Posted on 06/07/2009 6:39:23 PM PDT by jonatron
This guy truly doesn’t know who he is dealing with.
Obama’s friends are wrong.
The decision on that was made by a higher pay grade than his.
Would 0bama’s ballet-dancing hachetman allow the distruction of Israel?
"I knew Barack Obama for many years as my state senator when he used to attend events in the Palestinian community in Chicago all the time," stated Abuminah during an interview last year with Democracy Now!, a nationally syndicated radio and television political program.
"I remember personally introducing [Obama] onstage in 1999, when we had a major community fundraiser for the community center in Deheisha refugee camp in the occupied West Bank. And that's just one example of how Barack Obama used to be very comfortable speaking up for and being associated with Palestinian rights and opposing the Israeli occupation," Abunimah said.
Abunimah previously described meeting with Obama at a fundraiser at the home of Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi, reportedly a former PLO activist.
Except of course, that Israel admitted to a two hundred warhead nuclear arsenal when the Oslo accords were negotiated in 1998. And that they are believed by some military observers to have added between twenty five and thirty five more in each of the eleven years since then.
Other than that, it’s in site.
Watch this one.
I always wonder why the bad guys bother being bad guys...they’re obviously going to lose.
You mean the 78% of Jewish voters who voted for Obama?
Sorry, but God and the Archangel Michael are the protectors of Israel and it will NOT fall. There will be war and many lives may be lost, but Israel will stand in the end.
Because they’re really stupid and deceived by their friend, satan.
CUFI Bump.
LA TIMES!!!! Release the tape, dammit!
Abunimah is a Chicagoan and contributor to Obama’s campaign and ran with the Khalidi and Ayers group.
Abuminah is right, of course. One well-placed nuke and Israel no longer exists. All they have to do now is convince America to let it happen and they are home free. So, what better chance do the Palis have than when a Muzzie is occupying the White House?
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