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Obama to Allow Bush Tax Cuts to Expire on Schedule
Al Reuters ^
| February 21, 2009
| Staff Writer
Posted on 02/21/2009 4:27:02 PM PST by Diana in Wisconsin
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama will allow tax breaks given to wealthier Americans under his predecessor, George W. Bush, to expire as scheduled rather than eliminate them sooner, an administration official said on Saturday.
Obama, who promised during his White House campaign to roll back tax cuts on people earning more than $250,000, also plans to boost tax collections from about 16 percent of the economy this year to 19 percent in 2013, the official said, confirming a Washington Post report on Obama's budget proposals for the 2010 fiscal year.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Business/Economy; Front Page News; Government; Politics/Elections; US: District of Columbia
KEYWORDS: agenda; bho2009; bho44; bhoeconomy; bhotaxcuts; bushtaxcuts; democrats; economy; first100days; obama; obamatax; porkulus; tax; taxes; taxincrease
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To: All
And I’m free, free fallin’
Yeah I’m free, free fallin’
And I’m free, free fallin’
Yeah I’m free, free fallin’
And I’m free, free fallin’
Yeah I’m free, free fallin’
We’re so screwed.
posted on
02/21/2009 4:28:14 PM PST
Diana in Wisconsin
(Save The Earth. It's The Only Planet With Chocolate.)
To: Diana in Wisconsin
Thanks for reminding the market to drop again Monday Ogabe.
posted on
02/21/2009 4:29:28 PM PST
Sir Gawain
(With Obama's "tax cut" I can afford a torch and a pitchfork in just TWO WEEKS!)
To: Diana in Wisconsin
So that $13 dollars we are suppose to see on our paychecks will not even be visible since they are going to tax us on the old scale.
posted on
02/21/2009 4:29:43 PM PST
(F-R-E-E, that spells free. Free baby.)
To: Diana in Wisconsin
Great, more tax increases....upon the ones he’s already planning....and the ones our lib/dem governor is planning.
To: Diana in Wisconsin
More dumping on the taxpayers when they are already suffering during this recession—depression is his goal and succession will be states’ reaction. Let the monkey rule somebody else.
posted on
02/21/2009 4:30:15 PM PST
((Freedom's Precious Metals: Gold, Silver and Lead))
To: Diana in Wisconsin
Did you notice that no figures were provided.
Who is considered a wealthy American? O promised to lower taxes on those making less than 250K but bushes tax cuts helped persons making much less!
To: Diana in Wisconsin
Every income tax bracket will increase by at least 3% once the Bush tax cuts expire in 2010 and not just the wealthier Americans unless by wealthier they mean anyone making over $ 15,000. These people cannot stop lying. It is beyond insane.
posted on
02/21/2009 4:32:10 PM PST
(God Bless our brave troops)
To: Diana in Wisconsin
...also plans to boost tax collections from about 16 percent of the economy this year to 19 percent in 2013,... Is the great zero still president in 2013???
To: anniegetyourgun
...came upon this one while image searching for "flim flam man"'ll do.
posted on
02/21/2009 4:33:44 PM PST
(Here's hoping the Kennedy family trust is in deep....with Madoff)
To: Diana in Wisconsin
posted on
02/21/2009 4:34:08 PM PST
(The inmates are now officially running the asylum.)
To: Diana in Wisconsin
What al-Reuters conveeeeeeeniently forgot to mention is that by allowing President Bush's tax cuts to retire, Present Obamalamadingdong will be increasing the bottom rate from 10% to 15% and the 20% bracket to 25%.
Do the math with me. Raising the 10% bracket to 15% represents what percentage of increase? Hint: The correct answer is NOT 5%.
Raising the 20% bracket to 25% represents what percentage of increase? Hint: The correct answer, again, is NOT 5%.
Finally, raising the 35% bracket to 39% represents what percentage of increase: Hint: The correct answer is NOT 4%.
Extra credit question: People in which tax bracket will see the largest percentage of increase in their taxes?
Extra extra credit question: People in which tax bracket will see the smallest percentage of increase in their taxes?
posted on
02/21/2009 4:34:53 PM PST
Texas Eagle
(If it wasn't for double-standards, Liberals would have no standards at all. -- Texas Eagle)
To: Diana in Wisconsin
posted on
02/21/2009 4:34:54 PM PST
( "an armed society is a polite society" Robert A. Heinlein)
To: wewereright
“...but Bush’s tax cuts helped persons making much less!”
They sure did! He put THOUSANDS back into our pockets over the past 8 years.
posted on
02/21/2009 4:35:14 PM PST
Diana in Wisconsin
(Save The Earth. It's The Only Planet With Chocolate.)
To: Diana in Wisconsin
The liar is in full bloom again. My back of the hand calculation shows the rollback will take $1,000 of net income out of my family budget each month. Small business owners will be laying off at least one minimum wage employee to counter the tax increase. Consumers losing $1,000 each month won't be spending it in the economy. That may call for additional layoffs with reduced business. I see lots of layoffs coming.
posted on
02/21/2009 4:36:30 PM PST
To: Sir Gawain
Hey, it’s great if you are short!!
posted on
02/21/2009 4:36:47 PM PST
(FUBO----Just say it, Foooooooooooooo Boooooooowwwwww. Smooth)
To: Diana in Wisconsin
I do not like this man. He has no clue what he is doing. Can we impeach him yet?
posted on
02/21/2009 4:37:01 PM PST
(Self-righteous, gun-totin', military-lovin', redneck)
To: Diana in Wisconsin
Let's see .... economy in trouble ...
Raise Taxes (check)
Spend $$ we don't have on pork (check)
I'm just waiting to see what POS gun control laws come next. Oh wait ... those will come AFTER April 15th so that people can't effectively protest it.
posted on
02/21/2009 4:39:10 PM PST
(01-20-2009 : The end of the PAX AMERICANA.)
To: Diana in Wisconsin
posted on
02/21/2009 4:39:16 PM PST
A. Morgan
(Every night I pray that Rezko and Blago roll over on Obama!)
To: Myrddin
“I see lots of layoffs coming.”
Yep. Layoffs and no jobs to be found to replace them, even at a lower wage.
And this is just a tiny *blip* from al reuters! I haven’t seen it in any other newspapers or on-line papers. Announcing this news on a Saturday night. Gee. Think they’re trying to hide something?
posted on
02/21/2009 4:39:19 PM PST
Diana in Wisconsin
(Save The Earth. It's The Only Planet With Chocolate.)
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