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Fringe group of enviros vandalizing homes, cars (Tucson, AZ)
Arizona Daily Star ^
| March 1, 2009
| Tom Beal
Posted on 03/01/2009 11:26:54 AM PST by jazusamo
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posted on
03/01/2009 11:26:54 AM PST
To: jazusamo
Save the Scenic Santa Ritas I suppose by building a large stand of gigantic windmills. Sometimes I don't think these whack-jobs have the brains it takes to read with.
posted on
03/01/2009 11:29:39 AM PST
(It's a common fact, one can't be liberal and rational at the same time.)
To: george76; girlangler; Flycatcher
Wonder if Dr. Jerry Vlasak speaks for Tucson H.A.A.N.D. also?
posted on
03/01/2009 11:31:54 AM PST
(But there really is no free lunch, except in the world of political rhetoric,.: Thomas Sowell)
To: jazusamo
This is what you get when you make a religion of environmentalism and do your best to destroy respect for other people's lives and property.
posted on
03/01/2009 11:32:12 AM PST
To: Tarpon
You’re right, thousands of windmills on hillsides don’t exactly add to the scenic beauty.
posted on
03/01/2009 11:34:07 AM PST
(But there really is no free lunch, except in the world of political rhetoric,.: Thomas Sowell)
To: jazusamo
I’ve never understood the logic there. One oil well and they picket, cover the landscape with windmills whacking eagles out of the sky, and they stand in awe. Stupid liberals.
See tagline ...
posted on
03/01/2009 11:36:00 AM PST
(It's a common fact, one can't be liberal and rational at the same time.)
To: jazusamo
A terrorist is a terrorist.
These neuronally challenged thugs are the libtard products of CNN and publik skools.
posted on
03/01/2009 11:37:12 AM PST
(When the past no longer illuminates the future, the spirit walks in darkness.)
To: marktwain
If environmentalism was really a religion to these wackos, they’d be more like Aldo Leopold, who espoused wildlife management and conservation, including hunting and fishing. It seems more like an excuse than a religion (I’m pretty sure none of these enviros knows about the habitat required for healthy wild turkey, ruffed grouse and deer populations).
posted on
03/01/2009 11:39:51 AM PST
(Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice)
To: jazusamo
My wife lectures me that it's unChristian to hate, but I can't help it when it comes to these eco-punks.
Their self-righteousness is only matched by their imbecility. For the really destructive ones (such as the arsonists) no punishment is too severe in my eyes.
Thanks for the ping, kind sir!
posted on
03/01/2009 11:42:59 AM PST
(God speaks to us, through the supernal lightness of birds, in a special type of poetry.)
To: jazusamo
I do believe this is going to be a very long hot summer all over this great land of ours.
And I am not just talking about the environmental Whack Jobs either. Things are going to come to a head.
People all over are saying there is an ill wind in the air in general. I am not just talking about conservatives either, people of all different stripes are saying this as well.
Dear Lord Pray for Us.
posted on
03/01/2009 11:43:33 AM PST
( Live Free or Die; Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death)
To: 12Gauge687
“If environmentalism was really a religion to these wackos, theyd be more like Aldo Leopold,”
Religions (or other ideologies) don’t have to make sense, be rational, or even be good for society. They only have to be able to attract enough followers to keep their ideas alive.
To: waxer1
When radicals of any kind vandalize and taunt people in their own homes they should be stopped immediately. As you say, many are getting more than fed up with it.
posted on
03/01/2009 11:50:50 AM PST
(But there really is no free lunch, except in the world of political rhetoric,.: Thomas Sowell)
To: 12Gauge687
(Im pretty sure none of these enviros knows about the habitat required for healthy wild turkey, ruffed grouse and deer populations).Very true. Wildlife-worshiping environmentalism seems to be an urban phenomenon. The more removed one is from rural countryside and remote wilderness, the greater the likelihood one will buy into the anti-human aspects of modern environmentalism.
posted on
03/01/2009 12:00:40 PM PST
(God speaks to us, through the supernal lightness of birds, in a special type of poetry.)
To: sauropod
posted on
03/01/2009 12:10:58 PM PST
(Mean Capitalist Bastard)
To: 12Gauge687
It's the result of immense privilege. Just as the hippies (relatively benign) grew out of the prosperity of the late 40's, 50's and 60's, the current crop of activists are the result of the tremendous prosperity of the 80's and 90's.
In other words, they are completely, and utterly spoiled rotten.
My personal opinion is to consider them terrorists and treat them accordingly. Take every single one of these spoiled brats and drop them in maximum security prisons. I'd love to see the reaction on an ELFer's face when he has to repeatedly take one up the a$$ from a lifer.
To: jazusamo
Frankly, when I read stories such as these about arsonists posing as enviro-whatevers, it gets me angered enough to suggest that when these individuals are caught, they should be taken to the nearest vacant lot, tied to a stake with wire, and sent to their reward in a cloud of smoke. If a public execution cannot be safely carried out, then a very poetic Retribution Alternative at Night, Dammit (RAAND) sounds like a workable solution!
The next action should be an investigation to determine who is behind the indoctrination of the morons previously captured and executed. Cut that snake off at the head, and no more snake problems.
posted on
03/01/2009 12:33:00 PM PST
(In Ulcisci, Fidelitas)
To: jazusamo
2-3 yrs in Levenworth makeing fine sand from large rocks, 12 hours a day, plenty of baloney sanwich meals, cheerio breakfasts, oughta lead them to choose a new pastime.
posted on
03/01/2009 12:44:12 PM PST
To: jazusamo
Firebombings, vandalism and other mischief. I’d say that anybody would be well within their rights to shoot such people on their property as a threat to the life of the property owner.
posted on
03/01/2009 12:48:25 PM PST
(Yes, Gorbachev is better than Obama. At least Gorbachev admitted he was a Communist)
To: Waco
Agree, at the very least.
posted on
03/01/2009 1:11:16 PM PST
(But there really is no free lunch, except in the world of political rhetoric,.: Thomas Sowell)
To: jazusamo
posted on
03/01/2009 1:11:46 PM PST
( (Eat Meat, Wear Fur, Own Guns, FReep Leftists, Drive an SUV, Drill A.N.W.R., Drill the Gulf, Vote)
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