Posted on 05/01/2008 5:38:38 AM PDT by StarCMC
I just want to say that you guys are awesome! We had a GREAT month in April - and I'm here to give you the full results....
Our Smackdown Bomber flew from April 12 thru 30 -- that's a total of 18 days for those of you in Rio Linda. (Thanks for the great Bomber pic, alfa6!) The "Smackdowns" are removal of specific videos and the "Suspensions" are the removal of users -- a suspension can result in many, many terrorist videos being taken down as most users have more than one video posted. So without further ado...
April 12 - 30, 2008 Results:
7 Suspensions
With those 7 suspensions, 179 videos were removed from YouTube:
Plus an additional 43 Smackdowns:
Bomber Girl is very pleased!
If you're new at this, we'd love to have you working with us. Here are the steps for flagging videos:
(H/T to rawcatslyentist):
#1) If you dont have a YouTube account, go sign up for one. You dont have to use it for anything but this.
#2) Click one of the links below, let the video start and then click the pause button on the player so you dont have to actually watch the propaganda.
#3) Below the video, click Flag as inappropriate.
#4) Choose promotes hatred or violence
#5) Where it says please indicate the group attacked choose National Origin.
#6) Where it says provide additional information..... type or copy/paste in the below statement.
Providing services to terrorists violates executive orders 12947 and 13224.
So you got game? If you do, freepmail StarCMC to get on the pinglist -
typically one ping per day - and start flagging! And THANK YOU!
Persistence is the key!!
HEY!! It’s good to see you around! I am still in contact with your replacement! :-) *HUG*
You guys deserve a big WOOOOHOOOO!!!
Yesterday was very productive!
Smacked down 5/8
zaq0o had 36 videos that went down with him!! A few
were surrendered, but eventually, due to patient flagging,
YouTube suspended him. GREAT JOB GUYS!!!
5/9 List
Thaliban verdict Afghan translator - by lizardvalis
Anshar Al-Islam planting an IED under enemy fire - by lizardvalis
ISI - an IED vs a US hummer in Baghdad - by BomberWorks2008
ISI attack a US hummer by a rocket in Bagh - by BomberWorks2008
Brigades Hezbollah in Iraq - by ali20071967
The DNC apparently thinks that it's a great idea to politicize the deaths
of our brave ones and have decided to use video very similar to that which
we are battling on YouTube every day in an anti-McCain ad.
Regardless of your view of John McCain, using the deaths of our soldiers
in a political ad is morally reprehensible. If you have the time, please
see this thread and then voice your displeasure with the DNC.
Steps for flagging videos (H/T to rawcatslyentist):
#1) If you dont have a YouTube account, go sign up for one. You dont have to use it for anything but this.
#2) Click one of the links below, let the video start and then click the pause button on the player so you dont have to actually watch the propaganda.
#3) Below the video, click Flag as inappropriate.
#4) Choose promotes hatred or violence
#5) Where it says please indicate the group attacked choose National Origin.
#6) Where it says provide additional information..... type or copy/paste in the below statement.
Providing services to terrorists violates executive orders 12947 and 13224.
So you got game? If you do, heres your first list a couple of the videos have already been Smacked Down! WOOHOOO!! Lets get the rest!
This list will remain up until these videos are down. For whatever reason these particular videos have staying power. No matter how often they are flagged, they just stay up. So I figured we could flag them several times each -- not every day by each person, but each of us maybe once a week -- and maybe YouTube will get the point.... I will add a new "stubborn" video to replace each one we get removed!! We'll keep 6 on the list.
1. From Howie's post of 4/25 (YouTube Speaks With Forked Tongue)
"It has now been about 27,360 minutes since Youtube was notified of this video, yet it remains!"
The Baghdad-Sniper 3 [Part 1] - by Bosnjak00
2. From 4/25
100 bombs in one video - by mysticalgroove
Surrendered 5/2! Added #8.
300 Spartans of Iraq - by Da20a
Sniper In Iraq (Premiere Edition) part 1 - by MisterAutopsy
SMACKED DOWN 5/1 - doing a happy dance!
Added new video in #7 to take it's place
Sniper In Iraq (Premiere Edition) part 2 - by MisterAutopsy
Sniper In Iraq (Premiere Edition) part 3 - by MisterAutopsy
American Prisoner Paul Marshall Johnson - by BoShamil
I.E.D. Attack On U.S. Bradley's Fighting Vehicle - Panterapete187
New YouTube Smackdown Ping
Freepmail me to be on or off the Smackdown Pinglist!
Thank you for helping!
Flagged both groups!
#204 & #205 Done!...:-)
See Why do the people of Iraq Ruad year! ليس لضعاف القلوب Not impaired hearts
I flagged and asked in the comments if YouTube is turning into
Hit and all!
Gosh, I meant Hit them all!
Woo Hoo!
“This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.”
I don’t watch their crap. I just flag it and save the graphic violence for torture porn fiends.
w00t!! Thanks ya’ll!! :-)
I’m all for doing the ‘smackdown’ but I think we need to be writing our senators and congressmen on this. Why should we Americans tolerate this?
Sniper In Iraq Parts 2 and 3 removed due to terms of use violations (Stubborn List).
Removed due to terms of use violation.
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