Posted on 04/08/2009 6:09:34 AM PDT by outpostinmass2
Bostonians should get really mad and make sure to kick out Barney Frank from office and then head up to NY and riot in the NY Times building.
“We’re suffering from a double whammy: A bad recession and a self-defeating business model. “
Don’t forget acting as public enabler for corruption in Massachusetts and Washington.
Ya put out a crappy product, and eventually the public stops buying it. The solution is to fix the product, but those running newspapers are not even aware that their product is crappy. They think it is just fine, and that the public need education (or perhaps govt-sponsored “re-education”). Until they realize their product is crap, newspapers are going to continue circuling the drain.
I don't think you really want to know.
So if times are so difficult, why do they still have 13 unions and have some members who have jobs for life?
Advertising revenue has plummeted because most normal folks don’t want to read the Globe’s leftist, “all gay, all the time” slant on everything.
Let it close.
What did you think was going to happen? You catered to the political party that wants as many illiterates in society as possible so they can be brainwashed through flashing pictures on the TV. You stood foursquare for the evil teacher’s union and its policy of educational destruction.
You got what you asked for, Globe. Liberals can’t read any more. They watch TV instead of taking your cage liner.
Dear Boston Globe,
I saw your story posted on and was interested enough in the novelty of asking your viewers their opinion to follow the link to your site. I thought it interesting that you would elect comments even when you so quickly dismiss your alienation of conservative viewers as a contributory reason for your loss in readership.
Unfortunately you require registration even to view the comments, not to mention adding one of my own, so I dropped out. The likelihood is that you will never know the reason for your business failure - you’re so certain that you already know that you erect walls to your own curiosity.
Perhaps Craigslist can find a job for you...
The internet is killing newspapers. Thats it. If it was the content, then ALL their news sources would be suffering and we’d be hearing about CNN or MSNBC going out of business. Unfortunately, that is not the case.
Marxism, socialism and the destruction of the US?
Must have forgotten about those who will not subscribe because of content. I'm sure the ommission is because of oversight and not bias.
Let the papers die.
Free market solutions to Commie problems.
elect = elicit
I actually know someone at my daily paper and we actually had some discussions and all I heard were the same self serving rationalizations printed in this column.
Best regards,
It means I’d have to use the MetroWest Daily to clean up after puppies.
***... fewer than 10 percent of subscription cancelers cite disagreement with content as their motivation. The big reasons: No time to read, delivery problems, and cost.***
Since I live in Western NY, I subscribed to the Buffalo News. Years ago I called to cancel it and was handed over to the woman I believe was the president’s secretary. She asked why I was canceling. I told her I wouldn’t read anymore of their leftist propaganda. She very rudely hung up on me. I wonder how many Boston Globe readers actually got counted as not wanting to read their propaganda.
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