Posted on 11/04/2007 12:29:06 PM PST by SandRat
The U.S. Army has identified a Fort Huachuca soldier who was killed in a drive-by shooting after getting into an argument at a Tucson night club.
The soldier was identified Sunday as Spc. Robert A. Glenn, a 25-year-old from Altadena, Calif., said Fort Huachuca spokesman Gordon Van Vleet.
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What are the odds that the murderer is drinking a cerveza just south of us right about now?
Don’t know but, the description and call went out over Police radio and the news media almost as soon as it happened. Most assuredly the POS has gone to ground somewhere but, someone is going to eventually rat him out.
What the POS did to the soldiers hit the TPD and the other L.E.O.s as if the POS had struck down one of their own.
That’s not an enviable position to be in.
I wouldn’t want to be one of his known associates right about now.
Today’s SV Herald had more details...
The suspect (Jurel Roberson, 21) is a black man, 5 foot 9 inches tall, weighing approximately 150 pounds, with black hair, brown eyes and a thin mustache and goatee, (TPD Sgt. Mark) Robinson said. The suspect was driving a light-colored 1998 Nissan Ultima with Arizona license plate 697-WPB. The car apparently is not Robersons and is not reported stolen, the police spokesman added.
Just chatted with my sister, who is LEO in town. Said they were all over it once the call came in.
Still a large force out looking for the suspect.
They will find the little turd...and the club where it all started has quite the rep as a trouble spot.
I believe the term used was “open cesspit” - hip hop, whoda thunk... All kinds of trouble, every week.
Good folks, TPD. Tell your sis 'thanks' for me next chance you get, pls.
“They will find the little turd...and the club where it all started has quite the rep as a trouble spot.”
I’m surprized the commanding general at the fort doesn’t declare this place “off limits” to service personnel. That is what happens in the area around an army fort I live close to and work at.
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