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To: slow5poh
Why would a conservative donate money to liberal pro-illegal Jerry Brown. Savage did. Now you explain it. Why do you care about defending this liberal hack named Savage? You want People to believe that a san francisco, ex-hippie,"ex communistt", Berkely liberal who bashes the GOP much more than Democrats, who donated to Jerry brown, is for gun control ,and is for the minimum wage is really a conservative and not a liberal putting on act to make money? What a laugh.

LINK It's Long Past Time For Sane Conservatives to Distance Themselves From Michael Alan Weiner, Who Goes By The Stagename "Michael Savage" Facts and Undeniable Truths About Mr. Weiner

* On April 18, 2007, at approximately 25 minutes into the second hour of his show, Weiner stated: "WE NEED TO STOP FUNDING THE WAR IN IRAQ AND START FUNDING THE WAR ON OUR STREETS". That's an exact quote. Weiner was apparently referring to homeless "scum" (his term).

* On April 17, 2007, at approximately 45 minutes into the 1st hour of his show, Weiner said the shooting (at Virginia Tech) indicates our Gun laws are too lax.

* Like Rachel Maddox on Air America, Weiner used the Virginia Tech shooting to attack President Bush throughout the 1st hour of his show on April 17th, 2007

* On April 17, 2007, at approximately 20 minutes into the 3rd hour of his show, Weiner admitted he did not recognize the name Ken Blackwell.

* On April 17, 2007, at approximately 28 minutes into the 3rd hour of his show, Weiner attacked President Bush for not mentioning Jesus Christ when he spoke at Virginia Tech Convocation.

* Throughout his April 16 show (the day of the Virginia Tech shooting), Weiner used the massacre to repeatedly attack President Bush and Homeland Secretary Chertoff for their lack of leadership. Weiner never explained what he expected the President or the Secretary to do in the wake of the school shooting.

* During the first 30 minutes of his April 16, 2007 show, Weiner called Prime Minister Blair "Tony the Coward".

* Also during the first 30 minutes of his April 16, 2007 show, Weiner called the Republicans running for President in 2008 "empty-suits". Weiner singled out Mayor Rudolph Giuliani by name.

* On April 16, 2007, at approximately 50 minutes into the 3rd hour of his show, Weiner claimed that Rudolph Giuliani "wants to make America like New York". Weiner offered no proof or evidence for this assertion.

* Calls for the impeachment of G.W. Bush

* Weiner actually did support his Congresswoman, Madame Pelosi, when she met with the Murderer Assad before he was against her meeting with Assad.

* Weiner hates President Bush, except when he loves President Bush.

* In the middle of his April 4, 2007 show, Weiner threw a fit and suddenly was off the air even though he had ninety minutes left.

* On his Nov 20, 2006 show, Weiner hosted a love-in with Charlie Rangel.

* On his Nov 17, 2006 show, Weiner played a clip from some Israeli pot smokers and then extrapolated from this clip that all of Israel have become drug addicts.

* On his Nov 17, 2006 show, Weiner said that drug addicts should be executed.

* Weiner advocates cutting and running in Iraq.

* Weiner claims he hates San Francisco; yet, he continues to live there. (What's that about?)

* Provides money to a moonbat AG candidate in a border state

* Twice hosted Chuck Schumer in a blatant attempt to damage the GOP Senate Campaign during an election year.

* Routinely calls our fellow Americans morons and idiots

* Like his brethern on Air America, Weiner thinks multinational corporations conspire with each other

* Like his brethern on Air America, Weiner thinks the oil companies conspire with each other

* Supports the minimum wage

* Like his brethern on Air America, Weiner h ates Conservative icons like Rush Limbaugh

* Attacks other Conservatives more than Liberals

* Spews hatred and vile towards our Commander in Chief during a time of war

* Claims to be a sort of "Patton" on the War on Terror, but when the Israelis started bombing Lebanon, he turned into Cindy Sheehan

* Routinely asks callers a question, then ignores their answer and continues on maniacal rant.

* Called Cheney a liar, and said he didn't believe a word he says, ever.

* Called Bush a liar.

* Said the war in Iraq is purely for profit, get this, so that Haliburton can make money.

* Said there's no difference between the GOP and Dems.

* Called Rick Santorum "Sanitarium", and an idiot.

* Said he deserves most of the credit for the ports deal not going through, and since the GOP didn't give him credit, he won't support them in any way.

* Said it won't be so bad if Dems take over, outside of some minor social changes, nothing else will really change.

* Called this a broken nation with corrupt leadership, making fun of Bush, and his rationale for the war on terror, and war in Iraq.

* Called the GOP "the corrupt, war-mongering GOP"...

* He had a caller who said he was livid with the GOP, but since the Dems are much worse, he pleaded with Savage's listeners to get out and vote... With each sentence, Savage shouted him down.

* He believes that the Clintons and Bush family have developed some sort of consortium and political syndicate together. For the next several years, they will stiff-arm the rest of the political world and alternate family members to the Presidency. Hillary is next, then followed by Jeb. .

57 posted on 06/02/2007 12:36:12 PM PDT by rurgan ("Government is not the solution to our problems.Government is the Problem" - President Reagan)
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To: rurgan

Boarder, Language, Culture. Savage has always been right about Bush. Ha Ha! You must really have your panties in a wad!

60 posted on 06/02/2007 12:50:15 PM PDT by southparkNationalist (I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. I will face my fear and let it pass through me.)
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To: rurgan

“Why would a conservative donate money to liberal pro-illegal Jerry Brown. Savage did.”

I don’t know. How long ago was this?

“Why do you care about defending this liberal hack named Savage? You want People to believe that a san francisco, ex-hippie,”ex communistt”, Berkely liberal who bashes the GOP much more than Democrats, who donated to Jerry brown, is for gun control ,and is for the minimum wage is really a conservative and not a liberal putting on act to make money? What a laugh.”

Well first, I defend him cause I believe he has some good points and is able to see things where others do not. Also, he is not afraid to bash either side when they make a mistake, unlike bush bots such as bill o’rielly and hannity who have their noses up bushes ass even when he is dead wrong. YES I KNOW SAVAGE USED TO BE A HIPPIE. I don’t think he was ever a communist, do you have any solid proof of this? HE ADMIT’S THAT HE USED TO BE A HIPPIE AND A DEMOCRAT, AND THAT HE HAS CHANGED HIS VIEWS. I have never heard him take a socialist position on gun control, in fact he strongly urged civilian gun ownership several times.

“* On April 18, 2007, at approximately 25 minutes into the second hour of his show, Weiner stated: “WE NEED TO STOP FUNDING THE WAR IN IRAQ AND START FUNDING THE WAR ON OUR STREETS”. That’s an exact quote. Weiner was apparently referring to homeless “scum” (his term)”

So what. With so many problems here at home maybe we should focus a little more attention here, that being said I think we need to stay in the middle east as well.

‘* On April 17, 2007, at approximately 45 minutes into the 1st hour of his show, Weiner said the shooting (at Virginia Tech) indicates our Gun laws are too lax.”

Problaby misqouted or taken out of context as he so often is by bush bots such as yourself. I listened to him during that time and don’t recall him saying that. If i remember correctly he said that the teachers should be allowed to have firearms for defense.

‘* Like Rachel Maddox on Air America, Weiner used the Virginia Tech shooting to attack President Bush throughout the 1st hour of his show on April 17th, 2007”

If he did I don’t know why

“* On April 17, 2007, at approximately 20 minutes into the 3rd hour of his show, Weiner admitted he did not recognize the name Ken Blackwell.”

I don’t know who that is either

“* On April 17, 2007, at approximately 28 minutes into the 3rd hour of his show, Weiner attacked President Bush for not mentioning Jesus Christ when he spoke at Virginia Tech Convocation.”

So what.

“* Throughout his April 16 show (the day of the Virginia Tech shooting), Weiner used the massacre to repeatedly attack President Bush and Homeland Secretary Chertoff for their lack of leadership. Weiner never explained what he expected the President or the Secretary to do in the wake of the school shooting.”

I don’t know what that has to do with the tradgedy at VT, but bush and chertoff are doing a crappy job of homeland security for sure, and calling people like you and I who disaprove of their amnesty racsists.

“* During the first 30 minutes of his April 16, 2007 show, Weiner called Prime Minister Blair “Tony the Coward”.”

He is a coward. Look how he acted when iran kidnapped those british sailors! Do you think churchill would have acted like that? He would have declared war!! And Blair is letting his country be overrun by muslims.

“* Also during the first 30 minutes of his April 16, 2007 show, Weiner called the Republicans running for President in 2008 “empty-suits”. Weiner singled out Mayor Rudolph Giuliani by name.”

Rudy guliani is not a republican. Soft on illegals, pro-choice, etc. He is not a good canidate for pres. IMO

“* On April 16, 2007, at approximately 50 minutes into the 3rd hour of his show, Weiner claimed that Rudolph Giuliani “wants to make America like New York”. Weiner offered no proof or evidence for this assertion”

You have no proof that rudy dosen’t.

“* Calls for the impeachment of G.W. Bush”

So will I if this shamnesty bill passes.

“* Weiner actually did support his Congresswoman, Madame Pelosi, when she met with the Murderer Assad before he was against her meeting with Assad.”

dont know much about this

“* Weiner hates President Bush, except when he loves President Bush.”

So? Bush has done some good things, and some bad things.

“* In the middle of his April 4, 2007 show, Weiner threw a fit and suddenly was off the air even though he had ninety minutes left.”

So you have proved he has a temper. BFD

“* On his Nov 20, 2006 show, Weiner hosted a love-in with Charlie Rangel.”

dont know who that is. I don’t get to listen to every show though.

“* On his Nov 17, 2006 show, Weiner played a clip from some Israeli pot smokers and then extrapolated from this clip that all of Israel have become drug addicts.”

So what. He’s not entitled to his opinion?

“* On his Nov 17, 2006 show, Weiner said that drug addicts should be executed.”

He does say some things that don’t make sense occasionaly. But I am sure he was taken out of context.

“* Weiner advocates cutting and running in Iraq.”

BS He advocates winning or getting out. Not farting around.

“* Weiner claims he hates San Francisco; yet, he continues to live there. (What’s that about?)”

Well he has been there along time. Why should he be forced to leave cause the socialists call it home?

“* Provides money to a moonbat AG candidate in a border state”


“* Twice hosted Chuck Schumer in a blatant attempt to damage the GOP Senate Campaign during an election year.”

Once was because schumer was actually on the right side of an issue. Schumer helped defeat the Dubai ports deal. THe other time I can’t remember.

“* Routinely calls our fellow Americans morons and idiots”

Alot of americans are idiots. Look who they voter into

“* Like his brethern on Air America, Weiner thinks multinational corporations conspire with each other

Maybe they do.

* Like his brethern on Air America, Weiner thinks the oil companies conspire with each other

Maybe they do.

* Supports the minimum wage

I have never heard him.

* Like his brethern on Air America, Weiner h ates Conservative icons like Rush Limbaugh”

BECAUSE RUSH IS A BUSHBOT LIKE YOU WHO NEVER DISAGREES WITH THE REPUBLICAN PARTY EVEN WHEN THEY ARE DEAD WRONG. I like a radio host who can think for himself not just toe the party line.

“* Spews hatred and vile towards our Commander in Chief during a time of war”

That’s because although W is doing a fiar job at best in the middle east he’s ruining the country with shamnesty.

“* Claims to be a sort of “Patton” on the War on Terror, but when the Israelis started bombing Lebanon, he turned into Cindy Sheehan”

BS he always backs Israel.

“* Routinely asks callers a question, then ignores their answer and continues on maniacal rant.”

We are in agreement here. But alot of radio hosts do that, not just him.

“* Said the war in Iraq is purely for profit, get this, so that Haliburton can make money.”

Misqouted. But he did say that gov. contractors make alot of money in iraq, and they do. NO bid contracts no less. I don’t believe we are at war for that reason, but don’t be so naive sto believe there isnt corruption there. Even Eisenhower I think it was told the american people to beware of gov. contractors.

* Called Cheney a liar, and said he didn’t believe a word he says, ever.

* Called Bush a liar.

BUsh is a liar, when it comes to his support for illegals.

“Said there’s no difference between the GOP and Dems.”

pretty much. look at how nicely ted kennedy and bush are getting along with thier new attempt to sell america down the river.

I am too tired of typing so I didn’t answer the last few. But sounds to me like your a bush bot and will defend him no matter what he does, and you don’t like an independent mind like savage talking bad about bushy.

101 posted on 06/02/2007 4:22:28 PM PDT by slow5poh
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To: rurgan
Right on! Also Sen. Mitch McConnell started the whole amnesty thing not the President.
183 posted on 06/02/2007 10:31:33 PM PDT by Brimack34
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To: rurgan

> * Also during the first 30 minutes of his April 16, 2007 show, Weiner called the Republicans running for President in 2008 “empty-suits”. Weiner singled out Mayor Rudolph Giuliani by name.

And you have a *problem* with this? They *are* empty suits. Now I understand — you love Rooty with his cross-dressing, immoral, pro-abort agenda? Rooty is no conservative.

I also note that you never mention Savage’s constant vilification of liberals, communists, Dimocrats, and his defense of borders, language, and culture.

Do I think he goes a little wacky sometimes? Yeah, but that’s part of his charm. He’s a pundit, not a lawmaker. He’s an entertainer, not a legislator.

249 posted on 06/03/2007 4:53:07 AM PDT by VictoryGal (Never give up, never surrender!)
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To: rurgan

Sorry but he’s at least 51% correct on ALL those points, and most of them are just opinions delivered in the heat of the moment, which burns in Savage 24 hours a day.
He has shown himself to be subject to “temporary blindness” of a political nature in things like having Schumer on and talking to him like he was a savior of the Dubai deal. I think he later got himself together and revised his position.

299 posted on 06/03/2007 12:34:18 PM PDT by supremedoctrine
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To: rurgan
Obviously you do not listen to Savage since you are quoting another Freeper. I pod-cast the Michael Savage show. I can tell you right now that many of your quotes are taken out of context. Savage is a true conservative without a doubt. Trust me I listen to all his shows.

I do not always agree with everything he says, but I agree with him about 90% of the time. I notice that Rush, Hannity, and Boortz all listen to him too. Its obvious because Savage is the first one that brings up whatever they begin to talk about.

BTW, I like Rush and Hannity, but they are Bush-Bots. Yes I know they have said some things about Bush, but they both go lite on him. Boortz is a little tougher on Bush and the Republicans. Savage rips them apart. However, at the same time he believes that the DNC are basically European Socialist and Communist.

The reason why the Republicans get torn to shreds is because they pretended to believe in Conservative principles, and they are not. The Dems everyone knew what to expect. So can I just say that Savage and conservatives like me resent what Bush has become. He is a liberal with the exception of the Tax Cut and the War on Terror.

309 posted on 06/03/2007 2:03:42 PM PDT by Sprite518
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