Posted on 12/26/2008 5:09:43 PM PST by FoxPro
His last name is Markopolos. He definitely is not a Madoff!
interesting find. how did you uncover it?
At the top it says “Markopolos Madoff Complaint”.
So stupid me, I thought it was written by somebody named “Markopolos Madoff”.
I feel like an idiot now........
Madoff with a lotta money.
It was linked by the second discussion post at the bottom of this article:
This whole thing is just fascinating.
Can we just assume that nobody at the SEC read this?
fascinating. If true (I've only scanned it and have no credibility sense on it), it might explain Cramer's adoption of the "financial terrorism" idea covered on my favorite blog.
Good, because when you make an error on Wall Street, you're supposed to feel like an idiot. Assume the kicked-dog pose.
The SEC was married to Bernie’s neice, I think.
The Wall Street Journal has written quite bit in the past week about Mr Markopolos.
Yes he was on to Madoff.
Thanks for posting this. I read about Markopolos in the WSJ last week. You are not an idiot, but a lot of the people that are involved in this case are!
Do you happen to have the WSJ link?
Ok, well it says Markopolos Madoff Complaint at the very top.
So I thought that was very strange......
So why didnt they use Mr. Markopolos’s first name? We dont even know if this person is a guy or gal.
That is confusing.
Not sure about what we are allowed to link, so mods please correct me if needed. Here is the WSJ link I read:
The guy who just killed himself probably wasn't a victim of Madoff as much as a a co-conspirator.
And finally, it seems that Madoff himself was very familiar with this report, as he seems to have quoted from it in his confession.
Well, on page on of the report, he insisted upon anonymity.
You really are an idiot. ;)
My ex wife used to tell me that all the time!
There is also a fascinating account by a business reporter (formerly with Barrons) who apparently was onto Madoff quite independently of Markopoulos (unless he was the one who tipped her off). She says some fund manager gave her a trip in the spring of 2001 that Madoff’s numbers did not add up, and she interviewed over 100 people and wrote some kind of expose back then, but the dolts at the SEC apparently could not remove their craniums from their rectums..... or they were actively covering for Madoff???
Here’s the link - I tried to post an excerpt from the much more recent article in but apparently we cannot even post an excerpt from that site on FR, so be sure to go to the site and read this fascinating account of how Madoff MIGHT have been stopped cold in 2001:
Innocence Lost
by Erin Arvedlund Dec 17 2008
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