Posted on 07/11/2009 7:32:41 AM PDT by AuntB
More Democrat votes? Check.
Less jobs for southern Californians? Check.
More welfare recipients? Check.
Californians seem to have a death wish absent any organized objection to the political goals of Obama and the State Department under Hellarious Clinton.
Gaza on the Pacific?
A “moral imperative” for the U.S., my fanny.
More Democrat votes? Check.
Less jobs for southern Californians? Check.
More welfare recipients? Check.
Californians seem to have a death wish absent any organized objection to the political goals of Obama and the State Department under Hellarious Clinton.”
Yes, Ma’am!
Refugees “never imagined that they would be struggling to survive here in America,” says Alaa Naji....
Well dear Alaa, your hero Obambi did this to America. But I am sure you will receive more benefits ie; welfare, wic, food stamps, medicaid etc. That being there are many Americans here that cannot get those benefits when needed.
I think there’s a lot more at risk here than “ire.” Taking in these terrorists or terrorist wannabes is sheer folly, if not a deliberate attempt to bring terror onto our shores again.
Going to hell in a handbasket we are......
I don’t know about Southern California, but at least in Northern Cali the amount of trouble and hatred that these people kick up at colleges and Universities is...just OTHER-WORLDLY.
For no group as much as for Pali’s does “speech codes” not apply —they can scream anything in huge, brawling groups, and then be praised for it.
They are also permitted to be openly VIOLENT.
Only a US state that is completely insane would welcome these people.
A plan to put CA back on track financially perhaps? /s
“It will be the largest-ever resettlement of Palestinian refugees into the US and welcome news to the Palestinians who fled to Iraq after 1948 but who have had a tough time since Mr. Hussein was deposed in 2003”
This perfectly illustrates where their allegiances lie. So what do we do? We import them and their problems here.
“Well dear Alaa, your hero Obambi did this to America. “
Yes, but do remember, the Bush Administration started the program to resettle hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees.
The same thing over and over since Jimma' Carter and the Hmong refugee's.
Redistributing the wealth so to speak.
What a brilliant idea! Invite TERRORISTS into our own country- feed, house them, give them educations, then look supriosed as heck when they turn around and murder us for beign infidels in their minds! Heck- let’s just have a ‘reconize the radical silamics’ day, and open our borders to htem and welcome htem in without any quesitons asked- after all, it’s apparently our ‘moral obligation’ to ensure that we treat those who hate us with a passion with all manner of respect and ‘understanding’- to heck with protecting our own citizens!
Jordan doesn’t want them—what does that tell you.
oh, and let’s not forget to give them full access to online sites that show how to make roadside bombs, suicide belts, and rocket launchers while they are living free of charge, being pampered, and being heralded as ‘refugees from the tyranical Israeli world, and enjoying all the benifits afforded LEGAL, country loving and honoring citizens here i n the US
Good to see you gaijin!
Also of interest forwarded by NAFBPO today:
U.S. warns of multiple al-Qaida plots
July 7, 2009 - 3:04pm
Intelligence suggests al Qaida operatives are planning to plant multiple explosive devices in several locations. (AP File Photo)
J.J. Green,
WASHINGTON - Last week, German authorities discovered that groups of terrorists may have been dispatched from training bases in Pakistan to launch crippling attacks.
In April, U.S. intelligence officials warned Germany about possible terror attacks. Since that time German security officials have reportedly been preparing for massive, multi-layered attacks for which al-Qaida has become known.
Shortly after the April warning, German Ambassador Klaus Scharioth said in an unrelated interview, “You will understand that I can’t go into the details of the terrorist threat, but I can only tell you that we all know that we have to be vigilant and that we have to continue to work very hard on that, but I do not want to go into details.”
Intelligence suggests al-Qaida operatives are planning to plant multiple explosive devices in several locations and detonate them either in a simultaneous or sequential fashion.
U.S. and German intelligence sources say that strategy is designed to emulate the ones employed Bali in 2002 and Madrid in 2004. The idea is to draw in first responders to the scene after the first explosion, and then the subsequent explosions are set off in the same location to inflict maximum casualties.
A U.S. intelligence source with knowledge about the situation says “it is a credible threat, which also includes Germans in North Africa.”
They say as a minimum of 12 al-Qaida operatives who were trained in the tribal region of Pakistan have left the training camps and are headed back to their home countries. Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Egypt are just some of those countries.
According to the source, the threat levels also were raised for many other Western European countries to include concerns for “Turkish Airlines flying passengers from Istanbul to the U.S., the UK and Israel.”
The source says “passengers traveling out-bound from Istanbul to those locations on July Fourth were segregated, screened multiple times, including their bags and told there were concerns for Turkish Airlines flights to these locations.”
Another source headed to Chicago from Istanbul said they were told that there was a specific threat against Turkish Airlines flights headed to those places.
In the U.S., Turkish Airlines flies directly to New York and Chicago.
U.S. Intelligence and German media sources indicate the warning came from the U.S. government, but the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) had arrived at the same conclusion after picking up chatter that al-Qaida is planning an attack during the run-up to the Bundestag election to try to force Germany to withdraw from Afghanistan.
Scharioth is well aware of why Germany is a target.
“We are the third biggest troop contributor in Afghanistan, and we are also the fourth biggest contributor of civilian efforts, training and reconstruction and also trying to help the country to redo the education system, give more girls a chance to get an education and all those things - that’s one thing,” Scharioth says.
The operatives are thought to be skilled in obtaining, assembling and the detonation of explosives that could damage large buildings, disable transit systems and create mass casualties.
This alleged plot is only a part of what concerns Scharioth. A number of rogue nations may be on the verge of obtaining nuclear weapons and opening the door to al-Qaida to get ahold of them.
“We have to address the problem of nuclear proliferation because we would be very concerned, if say in 15-20 years, you have 20 nuclear weapon countries and of course the more nuclear weapon countries you have, the greater the risk and you also have to protect those nuclear weapons [so they don’t fall into the wrong hands],” Scharioth says.
Scharioth says he’s grateful that the U.S. and Germany are allies. He praises the cooperative effort given the alternative.
“We believe that the Cold War was dangerous enough. We were very close to a very, very bad situation and everybody who was bearing responsibility can tell you just how close we came,” Scharioth says.
The German government is reportedly concerned enough about this new threat that it is contemplating changes to its emergency response measures.
A U.S. intelligence source with knowledge about the situation says “it is a credible threat, which also includes Germans in North Africa.”
They say as a minimum of 12 al-Qaida operatives who were trained in the tribal region of Pakistan have left the training camps and are headed back to their home countries. Spain, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Egypt are just some of those countries.
According to the source, the threat levels also were raised for many other Western European countries to include concerns for “Turkish Airlines flying passengers from Istanbul to the U.S., the UK and Israel.”
The source says “passengers traveling out-bound from Istanbul to those locations on July Fourth were segregated, screened multiple times, including their bags and told there were concerns for Turkish Airlines flights to these locations.”
Another source headed to Chicago from Istanbul said they were told that there was a specific threat against Turkish Airlines flights headed to those places.[snips]
In the U.S., Turkish Airlines flies directly to New York and Chicago.
BEST foreign news here:
The National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers (NAFBPO) extracts and condenses the material that follows from Mexican and Central and South American on-line media sources on a daily basis. You are free to disseminate this information, but we request that you credit NAFBPO as being the provider.
Pfft. ‘Risking Israel’ ire...”
More likely we are deliberately poking them in the eye.
[[Jordan doesnt want themwhat does that tell you.]]
That our president is about as ignorant as they come?
[[More likely we are deliberately poking them in the eye]]
More like we’re shoving a Kassam Rocket (sp?) down their throats
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