This idea has been percolating for years. To move to full European socialism will require money. Without that money, you will begin to witness failed auctions of government bonds. You can raise taxes to European levels, but that's only going to enrage people. You can soak the rich, but there's only so much blood you can get from that turnip.
If you don't come up with the income and spend it all anyway, your currency will head into the toilet, and gold will run into 4, then 5, then 6 figures. You'll be facing a Weimar of Zimbabwe situation.
The best way is avoid all this to nationalize the country's IRA's and 401(k)'s, forcing the money into government bonds with coerced rollovers. This will raise the money without having to raise taxes and without further endangering the currency. It's been in the works for 5 years, and it was just a matter of time before one party or the other picked up on it.
A clever mixing of references. Kudos.