!
July 15, 2009 | Jim Robinson

Posted on 07/15/2009 6:50:09 AM PDT by Jim Robinson

Based (loosely) on a true story:

If you wish to advance from the oppressive racist world that's holding you back and succeed beyond your wildest dreams, and do it all in the span of only ONE generation, you need go no further than simply study Barack Hussein Obama. Forget about the race pimps. Forget about socialism. Break the chains that bind you to the government plantation. Strike it rich and determine your own destiny based on your own God-given talents, resourcefulness, determination and dedication to task.

Here was a poor black child born to a shiftless communist black African man who already had two wives back home in his native Kenya, but knocked up his poor white trash 60's radical Marxist American girlfriend and married her anyway. Now just like what happens everyday in the ghetto, the shiftless father soon abandoned mother and child and ran off.

His mother eventually remarried to a black Muslim communist who took young Barack to Indonesia and enrolled him in Muslim schools where he studied communism and the Koran. But late at night, young Barack studied the Holy Bible, American history and law books by the flickering firelight of his little Indonesian hut.

The young boy then came to America to live with his stereotypical racist white grandmother in Hawaii. Now this is where it starts to get interesting. In American schools, he learned all about capitalism and business and finance and politics and world history and American government and the plight of all the poor black people who were treated as slaves and oppressed and held back for generations by evil white people.

Young Barack was very uncomfortable with his special worldly knowledge acquired as a world traveler which presented him with a vast array of confusing conundrums such as the failures and oppression of communism vs the success and freedom of capitalism, the goodness and hope of Christianity vs the evil oppressive radicalism of Islam, the oppressive ignorant socialist black government plantation world lorded over and exploited by flashy race pimps and do gooder racist black special interest groups vs the unlimited freedom and wealth unleashed by the knowledge and technology of the free capitalist white world. He didn't fit in well with either the blacks or whites in his neighborhood, but became determined at a young age that he was not going to waste his life playing basketball, though talented, nor drinking or doing drugs, a habit that got him through college but he managed to shake off, or rolling dice, gambling, though an excellent poker player, or pimping women, etc.

Instead, Barack Obama set his eyes on higher education! Through connections, got himself enrolled in some of the best white colleges he could find. He stayed away from drugs, gambling and hookers the best he could and concentrated on getting a first class education and a law degree.

Woo hoo! An Ivy League education and law degree from a good school is like getting a license to steal! Legally!

And plunder he did. But it took some hard work too. And a few connections and some grease for the skids. And some luck. And luckily, God had blessed him with good looks, sharp wit, good speaking skills, no conscience and a charismatic personality that could con the birds from the trees.

No plantations or ghettos for this formerly poor and oppressed young black man. No sir! He set his sights much higher!

He moved to Chicago where opportunity for sharp young black lawyers was virtually unlimited. He got married to an educated professional black girl and started raising a family. He developed connections and made political friends. He worked tirelessly night and day organizing his neighborhood and getting them all to vote his way.

Eventually, got himself elected to the state government. Now the opportunities were really opening up to him. He capitalized and profited wildly on his investments he made in education and developing his business networks of community leaders, movers and shakers. He discovered most profit could be earned by exploiting his connections, his ties to business and political leaders and the through the poor people he was striving to raise from poverty. And it worked! In spades! He now had hundreds of poor neighborhoods at his disposal that he could exploit for votes, money and power, so what the hay! Go for it!

The fortune and fame rolled in. Within a very short time an opportunity came for him to run for the U.S. Senate. And through connections, he capitalized, exploited for maximum exposure, leverage and profitability and earned a handsome profit on his investments. Woo hoo!! Nearly unlimited neighborhoods now open to exploitation!

Does he dare set his eye for the top prize? The U.S. Presidency? Now that would be daring! Here he is a lowly neighborhood organizer who barely had a term of state senate under his belt and only just elected to the U.S. Senate, but has an eye on the top! No experience necessary! If you've got the right connections and the cajones, go for the gold! So, instead of doing his duty to his senate constituency, he invested all of his time over the next several years, capitalizing and profiting on his connections and ties to the right people in the right places (wink, wink) and profited brilliantly on his investments. Even got shiny new cars to ride around in and a two-million dollar mansion in a good neighborhood for his family!

Woo hoo!! Ain't capitalism grand! Beats the everlovin' bird doohickey clean out of the alternative.

(to be continued)

Be sure to tune in later for the rest of the story.

TOPICS: Culture/Society; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: obama; ragstoriches

1 posted on 07/15/2009 6:50:09 AM PDT by Jim Robinson
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To: Jim Robinson


2 posted on 07/15/2009 6:54:26 AM PDT by RDTF ("I'm pretty sure this is a 2 man job once the shooting starts")
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To: Jim Robinson

Tell it like it is!

3 posted on 07/15/2009 6:57:36 AM PDT by taxtruth
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To: Jim Robinson

Excellent synopsis.

4 posted on 07/15/2009 6:57:38 AM PDT by b4its2late (Ignorance allows liberalism to prosper.)
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To: Jim Robinson
...knocked up his poor white trash 60's radical Marxist American girlfriend and married her anyway...

LOL, Oh no you di'int. Does Jim Thompson know you are posting inflammatory stuff like this on his site?

5 posted on 07/15/2009 6:58:11 AM PDT by abishai
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To: Jim Robinson

I never did like Jim Thompson!

6 posted on 07/15/2009 6:59:15 AM PDT by Zakeet (Obama: Always wrong, never in doubt.)
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To: Jim Robinson

This is plagiarized from whole cloth!

Jim Thompson wrote this!

;-) Excellent read!


7 posted on 07/15/2009 7:00:36 AM PDT by Islander7 (If you want to anger conservatives, lie to them. If you want to anger liberals, tell them the truth.)
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To: Jim Robinson
Unfortunately, George Soros played a big role in Barry's reversal of fortune.

Most people aren't going to have criminal billionaires as their personal sponsors.

8 posted on 07/15/2009 7:04:20 AM PDT by E. Pluribus Unum (Islam is a religion of peace, and Muslims reserve the right to kill anyone who says otherwise.)
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To: All

a photoshop challenge. This thread needs the ‘Aw Jeez, not those FReepers again’ guy, with zer0’s face on the guy.

9 posted on 07/15/2009 7:13:46 AM PDT by Servant of the Cross (the Truth will set you free)
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To: E. Pluribus Unum

Originally, after reading I was going to ask one basic question. Where did he get the heavy dough for University fees and accommodation?? Not from dad, not from Mom nor granny!

So, with that, was it handjobs for school fees?

How does someone come from no wheres and into the hands of George? Or other rich benefactors?

Obviously, they saw talent and groomed him.

We, my friends are in for a bad ride.

10 posted on 07/15/2009 7:24:31 AM PDT by himno hero
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To: Jim Robinson
Only in America!

Where not only can a poor black kid become a rich white superstar of entertainment, but also a where a poor black kid can become a superstar President who socializes the greatest capitalist nation on earth in less than one year.

What a country.

11 posted on 07/15/2009 7:25:55 AM PDT by TexasCajun
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To: Jim Robinson
“through connections ...through connections, ... and through connections ...

how did he position himself to make profitable connections ... especially in the beginning?

After getting into Harvard it was easy to see ... before that ???? How did he make connections that moved him over themselves.?

Bill Clinton seemingly had the same prowess at making connections ... how else could he become a Fulbright scholar?

What are the odds on him making connections at all these different stages/timing of his youth?


12 posted on 07/15/2009 8:00:57 AM PDT by geologist (The only answer to the troubles of this life is Jesus. A decision we all must make.)
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To: geologist

great handjobs?

Who is Larry Sinclair?

13 posted on 07/15/2009 8:35:43 AM PDT by himno hero
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To: Jim Robinson


Just like old Abe.

14 posted on 07/15/2009 8:39:03 AM PDT by <1/1,000,000th%
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To: himno hero
‘great handjobs?

Who is Larry Sinclair?’

I did not see Larry Sinclair mentioned in the article. I have no idea. Why do you ask about him?

15 posted on 07/15/2009 9:09:26 AM PDT by geologist (The only answer to the troubles of this life is Jesus. A decision we all must make.)
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