To: neverdem
I suppose I am a bit of a Confucian in the matter of the rectification of language. And I am afraid that in the present climate, the connotation of words has often taken over in importance from their denotation. Thus, since irrational racial antagonism is a manifestation of prejudice, all prejudice comes to partake of the quality of irrational racial antagonism, and the right-thinking person thinks he has to overthrow prejudice as such. This is not realistic: no one has ever lived or could ever live as if this were the case. Hence we live in a state of humbug. I think Professor Dalrymple is a humbug for saying and writing such junk.
6 posted on
01/30/2008 3:10:08 PM PST by
(Global warming is to Revelations as the theory of evolution is to Genesis.)
To: TenthAmendmentChampion
He also is not a psychiatrist. I do believe he worked in a psychiatric-prison setting but was trained as a family physician. If anyone knows for sure please post.
He is an excellent writer but not an excellent commentator. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson