1 posted on
08/14/2008 2:16:20 PM PDT by
To: freema; 2rightsleftcoast; abner; ACAC; advertising guy; Arkinsaw; athelass; aumrl; basil; bboop; ...
Please Freepmail me to be added to the Ollie North ping list.
2 posted on
08/14/2008 2:17:40 PM PDT by
(DefendOurMarines.org | DefendOurTroops.org)
To: jazusamo
Where the Brits and Russians once failed, it appears that our latest, greatest generation and allies will prevail.
3 posted on
08/14/2008 2:31:09 PM PDT by
(Any conservative who sits out the election will be an accomplice to the criminal Obama regime.)
To: jazusamo; All
Having served there at 29 Palms [loveingly refered to as the STUMPS] I can apperate what those guys of 2/7 are doing. I was at the stumps for 4 years. We in gun 2, 1st155mm, HowBtry (sp),4thBn,11th Mar[Rein], we refered to the Stumps as the worlds’s largest cat litter box!
8 posted on
08/15/2008 7:26:35 AM PDT by
(If you strike me down, I'll become more powerful than you'll ever imagine!)
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