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Obama volunteers: "We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army."
The Birmingham News ^
| March 22, 2009
Posted on 03/22/2009 4:42:50 PM PDT by Jim Hill
"We're looking for supporters," said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event's organizers. "We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
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To: cripplecreek
Or, better yet--if he's removed before his term is up for some kind of gross negligence bordering on treason. He's already teetering on the brink. Call them gaffes if you must, but these loose blue lips of his tend to spout off his true feelings. One of these days, he's gonna be off teleprompter and say something truly dangerous, the result of which may cost US lives. At that point, the Obamabots will cry and whine and accuse Bush for making Obama say the wrong thing...but, perhaps then, we can get this tool out of office. The Congress will have no choice but to remove him. (Hey, I know it's a long shot, but a girl can dream, can't she?)
posted on
03/23/2009 1:33:56 PM PDT
(The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in a period of moral crisis, stay neutral)
To: EdReform
I’m currently using Sabre brand. Future daughter-in-law’s father is a disabled law enforcement officer who has a business selling it and other LEO related items. It has CS Military Tear Gas Oleoresin, Capsicum (red pepper) and UV dye. I like their tagline: “Making grown men cry since 1975!” :)
posted on
03/23/2009 1:33:57 PM PDT
(OBAMA - One Big A$$ Mistake, America)
To: wastedyears
Well need ports; Im afraid that that would pretty much rule out the midwest. Though trying to hold on to the corners of the country wouldnt be too good either. A few states next to each other would be ideal, with at least two having ports. Then again, each of those states would need their own natural resources as well.
Texas has ports - Houston and Galvaston. We also have lots of natural resources, to wit: oil, agriculture, armored divisions (Ft. Hood), fighter aircraft (airbases all over the place), a nuclear weapons manufacturing facility (Pantex, near Amarillo), 50 million gun owners, etc., etc. Methinks that the DeHavens of the world are in for a very, very rude awakening if they try to throw some army around down here.
Please come, Chrissy. That'll help straighten things out for quite some time.
posted on
03/23/2009 1:34:09 PM PDT
(Tyrant-wannabee: "Spartans, lay down your weapons." Free man: "Persian, come and get them!")
To: softwarecreator
C’mon, seriously, this guy is not going to have an army.
I agree. I don’t think he is implying it will be his. I think he’s implying when the Civilian army gets rolling.
posted on
03/23/2009 1:34:40 PM PDT
( Idiots elected a Marxist ideologue with narcissistic personality disorder & America is dying.)
To: FlingWingFlyer
They just need an army of liars and friends in the police.
posted on
03/23/2009 1:34:51 PM PDT
(The United States of America Rest in Peace November 4 2008)
To: 444Flyer
Good grief, the pieces just keep coming together.
By the way, I ordered a copy of ‘The Plan’.
posted on
03/23/2009 1:35:08 PM PDT
To: Ancesthntr
The civil war was a long time in coming and could have been prevented many years before. Unfortunately too many before him chose to kick the can down the road.
By the time Lincoln took office I doubt he could have avoided it if he had wanted to.
posted on
03/23/2009 1:35:34 PM PDT
(The poor bastards have us surrounded.)
To: jennyjenny
This dipstick accidentally let the cat out of the bag.
Then some people wonder why gun and ammo sales are through the roof!
posted on
03/23/2009 1:36:19 PM PDT
(Maria Bartiromo for Treasury Secretary!)
To: Allegra
Really now? Then perhaps we Americans should start looking for a fight...before you have your illegal army.
if he starts forming that army like he said he would, during the campaign and recently, and if he is allowed to do it by Congress, it must be stopped. I don’t care if 50 million have to camp out in DC for a week, it MUST be stopped.
posted on
03/23/2009 1:37:01 PM PDT
( Idiots elected a Marxist ideologue with narcissistic personality disorder & America is dying.)
To: alecqss
“What” is the exact same word I said when I read that too!
To: sport
“Straight from the horses ass.”
Exactly. If a horse farts, you know crap is not far behind!
posted on
03/23/2009 1:37:24 PM PDT
("When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Ps. 11:3)
posted on
03/23/2009 1:37:26 PM PDT
(Americans only hear the word "free", but never hear "just pay the shipping and handling")
To: swheats
Wonder what the anti-gunners plan on using for weapons?
Taken from the our military that he will begin to decrease and defund.
posted on
03/23/2009 1:37:43 PM PDT
( Idiots elected a Marxist ideologue with narcissistic personality disorder & America is dying.)
To: Frantzie
I wonder which state will be the first to secede—Texas or Alaska?
posted on
03/23/2009 1:38:03 PM PDT
(Maria Bartiromo for Treasury Secretary!)
To: Jim Hill
They might want to first get some guns and learn how to shoot. Could come in handy in their liberal army.
To: Jim Hill
OK Obamabots, let's rock...
To: anniegetyourgun
Apparently, Mr. Gibbs announced in todays WH briefing that over 1 million Obamanites were out doorbelling this past weekend.
1 million vs. 45 or more million. Good luck
posted on
03/23/2009 1:38:31 PM PDT
( Idiots elected a Marxist ideologue with narcissistic personality disorder & America is dying.)
To: Servant of the Cross
The key to General Petraeus’s success is that he does what needs to be done without hate, anger or resentment. He has true Grace and it shows on his face. Good will always triumph over Evil.
posted on
03/23/2009 1:39:19 PM PDT
("Hey Liberals.. We don't lower our standards, so up yours!" - Andrew Wilkow show)
To: Jim Hill
Wonder what the anti-gunners plan on using for weapons?Spitballs?
posted on
03/23/2009 1:39:48 PM PDT
(OBAMA - One Big A$$ Mistake, America)
To: angelcindy
Twisting the lyrics from that old Door’s song:
“They’ve got the numbers, but we got the guns”.
posted on
03/23/2009 1:41:01 PM PDT
(The Obamas have all the class of the Clintons and none of the charm.)
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