Thanks,,I see parents everyday letting their kids off the hook, making excuses for the kid’s not embracing the idea that life is very long and what you do as an 18 year old will live with you.And it is hard to deny yourself “fun”.
I guess parents want “happy kids” and it is hard to watch them struggle. My parents had no difficulty with that,,they didn’t bat an eye at my studying all Christmas holiday, all summer, seven days a week. They thought it was grand.
WHen my daughter went to college, we discussed the sexual revolution and I told her one thing,,”you only have one reputation, one”
Twenty years later she told me it was the most powerful message she ever got.
The thing is that even if they do bail out their children or lower the bar, the kids will be more miserable than ever.
They're smart enough to know when they're being patronized. They know when everyone believes they can't cut it.
There is no greater reward than success if there is a real goal.