1 posted on
08/19/2008 7:53:35 AM PDT by
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To: SmithL
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha !!!!!
2 posted on
08/19/2008 7:55:27 AM PDT by
(And now I shall return to my hovel and cling to my guns ... until it is time to go to Church)
To: SmithL
“Hey maw, look at the little pointy-haired gay dude!”
3 posted on
08/19/2008 7:56:12 AM PDT by
(with apologies to the writers of the Simpsons)
To: SmithL
It is the same reason people are attracted to the Zoo.
To: SmithL
"...view the stop as akin to visiting a zoo or other attraction where they are entertained by exhibits or animals." Yep. That's pretty much it.
5 posted on
08/19/2008 7:58:13 AM PDT by
(Vote John McCain: Democrat Lite -- 3% less liberal than a regular Democrat!)
To: SmithL
LOL...if they don’t like it, they can stop making a spectacle of themselves.
6 posted on
08/19/2008 7:59:38 AM PDT by
B Knotts
(Calvin Coolidge Republican)
To: SmithL
I wonder how many of these incensed Castro residents have been on vacation in other countries and have taken bus tours to observe and photograph "picturesque" local neighborhoods and locals.
Turnabout is fair play.
7 posted on
08/19/2008 7:59:38 AM PDT by
(Why is it that those who call themselves Constitutionalists know the least about the Constitution?)
To: SmithL
Pretty weird thing to do on vacation.
"Oh, I went to SF to see homosexuals".
8 posted on
08/19/2008 7:59:52 AM PDT by
(Peace is not an option)
To: SmithL
Residents of the Castro are watching with growing concern as their neighborhood becomes a regular attraction on the sightseeing tour of the city.It's been a regular attraction for aids, etc. Why aren't the residents concerned about THAT?
9 posted on
08/19/2008 8:00:39 AM PDT by
(You may disagree with what I have to say, but I shall defend to your death my right to say it)
To: SmithL
People go to zoos and watch freak shows on TV and at circuses. Nothing unusual here.
10 posted on
08/19/2008 8:03:08 AM PDT by
(Fight liberal lies with knowledge. Read conservative books and articles.)
To: SmithL
Well, the perv’s brought it on themselves. Isn’t this the city that hosts the gay celebration in which the perv’s do each other, themselves and anything else handy and do it in public? They seem to have no problems sucking, jacking and screwing their partners in full view and with total disregard for decency, but get offended because normal people want to go to see the freak show.
To: SmithL
The tour bus drivers should sell little bags of Godiva chocolates that the tourist can use to entice the locals closer for better pictures...
13 posted on
08/19/2008 8:04:32 AM PDT by
(Proudly posting without reading the article carefully since 2004)
To: SmithL
"This became an issue about three months ago, which is when Michael Woo, manager of the tour department of America Asia Express sightseeing tours, said their buses began to let passengers out at Castro and 18th. He said as many as three of his company's buses stop on Thursdays and Sundays, and they are often joined by an equal number of buses from another tour company." Who knew...Homosexuals are Racists too
14 posted on
08/19/2008 8:07:23 AM PDT by
(Land of the Fee, Home of the Shamed)
To: SmithL
Patrick Batt's Auto Erotica vintage gay porn shopCliff's Hardware Store
Ugh... No comment.
18 posted on
08/19/2008 8:10:57 AM PDT by
(God Bless Georgia and grant them victory over Russia!)
To: SmithL
Maybe they should change the name San Francisco to Freakshow.
19 posted on
08/19/2008 8:12:40 AM PDT by
(Stop socialism, vote conservative)
To: SmithL
The Revenge of the Tourists.
They’ve been holding Gay Pride parades and PR events for years. They’ve been screaming about Gay Rights at the top of their lungs.
What else does fame draw but tourists?
Even the little kiddies can enjoy this zoo, thanks to the new education in our public schools. “Look, mummy! There’s a gay couple just like the ones in our picture books back in kindergarten!”
20 posted on
08/19/2008 8:13:32 AM PDT by
(Marcus Tullius)
To: SmithL
People love a freak show...
21 posted on
08/19/2008 8:14:49 AM PDT by
(McCain/Palin in 2008!)
To: SmithL
I thought they were proud of their lifestyle...
To: SmithL
Tourists observing the living garbage in the streets of San Fran.
This complaint is merely an invitation for more buses. My daughter lived on Noe St. for 6 months and said what she saw going on was disgusting. However, she still believes that “they are born that way”. She can't accept that these perverts have made a choice to be homos.
23 posted on
08/19/2008 8:19:42 AM PDT by
(We're not playing Tidally Winks here!)
To: SmithL
I thought this was the WHOLE POINT of the San Fransicko S&M street parade “Look at me! Look at me!”
26 posted on
08/19/2008 8:31:11 AM PDT by
(The higher taxes that Obama demands of Americans are 'Above my Pay Grade'.)
To: SmithL
And of course, they assert the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will come to their "community" rescue in re "protecting the Castro" from the looky-loos. And with a snarky laugh they assert this. About darned time they came cleaner on WHO exactly are the Sisters, and WHAT they actually do in re SF, and politics.
30 posted on
08/19/2008 8:48:04 AM PDT by
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