Posted on 06/07/2007 4:52:07 PM PDT by SmithL
SACRAMENTO, (AP) -- Has political discourse gone to hell in California?
State senators rushing to beat a legislative deadline Thursday took time out to debate whether the four-letter invective is too coarse for use on the house floor.
During debate over a regional planning bill, Sen. Tom McClintock, R-Thousand Oaks, used the word repeatedly to register his objections.
"Who the hell are you?" McClintock asked time and again, directing his comment to the bill's author, Sen. Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento.
McClintock said he was reacting to Steinberg's proposal, which he said would interfere with many Californians' lifestyle choices.
The bill would require the state to adopt regional transportation plans that encourage more urban housing, less suburban development and a decrease in traffic.
McClintock later said he meant no insult to Steinberg. Rather, he said he was objecting to "the authoritarian policy of this bill, that would dictate that all Californians live in dense urban centers and (that) our only transportation policy is to produce that result."
Other lawmakers said they were offended and castigated McClintock for violating the Senate's unwritten rules on decorum.
Sen. Carole Migden, D-San Francisco, asked McClintock to apologize.
"'Who the hell are you' is offensive," she said.
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Where are we going?
And, why are we in this handbasket?
Confiscating income is ok so why not?
I suggest they have a Bible study.
How can you legistlate is you find words offensive that kindergarteners learn to use to each other.
Go cry some more.
Given what the CA legislature does to the people of the State every session, this is literally the funniest statement I've seen or heard all day.
As one who pulls no punches with my own language, might I suggest instead of saying “hell”, they can substitute places that we equate as the closest equivalents on earth.
Let’s try instead of “Who the hell are you ?” Try, “Who the San Francisco are you ?” Or, for the equivalent of the f-word, “Are you out of your BERKELEY mind ?” Just a thought. ;-)
Same sex fudge packing and rug munching is not offensive however.
Sen. Carole Migden, D-San Francisco, asked McClintock to apologize. Who the hell are you is offensive, she said.
they don't believe in a hell anyways, but many will be surprised on that day!
“’Who the hell are you’ is offensive,” she said.”
For the PC crowd, hell is a figment of man’s imagination, just like God is, so why worry about the use of the word? If the saying is offensive, then say, “Who the San Francisco are you?”
I hope that Tom McClintock runs against Elton Gallegly, the flaky Congressman from Simi Valley.
The pit of hell claims that its name is offensive?
Political Correctness will be the death of us all. California is going fire and brimstone in a hand-woven basket.
Sounds like we need to call them a waaaaaaaaaambulance.
Or maybe they’re hungry and want a waaaaaamburger and fries.
I don’t know if he will. Gallegly has recovered from his “health problem” (Imtiredofcongressandwanttomakemoneyasalobbyistitis), and will run again next year.
I’m thinking of setting up a big list of our members from the GOP and put up a save or dump label with each. I’m thinking half or more of the members could go into the dump pile. All but 1 or 2 of my members from TN I’d dump (Davis from the 1st I’d keep, because he’s a freshman, and perhaps Blackburn, but her early endorsement of Precious Willard rubbed me the wrong way), and all the others (Duncan, a traitorous Dr. Demento disciple; Zach Wamp, flaky and violated his term limits pledge, and Lamar! and Corker) should git.
If you get my drift........
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