Our country has had enough of these monsters roaming the land preying on people. I can’t even allow my kids outdoors to play without myself having to watch them in the yard. It’s time to trash the legal system and it corrupt layers and judges who have permitted the murderers, thieves, rapists, child molestors and assorted other criminals to terrorize America. I say Death to those who commit murder! No more “life sentences”.
Amen to that. Lawyers and "the system" are definitely accessories to crime.
Hell, they ARE the criminals in my view.
I’m with you. This baloney that a life sentence is more terrible than death is bunk. Let God sort out the souls that, after a trial, are executed in a reasonable time frame, none of this 20 years later stuff. God will decide what their just punishment will be. And He would be better at it than we ever could be. And He would be most mericful to those few who are innocent. But I am afraid that would require trust in God, something this country now lacks.
I say its time for fathers to avenge their children.
And yet....what did our esteemed Senate do today.....voted down an amendment that would have barred all illegals who have done serious crimes or belonged to gangs or have broken the laws(I guess coming across the border illegally does not count tho) from getting amnesty...in other words the Senate said...welcome rapists, murderers, gang members...what the hell is the matter with those idiots? And more to the point,just what are we going to be able to do about it?