Thanks for this added facts. How do you know that the SS never interviewed the Obamitch who tattled on you? I don't know what the SS's SOP is in circumstances like this, but in order to quickly investigate a perceived "threat" is it possible that one team of SS agents was interviewing you while another team was interviewing the person who filed the complaint?
BTW, I received an Obama call a couple of Saturdays ago. I kept the Obamitch on line for about a half hour because, like the voter registration people who work for ACORN, I assumed she was probably getting paid per phone call. I kept saying things like "What specifically are you trying to "ax me" and "where did you learn to speak English?" And when she axed me a question, I would respond by axing her a question. She finally hung up.
That’s a good point, though I feel it is more effective if the same agents judge the behavior, credibility and mannerisms of both sides. This is why I want the report opened to scrutiny. I want to know that they did it by the book and I am willing to take a polygraph...I’d like to know if she is as well. I also want to know at what level this call to the Secret Service was initiated because I think it is pertinent to know how well trusted was this person who has some pretty poor judgment.