Posted on 05/11/2009 4:05:08 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
Conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh took the high road Monday following Wanda Sykes saying he is a terrorist and making other acerbic comments about him during a comedic routine at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner over the weekend.
Talk-radio fans and political junkies buzzed in anticipation about what Mr. Limbaugh might say on his national, three-hour radio show.
Instead of retaliating against Ms. Sykes, Mr. Limbaugh spent much of the show praising former Vice President Dick Cheney, who on Sunday was much kinder.
"What motivates Dick Cheney," Mr. Limbaugh asked rhetorically numerous times during his show. "He has all the millions he needs. He doesn't want to run for election. He's not hot for interns. He is not a torture freak."
Mr. Limbaugh eventually said Mr. Cheney continues to open himself to attacks by the liberal "drive-by media" because he is an American who speaks from his heart.
Mr. Cheney said Sunday on "Face the Nation" that Limbaugh is more representative of the Republican Party than former Secretary of State Colin Powell, whom he presumed left the party when supporting Barack Obama in the presidential race.
Ms. Sykes' comments about Mr. Limbaugh while hosting the annual Washington event Saturday night drew a mix of laughter and boos.
"Rush Limbaugh said he hopes this administration fails," Ms. Sykes said. "He just wants the country to fail. To me, that's treason. He's not saying anything different than what Osama bin Laden is saying. You might want to look into this, sir, because I think Rush Limbaugh was the 20th hijacker. But he was just so strung out on OxyContin, he missed his flight.
Rush Limbaugh, 'I hope the country fails,' I hope his kidneys fail, how about that? He needs a good waterboarding, that's what he needs."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
The only thing I smoke is tobacco and liberals. If you can show me where Slick Willie ever specifically criticized a Bush policy I’ll be happy to apologize for not remembering it.
Ahhhhh...I hadn’t thought of that.
Did Rush piss in your cornflakes or something?
That's sort of what my fellow conservative business partner said at lunch today. He said "If somebody was personally insulting and blaming you for _____ fill in the blank than you can't just sit there and not defend yourself." I'll say to you the same thing I said to him.... If it was a personal attack on Dick Cheney he can respond....
I can say that Barack Hussein Osama is a Marxist weakling who will get us all killed by showing weakness and ruin America. I'm just a jackass with a modem in my shorts and a sweatshirt. I'm sorry, former Presidents and VPs can't say stuff like that.
“I wonder how much longer they’ll listen, just in case he does respond...”
Hopefully it is at least as long as they realize that they are moving in the wrong direction.
I'm sure I can easily find more. I left out the numerous criticisms he made in '07 and '08 in the run up to Hillary's run
No wonder this woman is such a foul mouthed and bitter lesbian. She looks like the southern end of a north bound orangutan.
She and BO are as crass and disgusting as they come. Breeding will tell.
Amen! And I’m so, so glad to hear Rush didn’t waste time on that loser, Wanda Skanks. I only got to listen to him for about 1/2 hour (busy day at work), but I’m glad he ignored her.
And no, we don’t worship Rush here. But we know a great American when we see one!
Have you built a shrine?
OK, I apologize. Clinton is a douche. (I’m not coming down off the mountain with the tablets with that little tidbit) But I was hoping you would find something more substantive in your search beside Lifesite News and a blog nobody has ever heard of.
When did he ever criticize operation Iraqi Freedom in a major speech or national newspaper for example?
It’s good he didn’t dignify it with a response. Ann ignored Meghan McCain when she baited her, and it drove the MSM batty. They were really hoping Ann would come out swinging. I’ve actually seen stories where they try to make it look like she did by saying something like, “Meghan McCain expected a fair fight when she took on Ann Coulter. What she got back were jokes about her weight.” As if Ann had been the one doing that.
One can hope!
Yeah, you’re right. If it wasn’t in the New York Times, he never really said it.
Sorry that the AP pulled the story from their archives.
And lets not forget, that all these years his VEEP was on his descent into insanity over everything Bush, while his wife was accusing W of knowing about 9-11 beforehand among other things.
Look, I hate it when fellow FReepers demand hard evidence too. As conservatives, we’re like that. We believe that even the most reprehensible deserve due process....after which they should be given a stiff sentence.
Just a tip, it’s usually the same stupid people like me with the same stupid questions.
Just save the crap to your homepage and the next time just hit copy and paste.
You’re probably right. There might have been a criticism at a dinner somewhere.
I still stand by my original premise, and much more importantly the living former Presidents and VP’s adhere to....don’t criticize a sitting administration.
Politics is a bloodsport, but even in a real bloodsport like war there is a warriors code and certain things you don’t do.
humblegunner: not much of a gunner...but apparently, with much to be humble about.
You must be one angry, jealous fellow because there isn't one shred of evidence for "worship" here. You're spouting nonsense.
I think it’s a good move on his part not to engage this low life bitch in any way. There’s nothing to gain by going down into the mud with this loser. Her comments were WAY over the top. He’s punishing her by just letting her have the first/last word on the matter. Her horrible comments are now left frozen in time, and the president was seen on camera laughing when she said these things.
Probably more like 24 out of 25. The pervert comic circuit has only a minor following and one would think that few of the few would overlap with Rush's audience.
Ha! Good one! You go!!!
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