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Mexican drug gang turns to kidnapping in U.S.
Reuters ^
| Tue Aug 12, 2008
| Lizbeth Diaz
Posted on 08/16/2008 2:31:35 PM PDT by Navy Patriot
click here to read article
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Just great, Jorge's protected class are now kidnapping Americans, IN AMERICA, and holding them for ransom in Mexico.
Jorge and McLame both won't enforce the border, except to jail the peace officers that might catch one of these kidnappings in progress. Can't have that.
To: Navy Patriot
It looks like the Mexicans screwed themselves badly when they scared away all those American tourists: Now that American tourists are no longer available for kidnapping on their side of the border, they have to commit their crimes on our side of the border.
To: Navy Patriot
Obamao nor anyone else on the left would do any differently.
That’s the worst part. We have no gov protections anymore.
To: T.L.Sink; SwinneySwitch; fieldmarshaldj; AuntB; ExTexasRedhead; neverdem; goldstategop; kellynla; ..
They’re just committing kidnappings that Americans won’t commit.
posted on
08/16/2008 2:36:28 PM PDT
(If Islam conquers the world, the Earth will be at peace because the human race will be killed off.)
To: Navy Patriot
Go home, everyone. Nothing to see here. Just good, hard-working folk with family values committing the kidnapping and extortion Americans are too lazy to.
Lord almighty, only the imbeciles didn't see this one coming.
posted on
08/16/2008 2:36:44 PM PDT
E. Cartman
(Be a Maverick. Vote for a real conservative.)
To: Navy Patriot
“Diversity is our strength.” It also does wonders for the bank accounts of criminals and DemocRATS (redundant, I know).
posted on
08/16/2008 2:37:41 PM PDT
(A History and Science Minute.- "Climate change" has been going on for millions of years!)
To: TribalPrincess2U
Obamao nor anyone else on the left would do any differently. Thats the worst part. We have no gov protections anymore.While I know Obambo and the left will do nothing, I'm angry at the people whom I've supported for decades now choosing also to surrender.
posted on
08/16/2008 2:37:54 PM PDT
E. Cartman
(Be a Maverick. Vote for a real conservative.)
To: Navy Patriot; AuntB
I thought they were only here to pick lettuce.
posted on
08/16/2008 2:39:30 PM PDT
(THE Conservative party:
To: Navy Patriot
Meanwhile Jeorge, Ricardo, and the Bush-bots insist "American hasn't been attacked since 9/11..."
posted on
08/16/2008 2:39:55 PM PDT
(I haven't left the GOP, the GOP left me.)
To: E. Cartman
“Just good, hard-working folk with family values committing the kidnapping and extortion Americans are too lazy to.”
Of course, we’ve all been taught that: “Family values don’t stop at the Rio Grande”, and how true that’s proving to be. But I’m sure they’re just good folks longing to become US citizens so they can vote Republican.
posted on
08/16/2008 2:40:55 PM PDT
To: DTogo
"American hasn't been attacked since 9/11.."
Tell that to the folks at SLC's Trolley Square and to the folks at the Hotel in Denver with the cyanide.
posted on
08/16/2008 2:42:28 PM PDT
(Huma for co-president! (it ain't over 'til it's over))
To: TribalPrincess2U
We have no gov protections anymore.Bingo.
In one of the few areas that the state (Federal) is REQUIRED to render the service of protection for the citizen, it fails so badly that it is obvious that the government is in collusion with the invaders.
We are SO screwed.
posted on
08/16/2008 2:42:44 PM PDT
Navy Patriot
(John McCain, the Manchurian Candidate.)
To: HiJinx
posted on
08/16/2008 2:45:26 PM PDT
( b/c Obama is just creepy.)
To: Will88
Of course, weve all been taught that: Family values dont stop at the Rio Grande, and how true thats proving to be. But Im sure theyre just good folks longing to become US citizens so they can vote Republican.Who knew when Bush spoke of people with family values he was refering to The Manson.
posted on
08/16/2008 2:45:54 PM PDT
E. Cartman
(Be a Maverick. Vote for a real conservative.)
To: Clintonfatigued
Come on. They’re just pro-trade.
Trading your loved ones for a handy ransom.
posted on
08/16/2008 2:46:09 PM PDT
("Liberalism is just Communism sold by the drink." P. J. O'Rourke)
To: gubamyster
posted on
08/16/2008 2:46:48 PM PDT
( b/c Obama is just creepy.)
To: pissant
posted on
08/16/2008 2:48:16 PM PDT
Navy Patriot
(John McCain, the Manchurian Candidate.)
To: E. Cartman; Will88
Who knew when Bush spoke of people with family values he was refering to The Manson. I had meant to say: "Who knew when Bush spoke of people with family values he was refering to The Mansons? "
{2:45 and I still haven't had enough coffee.}
posted on
08/16/2008 2:48:27 PM PDT
E. Cartman
(Be a Maverick. Vote for a real conservative.)
To: DTogo; All
Meanwhile Jeorge, Ricardo, and the Bush-bots insist "American hasn't been attacked since 9/11..." Just a note to all,
I found this in the Epoch Times, a multi language anti communist (China) newspaper.
Reuters put this on the wire four days ago and I can't find ANY US newspapers that have picked it up.
Interesting, no....?
posted on
08/16/2008 3:03:17 PM PDT
Navy Patriot
(John McCain, the Manchurian Candidate.)
To: Navy Patriot
This is serious. I mean, what would happen if they kidnapped someone like Hillary or Nancy Pelosi or even Barbara Boxer.
We would have to get Dan to hold another bake sale to raise money for their release and return. Yup.
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