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New York Post ^
| 09/15/08
Posted on 09/15/2008 2:03:51 AM PDT by Enchante
WHILE campaigning in public for a speedy withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, Sen. Barack Obama has tried in private to persuade Iraqi leaders to delay an agreement on a draw-down of the American military presence.
According to Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Obama made his demand for delay a key theme of his discussions with Iraqi leaders in Baghdad in July.
"He asked why we were not prepared to delay an agreement until after the US elections and the formation of a new administration in Washington," Zebari said in an interview.
Obama insisted that Congress should be involved in negotiations on the status of US troops - and that it was in the interests of both sides not to have an agreement negotiated by the Bush administration in its "state of weakness and political confusion."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Breaking News; Crime/Corruption; Foreign Affairs; News/Current Events; War on Terror
KEYWORDS: 2008; 2008election; amirtaheri; army; bho; bloodthirsty; bush; congress; demagogues; democrats; dnc; election; election2008; electionpresident; elections; excellentadventure; falsemessiah; foreignpolicy; hypocrite; illegalaction; iraq; islam; loganact; loganactviolation; marines; mccain; mccainpalin; media; military; mohammedanism; msm; nobama; nomorals; obama; obamabiden; obamaflipflops; obamagate; obamalies; obamasama; obamasbigadventure; obamaswithdrawalgate; obamathetraitor; obamavisit; obamessiah; obamination; obummer; octobersurprise; osamabama; palin; senate; septembersuprise; shadowgovernment; spartansixdelta; timetable; traitor; traitorobama; traitors; treason; troopwithdrawal; unpatriotic; vote; withdrawalgate; wot; zebari
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To: XEHRpa
Yes, so while the Taheri article alleges follow-on “private” discussions in Baghdad, Obama had already openly announced his own policy of advocating basically a freeze on negotiations between the USA and Iraq until after Jan. 20, 2009. This would have the convenient (for the Obamessiah) effect of halting progress for the remainder of the year. No pesky annoyance of having any troop withdrawals announced before Nov. 4, no bother about having a successful negotiation completed for Status of Forces, etc. And although an Obama campaign statement today tries to make a big distinction between Status of Forces and a more “strategic” agreement overall, one of Obama’s own June statements conflates the two and says there should be no agreement(s) negotiated in the remainder of the Bush term.
Obambi thinks he can direct the elected POTUS and the elected Iraqi govt. to refuse to negotiate with each other b/c HE does not find it convenient to his electoral prospects!!
posted on
09/15/2008 7:22:01 PM PDT
(OBAMAGATE: Iraqi Foreign Minister Says Obama Tried to Derail Agreement on Troop Withdrawals!!!)
To: Enchante
To: maggief
Here is a strange statement ( I guess from a citizen ) in light of todays news.
" Obama s visit is for his private benefit, to win the election race, said Ali Ahmed Abbas, 35. "
To: maggief
To: Enchante
OBAMA TRIED TO STALL GIS' IRAQ WITHDRAWAL Who is Gis and why does he own the Iraq Withdrawl?
posted on
09/15/2008 8:23:10 PM PDT
(Tagline: optional, printed after your name on post)
To: Miss Didi
Obama's words : " I certainly don't fault Senator John McCain for these problems, but I do fault the economic philosophy he subscribes to, because it's the same philosophy we've had for the last eight years. "
Obama when you said " I certainly don't fault Senator John MCain for these problems " ...... you knew what you are doing you slime ball.
How come you just could have said " McCain's not at fault ? .... no.. you have to ad to it " I - CERTAINLY ? - don't - fault - Senator - JOHN - McCain ".
Or ? you could of just said " I don't fault Sen. McCain " ....
Except one thing Obama ?
Joe Biden in his attack on President Bush basically said that John McCain is just more of the same of Bush 43 and John McCain would be Bush 44.
Your statement would have held water if you had not had TV ads, rhetoric, talking points through out your campaign trying to tie John McCain with your rhetoric of BUSH's failed 8 years.
To: mzer
To: Brian S. Fitzgerald
Obama :”the Bush administration excluded from the negotiations, given its state of weakness and political confusion.” ....... by who’s definition ... Obama’s ? MSM ? DEMS ?
To: devolve; PhilDragoo; y'all
I can’t come up with words to describe how I feel about this.
Obama’s 50 day meltdown is beginning, perhaps !!
posted on
09/15/2008 9:46:26 PM PDT
(Obama, WHO is Bill Ayers and WHY are you still friends with him? Please RSVP asap!)
To: Allegra
“The Iraqis don’t like Obama and hope McCain wins.
The Iranian Mullahcracy like Obama and hopes he wins.”
That says a huge amount about who is who and what they believe.
It was worth repeating.
To: N. Theknow
To: XEHRpa
" Huh? In my mind, the MSNBC piece corroborates everything the NY Post article says. Do you think otherwise? "
In other words.... this was a premeditated scheme.
Connecting the dots ( of his own words ) and the money trail.
Another question should be raised is ? who else knew about this and was involved in plotting this ?
To: Enchante
Rush is talking about this.
To: Enchante
posted on
09/16/2008 3:12:21 AM PDT
(Democracy is 2 wolves and a lamb voting on dinner. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.)
To: top 2 toe red; nutmeg
Body Lady was on O’Reilly again last night. What’s up with him anyway? He did a slideshow of Barack with nostalgic pics of Barack’s mother and O’Reilly defended that BO’s mother was a free spirit. Why’s O’Reilly in the tank for Barry? It’s pretty disgusting.
posted on
09/16/2008 4:43:33 AM PDT
floriduh voter
(Hurricane season is over November 1.)
To: maggief
As long as he’s going any way, how about sending Barack Obama spelunking in the caves by the Afghan-Pakistan border?
posted on
09/16/2008 4:44:58 AM PDT
floriduh voter
(Hurricane season is over November 1.)
To: Lent
Well, it was last night I think or the night before that Brit Hume mentioned that Charlie Gibson was one of his long time pals. When I heard Brit defending Charlie Gibson, I thought well, fair and balanced unless it’s about friendship or cronyism.
posted on
09/16/2008 4:49:50 AM PDT
floriduh voter
(Hurricane season is over November 1.)
To: Grampa Dave
Where's MICHELE? Isn't she proud of this country any more now that Barack Hussein Obama is seeing slippage in the polls? I can picture her back at work denying medical claims of poor people. That must be a great way to relieve stress, sticking it to sick, poor people.
Michele's ABSENT. Why doesn't the media talk about that??????
posted on
09/16/2008 4:51:50 AM PDT
floriduh voter
(Hurricane season is over November 1.)
To: Disco Dave
Reminds me of Yaaawn Kerry going to Paris and negotiating w/the Viet Cong secretly to bring about our defeat. If not for the Surge that is exactly what Obummer would have tried.
Pray for W, McCuda and Our Troops
posted on
09/16/2008 4:56:21 AM PDT
(Drill Congress!!)
To: Sun
Don’t hold your breath that ABDNC will cover this, Charlie Gibson likly suggested it to him.
Pray for W, McCuda and Our Troops
posted on
09/16/2008 4:59:34 AM PDT
(Drill Congress!!)
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