In other words, we destroyed the economy to save it.
Bush is a likeable oligarch and socialist. I will always be ashamed of myself for thinking differently.
He and the members of his elite party have stabbed all of us in the back.
I might consider throwing a shoe at him, but...I am too nice.
Oh, he must mean he sacrificed such things as that free market icon, Medicare Part D? Or the steel tariffs?
He will always be hated by the libs. He's abandoned the conservatives and so he is a man on a ship with no port to dock.
If you stand on principles you are judged on what you know in your heart and soul to be what is true and just. If he had a depth of convictions that told him to "bail" out the UAW and the golden parachutes of GM/Ford/etc.... was wrong, then defend it.
What about the bailout for
Abbott Motor Car Co. Detroit, Michigan,
Crawford Auto. Co. Hagerstown Md.
Farner Motor Car Co., Streator Ill.
Columbus Buggy Co. Columbus O.
Gaeth Auto. Co. Cleveland O.
Jackson Auto. Co. Jackson Mich.
Kearns M. Buggy Co. Beavertown Pa.
USA Oakland Motor Car Co. Pontiac, Michigan
Rauch & Lang Car. Co. Cleveland Ohio
Santos-Dumont- Columbus M. V. Co. Columbus O.
yeah... I guess we all died in the USA after these companies failed to get bailed out.
just sit there like proles and let the Inner Party tax your lives away. Trillion here, Trillion there....after awhile it adds up to real money, I guess.
What a joke. When is the first person in Washington going to stand up and admit that they are going to inflate their way out of this mess.....
Then the fun starts, cause it's going to be like musical chairs, except it's going to be the last man holding the worthless pieces of paper trying to buy food that is going to cry.
All the while kennedy, barney franks, the democrats will sit back and blame it all on Bush and the Jooooossss.
We are screwed. My advice is to educate your children and keep them away from buying into the B.S. philosophy of "buy the latest doo--daa in order to be happy." The left wants us all in debt and starving. They just might succeed.... but then bad things happen to those in charge when the feces hits the fan.
"I've abandoned [the] free-market principles [in order to appear] to save the free-market system"
Egads. Just shadup and go home to Texas, dubya. You've dug us a deep enough hole.
I have a question that will probably get me hammered.
This report is from CNN, right?
I don’t watch CNN. So did Pres Bush actually say this, and in what context if he did?
Just call me a cynic. I don’t trust CNN.
Almost impossible to respond to such a despicable act. “Sacrificed it to save it”... Absolute, total, unmitigated B.S.
We are prisoners of the Central Banking System now, folks. Absolute prisoners. Within the walls of that prison a rapid decrease in personal, key Freedoms will now take place (those that remain). A careful guise will be maintained to ensure only those most in tune will realize what is actually transpiring. And they will be silenced.
Shout me down, attack me personally, do what you wish. If you fail to research, analyze, discover, recognize, correlate, and/or make an individual commitment to learn the truth, YOU will be part of the problem and not the solution.
As an aside, I’ve noticed a telling trend of Bush being quoted as saying “I’m sorry” in these articles. Every one of them about the bailout, the economy, and the financial crisis includes a quote of him saying “I’m sorry”. I’m sure he is... I feel better now, don’t you?
"I've abandoned free-market principles to save the free-market system," Bush told CNN television, saying he had made the decision "to make sure the economy doesn't collapse."
Ease up people. He had to "Burn the Village In Order to Save It."
Hand out more money the government does not have. Have our leaders gone stupid?
In other words, he's going to wreck the economy to save it. Brilliant - embracing socialism to save a free market. It's never worked before so why try it again?
Sort of like "We had to destroy the village in order to save it."
Shameful, disgraceful and utterly, stupidly WRONG.
He's saying that a free market is OK, except when it doesn't work. Then it's time to abandon it and embrace socialism for a short time until the problem is fixed then you return to the free market.
That raises the obvious question. If socialism is the solution to the ills of the free market, why not abandon the free market permanently? Why return to something defective?