Posted on 02/21/2009 6:02:17 PM PST by DogByte6RER
Im a Racist Coward!
by Gary Graham
I am appalled. I just found out that I am a racist and a coward and I did not know it.
Eric Holder said yesterday, Though this nation has proudly thought of itself as an ethnic melting pot, in things racial we have always been and I believe continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards.
How could I have been so self-deluded?
Wow. I know, huh? The things you find out about yourself if you just listen to newly appointed/elected government officials.
I always thought that I treated everyone fairly in my daily life with no preference or deference to anyone based solely on skin color. I always loved the words of Dr. Martin Luther King who said so eloquently, that he dreamed of a day when people would be judged, not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. But now I find out that that philosophy is racist and cowardly. And it is proclaimed by the top law enforcement officer in the land, our new Attorney General, Eric Holder.
Apparently, Im a racist coward because I want to be color blind. This great national offense of racism doesnt want to die - even though we just elected our first black president. Just when you thought it was okay to climb out of the past, to put racial injustice and animosity behind us
the Attorney General in the national media yesterday drags it back out.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I am trying to cope...I don't know how I can live with myself...
I'm not worthy... too can confess your cowardly unworthiness to his Worshipfulness, Attorney General Eric Holder.
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I am not so cowardly ,I would be happy to speak with Mr. Holder about race. Only he wont like what I have to say. After our conversation on race he will call me a racist, because cowardly racists like Mr. Holder only want to hear one side of it. His own.
I feel your pain and share it.
In a debate on the subject with Alan Keyes Holder would get handed his head.
Until the day comes that a cracker can say
the “N” word in public without any repercussions,
then we will have a race problem in America.
Well, he is... Those Slags...
Its a huge waste of time discussing race when whites seem to be the only ones who ever reference this quote.
“Bitter clinger racist cowards”
There are racial cowards in this country, and they are the ones who vote based on race. They are the ones who for touchy-feely, entirely self-serving and disingenuous reasons want to be able to gush, “*I* voted for the first black president, aren’t **I just fantastic???”
One thing that is often misunderstood is what the term reverse-racism means. It does NOT mean minority groups discriminating against majority group(s). It means treating minorities BETTER than you would anyone else, so as to “prove” you are not a racist. It’s still racism.
People who are truly, and could say before God, not racists make no distinction positive or negative based on skin color, and assess others based on their character.
It feels so good, though, to thoughtlessly call you a racist coward while in power, not caring whether we act ridiculously or not. We might as well be flaming homos and singing swiss yololayeehoos with a thumb up our arse. Seriously, empowerement is all that matters and the material power behind pronouncements is what counts. And, lo, look, the whole world bows in deference and great admiration of the dear leaders.
(sarc off)
The uglyness of racism will never end until it ceases to be policically expediant.....
If todays Democrats had been in power in 1860, we would still be waiting for economic sanctions and multilateral talks to end slavery...
Our first duty on this earth is to preserve our own race by reproducing our own kind, Gods promise to Abraham was to his race... You can never win an argument with an abstract idea such as who-I-am, or am I a coward or not!, this is for other people to decide for themselves and our only worry is what God thinks of us and he judged us on the cross with Jesus....So no happy...:.)
[Sidebar: for those who don't know, my wife is an American of African descent]
You touched on it. It is all about power, and the easiest power is that which is given to you out of guilt. White guilt is the easy to get; Just keep screaming like an abused child and the suckers just keep buying it. It truly amazes me how stupid some people can be.
I really thought that we’d at least get through the summer without Barry Uh-Bama and crew pulling the race card out of their bag of tricks, but given their obvious lack of new ideas, I guess they figured there was no better time like the present. Watch your dumbass white neighbors attempting to scrape the Hope and Change bumper stickers off their cars, while they stammer, “I really thought he was different!”
I know that this link was posted on F.R. this past week, but it is well worth watching again. Morgan Freeman hands Mike Wallace his head back to him. Is it any wonder Freeman is one of the top 3 actors in the world? His response to Mike Wallace’s question about black history month has more intelligence and common sense than anything Wallace has ever heard and left him speechless.....
Yes indeed. It’s what happens when they did not even fight for their freedom, all so shameful. And thus they cannot even comprehend or utter the fighting repenting words honoring them. In truth they hate MLK’s heart but love his skin color, as if he were a ploy for them, a con-artist to do us in.
Again, it feels good to not have to fight and to threaten others of racism, shouting fire or murderer, like a bunch of unhappy helpless false-witnessing whores manipulating people into a panic - false victims of battery capitalizing on real victims like MLK murdered by the prostitute herself. Ah, so much power indeed, laughing all the way to the bank, and, yet, incapable of fighting back where courage would count, au contraire, taking it like a champ from the pimps and biscuit-money withholders of the government and Democratic party.
Actually, Eric Holder was doing a bit of projecting. Eric Holder is the racist coward.
I agree. Both of my kids are of the human race.
She had a great body (although I must admit her face qualified her as a double bagger) but I told her, "No! My first duty on this earth is to preserve my own human race by reproducing my own kind!"
That really hurt her feelings. I still feel guilty about that. But, in the end, it was the right thing to do.
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