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Obama volunteers: "We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army."
The Birmingham News ^
| March 22, 2009
Posted on 03/22/2009 4:42:50 PM PDT by Jim Hill
"We're looking for supporters," said DeHaven of Hoover, one of the event's organizers. "We're not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
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To: Brad from Tennessee
Guess that is why no one showed up at my house.
I was actually hoping they would. I was hoping for a minority to show up so I could give them a history lesson about Ms. Sanger and a few quotes from her.
But that’s just me. :-)
To: Jim Hill
One of those “Organizing for America” O-bots showed up at a community yard sale in Williamsburg, VA Saturday. I don’t think she had any takers, though (thank God).
posted on
03/23/2009 9:31:49 AM PDT
(Christian and armed)
To: ScottinVA
I think that is why the thread is slow thus far. If the quote was in the headline, this one would be off the chart.
Lots of pings, but not alot of traffic thus far.
To: ScottinVA
Should I re-post this article with the quote?
To: del4hope
I live in rural West Tennessee. We have Republicans, Dixiecrats and African-Americans who talk like peckerwoods. In the cities, of course, it is more polarized.
posted on
03/23/2009 9:35:54 AM PDT
Brad from Tennessee
("A politician can't give you anything he hasn't first stolen from you.")
To: del4hope
Thanks. Actually, my question was more a rant directed at the Birmingham News. I am amazed they didn’t put that in the headline. Imagine a conservative grassroots group saying something like that.
posted on
03/23/2009 9:35:55 AM PDT
(Christian and armed)
To: RushIsMyTeddyBear
How about this headline: Obama volunteer: Fight Will Come 'When We Have an Army' ?
posted on
03/23/2009 9:38:25 AM PDT
(The right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed *NRA*JPFO*SAF*GOA*SAS*CCRKBA)
To: ScottinVA
I thought about using that quote in the title of the article I posted, but Free Republic guidelines suggest including the original title when posting. Do you think a duplicate thread should be started with the Were not looking for a fight. That will come later, when we have an army quote as the headline and a link back to this original thread would be useful? Would the moderator pull it?
To: RushIsMyTeddyBear
Rather than starting a new thread, maybe the mods will modify the title of it. If Drudge does link it, it will take off with a second thread.
To: EdReform
That sounds good. Can somebody contact a mod? I don’t know how.
To: Jim Hill
I see why you did it this way. It would be rather lengthy with the quote too.
To: Jim Hill; Jim Robinson; Admin Moderator
I would suggest this belongs in “Breaking News”
posted on
03/23/2009 9:43:53 AM PDT
Neil E. Wright
(An OATH is FOREVER (NRA member))
To: EdReform
I think the “later” is critical to the statement.
To: Neil E. Wright
But we have to wait until the left HAS their army/sarc.
To: Neil E. Wright; Jim Robinson; Admin Moderator
I would be happy for the thread to be edited in some way to highlight the controversial comment made in the article, and also to add it to “Breaking News.”
To: Jim Hill
WOW! Talk about your “leaking”.
posted on
03/23/2009 9:52:44 AM PDT
(Don't beLIEve Obama.............................Never give up, never give in, never give out!)
To: WhistlingPastTheGraveyard
The guns they confiscate from us.
Do you seriously think people will hand over their guns to these thugs? NO WAY IN HELL!
posted on
03/23/2009 9:55:05 AM PDT
( Idiots elected a Marxist ideologue with narcissistic personality disorder & America is dying.)
To: FlingWingFlyer
I’m wondering if the army is the “volunteer” army? The one they are trying to legislate.
posted on
03/23/2009 9:55:10 AM PDT
(Liberalism leads to Socialism)
To: Jim Hill
I’d like to see them back that up. I’m not afraid to die for my country.
posted on
03/23/2009 9:55:40 AM PDT
((The struggle continues))
To: MrB
I believe thats the WHOLE/PRIMARY point of this canvassing for support - making a list of dissenters. Yep.
Take their picture, demand their name, address, phone number and email address before saying anything else to them. Then say nothing. Then follow them to tell your neighbors to do the same.
posted on
03/23/2009 9:56:11 AM PDT
("We have a right to debate and disagree with any administration!" (HRC))
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