Well one of the reasons there’s no cure for the common cold is that it actually doesn’t exist, it’s actually a couple dozen different interrelated viruses that interbreed recombine and mutate constantly. Same reason we can’t cure the flu. But other viruses can be killed, sure it’s tough, but that’s what these guys get paid for.
You'll note that this one is described as "adenovirus-36 -- a common cause of respiratory and eye infections". Sounds like a cold or flu virus to me. But what do I know, so I checked the CDC website and found this:
Adenoviruses most commonly cause respiratory illness; however, depending on the infecting serotype, they may also cause various other illnesses, such as gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, and rash illness. Adenoviruses most commonly cause respiratory illness; however, depending on the infecting serotype, they may also cause various other illnesses, such as gastroenteritis, conjunctivitis, cystitis, and rash illness. Symptoms of respiratory illness caused by adenovirus infection range from the common cold syndrome to pneumonia, croup, and bronchitis.
Treatment: Most infections are mild and require no therapy or only symptomatic treatment. Because there is no virus-specific therapy, serious adenovirus illness can be managed only by treating symptoms and complications of the infection.
Prevention: Vaccines were developed for adenovirus serotypes 4 and 7, but were available only for preventing ARD among military recruits. Strict attention to good infection-control practices is effective for stopping nosocomial outbreaks of adenovirus-associated disease, such as epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. Maintaining adequate levels of chlorination is necessary for preventing swimming pool-associated outbreaks of adenovirus conjunctivitis