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Forget the Marine Corps, it's Climate Corps to the rescue
Oregon Legislature ^ | Oregon Legislature

Posted on 06/03/2009 7:30:21 AM PDT by aimhigh

With the world in crisis, forget the Army, Navy, Marine Corp, Americore or Job Corps. The Oregon legislature is about to pass a bill creating CLIMATE CORPS. Even though the Oregon general fund is $2 billion short, they are requiring the University of Oregon to create Climate Corps.

This bill has passed the Senate and it moving through the House. Here's the text:

Senate Bill 942

Relating to the Oregon Climate Corps; and appropriating money.
Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon:
SECTION 1. (1) The University of Oregon, after consultation with the Oregon State University Extension Service, shall, to the extent possible with any moneys received under subsection (3) of this section:
(a) Implement the Oregon Climate Corps through the University of Oregon Institute for a Sustainable Environment Climate Masters program to help Oregon residents, businesses and other entities increase their understanding of climate change, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to address the climate change challenges that Oregon faces. The Oregon Climate Corps shall be a trained corps of volunteers to act as catalysts in support of the efforts of public bodies as defined in ORS 174.109, the private sector and nongovernmental organizations.
(b) Model the Oregon Climate Corps described in paragraph (a) of this subsection on other successful public service programs, including but not limited to the Oregon State University Master Gardener and Master Recycler programs, AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps VISTA.
(2) Individuals participating in the Oregon Climate Corps shall be educated on projects meant to address climate challenges, including but not limited to:
(a) Carbon sequestration projects such as local
community tree-planting initiatives.
(b) Climate initiatives that emphasize affordable and easily implemented actions for homes, local communities, private businesses, schools and public entities.
(c) Educational projects to increase the implementation of cost-effective, easily achievable changes in practices.
(d) Projects related to renewable energy technologies. NOTE: Matter in boldfaced type in an amended section is new; matter [italic and bracketed] is existing law to be omitted.
(e) Energy conservation and efficiency projects, such as home weatherization and the installation of solar panels and other renewable energy technologies.
(f) Projects to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from transportation, from manufacturing
and from food and produce use and acquisition. (3)(a) The University of Oregon, after consultations with the Oregon State University
Extension Service, shall develop a long-term plan to fund the Oregon Climate Corps.
(b) The University of Oregon may accept grants, donations, contributions or gifts from any source for deposit in the Oregon Climate Corps Fund established under section 2 of this 2009 Act for expenditures for any purpose consistent with this section.

SECTION 2. The Oregon Climate Corps Fund is established in the State Treasury, separate and distinct from the General Fund. Interest earned by the Oregon Climate Corps Fund shall be credited to the fund. Moneys in the fund are continuously appropriated to the University of Oregon for the purposes specified in section 1 of this 2009 Act.

TOPICS: Government; Politics/Elections; US: Oregon; Your Opinion/Questions
KEYWORDS: climate; globalwarming; oregon
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Total insanity on display.
1 posted on 06/03/2009 7:30:21 AM PDT by aimhigh
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To: aimhigh

Every day every thing I read about the government is like sick satire yet it is real...

2 posted on 06/03/2009 7:32:16 AM PDT by Dubya-M-DeesWent2SyriaStupid!
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To: aimhigh
(a) Carbon sequestration projects such as local community tree-planting initiatives.

So what's the plan for sequestering the wood from those trees so their carbon content is not released back into the atmosphere?

There isn't one?

I'm not surprised.

3 posted on 06/03/2009 7:33:10 AM PDT by sionnsar (IranAzadi|5yst3m 0wn3d-it's N0t Y0ur5:SONY|"AlsoSprachTelethustra"-NonValueAdded|Lk21:36|FireTheLiar)
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To: aimhigh; OKSooner; honolulugal; Killing Time; Beowulf; Mr. Peabody; RW_Whacko; SideoutFred; ...
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FReepmail me to get on or off

Ping me if you find one I've missed.

eco-terrorists go eco-brownshirts.
4 posted on 06/03/2009 7:33:35 AM PDT by xcamel (The urge to save humanity is always a false front for the urge to rule it. - H. L. Mencken)
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To: aimhigh

I would be thrilled o be titled Climate Master.

5 posted on 06/03/2009 7:34:33 AM PDT by DBrow
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To: aimhigh

Do we all have to go to climate boot camp to get our minds right?

6 posted on 06/03/2009 7:35:44 AM PDT by Old Teufel Hunden
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To: Salvation


7 posted on 06/03/2009 7:36:34 AM PDT by sionnsar (IranAzadi|5yst3m 0wn3d-it's N0t Y0ur5:SONY|"AlsoSprachTelethustra"-NonValueAdded|Lk21:36|FireTheLiar)
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To: aimhigh

Oregon conservatives should sign up and then pass out literature exposing the globul warming

8 posted on 06/03/2009 7:36:45 AM PDT by penelopesire ("The only CHANGE you will get with the Democrats is the CHANGE left in your pocket")
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To: NoObamaFightForConservatives
Every day every thing I read about the government is like sick satire yet it is real...

Our governments are completely out of control.

9 posted on 06/03/2009 7:37:53 AM PDT by sionnsar (IranAzadi|5yst3m 0wn3d-it's N0t Y0ur5:SONY|"AlsoSprachTelethustra"-NonValueAdded|Lk21:36|FireTheLiar)
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To: sionnsar

Yes and the question is what can we do? Voting won’t work anymore ACORN has that covered.

10 posted on 06/03/2009 7:40:08 AM PDT by Dubya-M-DeesWent2SyriaStupid!
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To: sionnsar

No, IN control, Komrad.

11 posted on 06/03/2009 7:40:30 AM PDT by ichabod1 (I am rolling over in my grave and I am not even dead yet (GOP Poet))
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To: aimhigh
Its' Jimmah "Malaise" Carter's Energy Browns, revisited.
Coming to a locale near you...

12 posted on 06/03/2009 7:42:25 AM PDT by skinkinthegrass (When you put Democrats in charge, stupid / deadly things happen... :^)
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To: aimhigh


THanks for posting.

Bigger question. How much longer before they try to form Ecotopia?

(Hint -
The book is set in a 1999 future (25 years in the future, seen from 1974) and consists of the diary entries and reports of William Weston, a reporter who is the first American proper to investigate Ecotopia, a newly formed country that broke from the USA in 1980. This country consists more or less of the territory of the former states of Oregon and Washington, plus Northern California. The book is a combination of narrative from his diary and reports that he sent to his publication, the Times-Post.

Together with Weston, who at the beginning is curious about, but not particularly sympathetic to, Ecotopia, we learn about the Ecotopian train system, life style, war sports, politics (the president is a woman, Vera Allwen), gender relations, sexual freedom, energy production, agriculture, education, and so on. Ecotopian citizens are characterized as free-thinking, creative and energetic, but also socially responsible and often inclined to work in team configurations. The novel concludes with Weston becoming an Ecotopian.)

13 posted on 06/03/2009 7:43:59 AM PDT by ASOC (Who IS that fat lady, and why is she singing?????)
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To: aimhigh

Lunacy doesn’t cure anything, and unfortunately, there is no cure for liberal lunacy. Reality doesn’t work, so obviously global cooling doesn’t shame the warming propagandists. The liberal lunatics are dreaming up insane policies in their crazy, little minds, pretending to save the Earth while destroying everything for everyone for decades, if not centuries to come. ...We must be in the last days, because global, demonic mind control is the only thing that can cause this kind of mass stupidity.

14 posted on 06/03/2009 7:59:11 AM PDT by pallis
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To: sionnsar

Dang... I already planted a couple of trees. I wonder if the OR Gov will still pay me for my valuable carbon sequestering. Probably not, since I did it of my own free will.

15 posted on 06/03/2009 7:59:13 AM PDT by kamikaze2000
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To: NoObamaFightForConservatives
Yes and the question is what can we do?

Keep on doing what we've been doing all along.


After a couple of decades contributing money to campaigns, working on campaigns, passing out literature, walking parades, making and putting up yard signs, waving signs... only to see work left undone because we didn't have enough volunteers so the Left just rolled over us time and again... I am done. Who is John Galt?

America -- a great idea, didn't last.

16 posted on 06/03/2009 8:59:03 AM PDT by Clint Williams (Read Roto-Reuters -- we're the spinmeisters | America -- a great idea, didn't last.)
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To: Clint Williams

ACORN will ensure a win. So a republican needs to dismantle and further expose and shut them down, for starters. It is quite simple. They won’t because they are all on the take corrupt.

17 posted on 06/03/2009 9:02:17 AM PDT by Dubya-M-DeesWent2SyriaStupid!
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To: aimhigh
I fully expect them to try to copy this stupidity here in MN next session.
18 posted on 06/03/2009 9:27:21 AM PDT by WOBBLY BOB (ACORN:American Corruption for Obama Right Now)
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To: sionnsar
So what's the plan for sequestering the wood from those trees so their carbon content is not released back into the atmosphere?

I've been asking this same question for a while.

Short of digging a very deep hole, harvesting the trees, and then burying them, most of the carbon will be back in the atmosphere within about 100 to 200 years.

That is a short blip in the geologic timescale for global warming.

Of course, in order to bury the trees deep, CO2 will be produced to saw the wood and transport, also to dig the hole and bury. The extra equipment to do this worldwide would cause a lot of industrial activity. I see entropy at work here. There really isn't a way to get CO2 out of the atmosphere for a long time period in any meaningful way, except maybe if the process were nuclear powered.....

19 posted on 06/03/2009 9:56:39 AM PDT by SteamShovel (When hope trumps reality, there is no hope at all.)
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To: aimhigh; TenthAmendmentChampion; Horusra; Delacon; CygnusXI; Entrepreneur; Defendingliberty; ...

Beam me to Planet Gore !

20 posted on 06/03/2009 11:07:37 AM PDT by steelyourfaith ("The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money" - Lady Thatcher)
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