To: Anti-Hillary
I think Bill Richardson gave the warning last Sunday when he said that whoever comes out with a clear delegate lead after March 4th he should be the nominee. I think the democrat leadership will not allow a blood bath going for six weeks Pennsylvania primaries let alone having it goes all the way till the convention in late August. We shall see.
16 posted on
03/04/2008 1:35:32 PM PST by
(God bless our brave troops and President Bush)
To: jveritas
I think the democrat leadership will not allow a blood bath going for six weeks Pennsylvania primaries let alone having it goes all the way till the convention in late August. We shall see.
You mean the democratic leadership that Bubba told to shove it when the went to see him about Monica
30 posted on
03/04/2008 3:18:15 PM PST by
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