Posted on 08/06/2008 2:56:38 PM PDT by aaronarnwine
Northern Virginia has become polluted with people from DC and Montgomery counties who don't want to pay the taxes they voted for any more. He's a prime target for removal and could use the support.
The Big Protest Industry leaders will not be pleased with this heads-up.
Where are all of the “right” crazies when we need them?
It won't lower gas prices.
Even after a decade-long wait the price will barely drop a few cents per gallon
America knows drilling won't work.
Capital Research Center "Foundation Watch" has published a two-part series on atheist and one-worlder George Soros and his financial support of, a leftist web site dedicated to the election of John Kerry as the next president.
The CRC notes that is actually three different organizations: a nonprofit educational group; a lobbying organization; and a political action committee. Soros and other millionaire liberals have poured as much as $15 million into this group. also gets money from the Iraq Peace Fund and other left-leaning foundations.
D.C. Chapter Master Ping List
Heads Up, Freepers need in Virginia, Thursday at NOON.
Make sure you write all of your post down as it would make a wonderful protest sign against the propagandists of! :)
“...According to a recent poll, 54% of poll respondents said they did not believe more drilling would lower gas prices. And 63% said opening up public lands to oil and gas drilling is more likely to enrich oil companies than to lower gas prices for American consumers.2 Voters are ready for real solutions. The public overwhelmingly believes (76%!) that policymakers...”
86% of all statistics are made up on the spot!
They crowd the streets a tad the merchants association will have the Fairfax police out there ~ else the demonstrators are in a lot of trouble.
I really hate it when ignorant white outside agitators try to come to this part of town and tell us how to lead our lives ~
Davis already announced his retirement so he’s no one’s target, but will probably be replaced by a Dem which I’m beginning to think his district (mine) deserves.
Do these moonbats realize just how stupid this statement is?
If there's no oil offshore, there will be no addition to the supply and it will cost the oil companies to drill, not line their pockets. But this is a bad thing because the oil companies will waste their money and hire people for no return?!?!?!
If there is oil offshore, there will be additional supplies and gas prices will drop with additional supplies. But this is a bad thing because the oil companies will make money?!?!?!?
uh, Tom Davis is RETIRING after this term. . .
The moonbats aren’t invading hostile ideological territory when they occupy Davis’ office. Wouldn’t surprise me if they’d actually been invited.
Energy Timeline from 1971 to 1980
January 20, 1977
Jimmy Carter is inaugurated President.
February 2, 1977
President Carter signs the Emergency Natural Gas Act of 1977.
February 7, 1977
John F. O'Leary is named Administrator, Federal Energy Administration.
April 18, 1977
President Carter announces National Energy Plan in his first major energy speech. His plan calls for the establishment of an energy department.
August 4, 1977
President Carter signs the Department of Energy Organization Act. The Federal Energy Administration and Energy Research and Development Administration are abolished.
August 5, 1977
James R. Schlesinger is sworn in as first Secretary of Energy.
October 1, 1977
DOE is activated. Bringing together a score of organizational entities from a dozen departments and agencies, the new department is also given responsibility for the nuclear weapons program.
November 9, 1978
President Carter signs the National Energy Act, which includes the National Energy Conservation Policy Act, the Power Plant and Industrial Fuel Use Act, the Public Utilities Regulatory Policy Act, the Energy Tax Act, and the Natural Gas Policy Act.
April 5, 1979
President Carter, responding to growing energy shortages, announces gradual decontrol of oil prices and proposes windfall profits tax.
June 20, 1979
President Carter announces program to increase Nation's use of solar energy, including solar development bank and increased funds for solar energy research and development.
July 10, 1979
President Carter proclaims a national energy supply shortage and establishes temperature restrictions in nonresidential buildings.
July 15, 1979
President Carter declares energy to be the immediate test of ability to unite the Nation and proposes $88 billion decade-long effort to enhance production of synthetic fuels from coal and shale oil reserves
June 30, 1980
President Carter signs the Energy Security Act, consisting of six major acts: U.S. Synthetic Fuels Corporation Act, Biomass Energy and Alcohol Fuels Act, Renewable Energy Resources Act, Solar Energy and Energy Conservation Act and Solar Energy and Energy Conservation Bank Act, Geothermal Energy Act, and Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Act.
Thanks to EdReform for providing this info
They better be protesting Obama because he said we have 3% of the world's oil.
The moonbats are showing America how retarded they really are. 75% of Americans want drilling and it's not because politicians tell us we want drilling, it's because most Americans have common sense. begins its anti-energy push.
‘And drilling could take over a decade or more to produce any oil.’
And what do they have to offer that will give immediate and permanent reduction of prices?
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