This money would of bought a lot of class room supplies, teachers are complaining they have to buy.... a lot of lunches, trips to zoo, or what ever...
This money would of bought a lot of class room supplies, teachers are complaining they have to buy.... a lot of lunches, trips to zoo, or what ever...
Your stimulus dollars at work for a more fair society.
Exactly why I really am not a big fan of unions. I am not a union member, but in the past was part of CWA (Communications Worker of America) when I worked for Western Union in the early 1980’s—it was a joke—the head of the local was working 3 days for the union and 2 days for the company. Number one, most labor legislation is solidly in place so the issue of workers rights at a basic level already taken care of. Too much of union due is spent on lobbyists and internal bureaucracy. If union efforts were spent strictly on collective bargaining when contract time comes up and on local arbitration efforts between company and individual employees when various problems arise the actual money needed would be a good deal less. But you have union bigwigs collecting fat salaries (Wonder what Randi Weingarten’s salary is?) and heaps of money going to lobbyists trying to influence legislators. I am not saying that there shouldn’t be any union at all, but a less pervasive union.
The public employee unions are single-handedly destroying the state of California. Let it be a warning to the rest of the nation.