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New Poll shows no convention bounce for Obama ^
| 8/31/08
| Paul Steinhauser and Alan Silverleib
Posted on 08/31/2008 9:05:33 PM PDT by LdSentinal
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To: LdSentinal
Please, could someone come up with a nice talking point to counter the "under ethics investigation" BS????
How's this:
"If your state trooper brother-in-law in law threatened to kill your father and shot his own son with a taser....wouldn't you tell his boss too?"
posted on
08/31/2008 9:08:18 PM PDT
To: LdSentinal
"Probably because the two events created equal and opposite bounces assuming that either one created a bounce at all," says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.Or perhaps because our bounce is just starting.
posted on
08/31/2008 9:08:44 PM PDT
To: LdSentinal; SE Mom; Bahbah; rodguy911; Grampa Dave; NautiNurse; pissant; Enchante; Miss Didi; ...
Great minds .. LOL .. just about to post.
What fantastic news!!
Obama: I spent $100M on my Beijing Olympics Convention and all I got was 1 point??~!!
posted on
08/31/2008 9:09:40 PM PDT
(They (Dims) think of this WOT as Bush's war, not America's war-RichardMiniter, respected OBL author)
To: LdSentinal
CNN is reporting this? Has hell frozen over?
posted on
08/31/2008 9:09:46 PM PDT
library user
(What say you, Messiah?)
To: icwhatudo
And her concern with this guy, and her
interceding for the safety of her family
began BEFORE she was governor.
He also illegally shot moose, allegedly.
posted on
08/31/2008 9:11:18 PM PDT
(They (Dims) think of this WOT as Bush's war, not America's war-RichardMiniter, respected OBL author)
To: hsalaw
I hope so. But with women there is always the “Envy Factor”. Its interesting Palin increased the male support for McCain.
posted on
08/31/2008 9:13:39 PM PDT
(Non nobis, non nobis Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam. God, guts and guns made America great.)
To: library user
These are the weighted Rat polls. When those don’t work for the Rats considering the margin of error, they know it’s trouble.
Call it the Sarah Palin affect. And my FRiends, it’s only beginning. It will take hold and cause a shrieking and gnashing of teeth you haven’t seen since Biblical accounts.
But this will be coming from the media/Rat surrogates.
May they tumble into hell, figuratively speaking of course. :)
posted on
08/31/2008 9:13:43 PM PDT
To: LdSentinal
What about Obama’s awesome line about McCain not wanting to follow Bin Laden to his cave? I thought that would have been good for 40 point boost. Oh well.
To: LdSentinal
The two most unreliable polls (CNN and Zogby) have the race tied while Ras and Gallup have Hussein O up. Hopefully the broken clock is right.
posted on
08/31/2008 9:16:45 PM PDT
To: LdSentinal
Half the convention was about Women's rights. Michelle yammered on about it and so did Hillary. 1/4 of the convention was Bill Clinton talking about himself. The other 1/4 of the convention was Obama talking about change.
So what does McCain do? Comes up with a veep that's real change and springboards off the women's rights stuff. It's like 3/4 of the Dem convention was a prelude to the pick of Sarah Palin.
McCain is some sort of misunderestimated political judo master lately. He uses his opponent's strengths against the opponent and emerges relatively unscathed.
To: LdSentinal
Let's hope this weakness for the Prez ticket begins to be a drag on the Dem congressional races also.
posted on
08/31/2008 9:17:57 PM PDT
Mitt Romney
(Romney 2012)
To: LdSentinal
Palin and Gustav made everyone forget the convention. Not that Obama’s speech was particularly memorable, either.
posted on
08/31/2008 9:18:10 PM PDT
(Biden, it's Sarahcuda, not Sarahcutie. Dork!)
To: cw35
Gallup is a rolling average. Monday will be the first poll that only includes days after the convention and Palin pick. Obama also seems to get a slight boost from weekends. I’d wait until Wed or Thurs to get a good view from Gallup.
posted on
08/31/2008 9:19:46 PM PDT
To: Question Liberal Authority
This new McCain team is bloody murder on Obama. Mucho applause.
Thank Steve Schmidt and team. These are some solid professionals!
Kick Obamamination ass!
Sara Palin is completely awesome. Just let the crowd’s applause lines linger before continuing to speak and lower the voice an octave. Thanks.
posted on
08/31/2008 9:19:56 PM PDT
To: LdSentinal
Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain are in a virtual tie, according to the latest poll.
Just wait till next week....the bounce from Sarah’s announcement hasn’t even started yet and the convention
is still to come!
posted on
08/31/2008 9:20:15 PM PDT
( " We would not die in that man's company, that fears his fellowship to die with us...." Henry V.)
To: LdSentinal
Oh snap! Is it too late for Biden to have an “accident” and Obamasiah gets it right this time with Hillary?
posted on
08/31/2008 9:22:49 PM PDT
(Obambi said that he has been in 57 states. I will now light myself on fire...)
To: cw35
unreliable polls. hehe lemme tell you something. All of these polls are created news stories. The only real poll is election day but when people see McCain doing not too shabby in the polls, they will think supporting him is worth their while.
posted on
08/31/2008 9:23:07 PM PDT
(Biden, it's Sarahcuda, not Sarahcutie. Dork!)
To: romanesq
Just let the crowds applause lines linger before continuing to speak
Problems like that don't happen to Joe Biden.
To: LdSentinal
McCain is not having a bounce, he is having a surge. Obama is having a fade.
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