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Getting the Government the Third World Deserves
American Thinker ^ | 5-30-07 | Selwyn Duke

Posted on 06/01/2007 4:30:01 AM PDT by Renfield

When Thomas Jefferson said that "people get the government they deserve," it was more than just a clever turn of phrase. It also was not an isolated insight but a timeless truth, one expressed by many. William Cowper said,

"When was public virtue to be found when private was not?" Benjamin Franklin stated,

"Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters." Truth be known, I could probably fill a book with the words of wise ones who have spoken in kind. But, you know, I understand this principle well. I know that people get the government they deserve; what bothers me is that I'm going to get the government they deserve.

You should be bothered, too. With the "people" changing radically through Third World immigration (Ted Kennedy's 1965 immigration act ensures that 85 percent of immigrants come from the Third World and Asia), it's legitimate to wonder how demographics influence democracy. And it's not hard to understand how these folks will shape government, for they have done so before - in their own lands.

Since our largest immigrant group hails from Mexico, let's look south of the border. Mexico is a thoroughly corrupt country, not at all unique in the Third World but certainly emblematic of it. For instance, they have the dubious distinction of possibly having the most corrupt police force in the world, as Mexican authorities enforce whatever law pays them the most. According to a documentary on the subject, you can buy your way out of a fatal hit-and-run for 450 dollars.

But the corruption is so systemic that many of us have heard the stories ourselves. I remember being told of a man who traveled to Mexico and was mugged by the police (a documented example of theft by Mexican police can be found here). Then I heard about a hapless soul who had to sell his home to pay tribute to a family with more clout and a grudge against him; the police paid him a visit and told him he'd be shot if he didn't. Most recently, an acquaintance told me how he was pulled over for running a stop sign that didn't exist and had to pay the crooked cop a bribe so he could continue on his way. And this corruption is mirrored in every aspect of Mexican society, in the bureaucrats, the courts and, of course, the politicians.

This is why cultural equivalency doctrine is nonsense. People may complain about corruption here, and while it certainly exists, it's the exception, not the norm; by and large, we are still governed by the rule of law. We don't fully appreciate this because in just the same way some of us take our lifestyle for granted - not realizing ours is a life of silk and satin as compared to most of the world - we also take for granted that one will be able to conduct everyday business and others will play by the rules. But in most of the world this is the exception, not the norm.

In other words, if we want to descend into a culture of corruption, all we need do is continue the mass importation of Third Worlders through immigration, both illegal and legal. Naturalization won't inculcate virtue immediately; rather, they will bring their passions, ideology and voting habits with them and lend their support to the same kinds of corrupt leftists they supported in their native lands.

It is quite true that previous waves of immigrants, from the Irish to Italians, Jews, Poles, and others, were also criticized at the height of their mass arrival on these shores, only to assimilate and become highly accomplished members of our civilization and society. But those who castigate today's critics of immigration on this basis usually fail to note that real problems were associated with the mass emigration at the time, and that the Immigration Act of 1924 (often denounced as racist, but also enacted in response to perceived problems) provided a half century-plus of minimal immigration, precisely the period in which assimilation worked its wonders on these earlier waves of immigrants, turning them into real Americans.

Moreover, in today's world of satellite television, cheap air travel, inexpensive internet telephone connections, and other communications advances, there is far, far less reason for arrivals to assimilate than earlier. Immigrants from Mexico, a bus ride away, where the schools teach that much of the American West properly belongs to Mexico, and where the American representative to the Miss Universe Contest in Mexico City was loudly booed Monday night, may have limited enthusiasm for assimilation and face community pressures to remain defiantly apart.

First-time Hispanic voters cast ballots for Bill Clinton by a staggering margin of fifteen to one. So, while Bush once said that family values don't stop at the border, it certainly seems that free market ones do. Preying on this, there is a tacit offer being made by the traitorous politicians among us:

Listen, come here with millions of your fellow travelers and vote for us, and, oh, oh, the rape shall commence. We'll give you the wealth of the native people; we don't know how to say it in Spanish, but we have a nice euphemism: "Redistribution." And the provincialists who would call it theft are simply too stupid to understand that if we make it legal, it cannot be wrong.

Whenever I sound this alarm, I always receive emails from those who call me an alarmist, if not something worse. They state with assurance that these Third Worlders will assimilate, just as Americans always had.

They dream.

If you want a glimpse of things to come (unless we reverse course), just study states in which Third Worlders have settled. California was once a place where Ronald Reagan reigned supreme, a conservative citadel. Now, with the majority of its population being of Third World and Asian heritage, it's on the cutting edge of societal devolution. Its senators are Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein, and it has become a metaphor for politically correct insanity. Reagan could be resurrected with all his charm and oratorical splendor, and he would not win his home state.

Arizona is another prime example. Once synonymous with Barry Goldwater, it now elects senators such as John McCain and Jon Kyl, amnesty advocates both. Hey, they know their constituency.

What do you think will happen when the Third World invasion hits your region? Is your state possessed of a special aura that will magically transform these groups' collective ideology? The truth is that once the whole nation looks like California, you'll be pressing two for English.

If you're a leftist such as Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton, you welcome this importation of socialist-minded voters. If Lady Macbeth is her party's nominee, California will be a lock, and if the whole nation looked like the Golden State... well, her biggest worry would be competition from the left. Yes, just imagine, if we become Mexico North, we'll have a Hillary Clinton or Al Gore on the right against a Hugo Chavez on the left. Talk about the lesser of two evils.

Many have opined that this demographic trend spells doom for the Republican Party. This epitaph is premature, however, so be not afraid if you're comforted by the sight of an office holder with an "R" beside his name. Political parties are remarkably malleable; like water, they take the shape of the vessel in which they find themselves. Sure, the Republicans will initially struggle to "rehabilitate" their image as an entity not given to nanny state, cradle-to-grave giveaways and perennial pandering to minority angst, but they shall persevere. You'll get your candidates with the R's. Although they may need to have Z's to the left of them.

As for those welcoming this cultural suicide, they will learn the hard way that one must be careful what he wishes for; you see, by and large, they know not what they sow. The politicians are blinded by power, the business interests by money, and the Mexicans by ethnic patriotism. And, ironically, it is the last group that will probably be most unhappy as we devolve into Mexico North. The only concerns of politicians and business are, respectively, power here and now and money here and now. Most of these people are fairly old, and life beyond the next few elections or few dozen financial quarters is of no consequence. If they are still around, perhaps assimilating into the culture of the French Riviera by joining the locals in mockery of boorish Americans, their Gulfstream jets will spirit them away to lands of milk and honey and their plunder will buy them all the political favors and favorable court rulings a Master of the Universe could ever need.

The hapless Third Worlders, like most of the rest of us, won't be so fortunate. Languishing in a nation reminiscent of Blade Runner (that is, assuming America remains intact), they won't have pockets deep enough in which to keep police, bureaucrats, judges and politicians.

Of course, one group that will welcome this cultural and economic breakdown is the Islamists. A corrupt, balkanized land where political correctness carries the day is fertile soil for those who prey on desperate souls yearning for meaning and moral order.

Be assured, though, immigration will come to an end. Once the rape of these United States is complete, with money redistributed, productivity and wealth creation squelched and currency devalued, immigrants will stop coming here. People generally don't go from one Third World country to another.

With the picture I've painted, one might think I have stock in the maker of Prozac. Theoretically, though, we could still right the ship. But the first step is the termination of an abusive relationship: Our love affair with mass immigration. The historical norm is to protect your shores from culturally imperialistic foreign elements, not invite them in. And the only reason this simple truth escapes us is that we have fallen victim to immigration and diversity dogma, to a sinister salesmanship, a leftist juggernaut that could sell a full-length burka to a NOW member. And, in a way, that's exactly what they're doing.

Or perhaps it's more like selling pork carnitas to a jihadist.

No, actually, it's more like selling death to a civilization.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Editorial; Government
KEYWORDS: aliens; corruption; immigrantlist; immigrants
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1 posted on 06/01/2007 4:30:03 AM PDT by Renfield
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To: Renfield
"Listen, come here with millions of your fellow travelers and vote for us, and, oh, oh, the rape shall commence. We'll give you the wealth of the native people

Deport all illegal immigrants and IMPEACH (New World Order) Bush, NOW!!!

2 posted on 06/01/2007 4:48:59 AM PDT by blam
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To: Renfield

“people get the government they deserve,”

This doesn’t say anything good about us citizens.

3 posted on 06/01/2007 4:53:21 AM PDT by RoadTest (Get our Marines out of Pendleton's Kangaroo court!)
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To: Renfield

“... immigration will come to an end. Once the rape of these United States is complete, with money redistributed, productivity and wealth creation squelched and currency devalued, immigrants will stop coming here. People generally don’t go from one Third World country to another.”

Ain’t it the truth!

5 posted on 06/01/2007 5:03:16 AM PDT by SMARTY ("Stay together, pay the solders and forget everything else." Lucius Septimus Severus)
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To: Renfield

bump for later

6 posted on 06/01/2007 5:14:27 AM PDT by true_blue_texican (...against all enemies, foreign and domestic...)
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To: Renfield

And because guns are outlawed, the people of Mexico can do little to correct the problem.

7 posted on 06/01/2007 5:15:31 AM PDT by Paperpusher
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To: Renfield

Excellent!!!!!! Right on target!!!!!

8 posted on 06/01/2007 5:25:20 AM PDT by LetMarch
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To: Renfield

I predict there will be a second civil war before the US becomes a third-world country.

Lots of armed angry citizens are not about to stand by while they get invaded and overrun - they’ll do the work the authorities won’t, if push comes to shove.

Thanks again, Jorge Arbusto - this is your REAL legacy, you idiot.

9 posted on 06/01/2007 5:45:11 AM PDT by canuck_conservative
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To: canuck_conservative
I predict there will be a second civil war before the US becomes a third-world country.

You may be right, just think about how freaked everyone is that Mr. Drug Resistant TB was trapesing about our airspace.

10 posted on 06/01/2007 5:50:53 AM PDT by NativeSon (off the Rez without a pass...)
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To: Renfield

I believe it was French statesman JOSEPH D’MAISTRE who made that very correct comment.

And they DO.

I guess we should all hit our knees and thank God were not getting all the government we’re paying for — YET!

But it’s ON THE WAY!

11 posted on 06/01/2007 6:07:13 AM PDT by Dick Bachert
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To: Renfield
This sort of thing has happened often historically. The Ancients, with their smaller societies, were more used to watching social change than we and describe the process extensively.

One cannot but over simplify the story. History is an endless tale of crashing cultures and destroyed peoples. “Sic transit gloria mundi.”

Throughout the ages the signs of decay, the signs of impending social collapse, are described in the same way. Contemporary commentators from Confucius to Cicero (and to Selwyn Duke writing above) ascribe collapse followed by helpless poverty to licentiousness, that is, that the people over time came to refuse to distinguish right from wrong, lies from truth, virtue from vice, and dreams from reality. The shift from necessity to luxury destroys.

Machievelli holds that Democracy leads to, causes, tyranny. Plato seems of the same opinion. Certainly the mass media propaganda machine rules public discourse. Slogans have replaced reason.

One may profitably examine Aaron Burr as seen by Washington, Hamilton, and even Jefferson for insight into our problem. Hamilton particularly would have found our present circumstance expectable.

12 posted on 06/01/2007 6:49:08 AM PDT by Iris7 (Dare to be pigheaded! Stubborn! "Tolerance" is not a virtue!)
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To: Renfield

Got bullets?

13 posted on 06/01/2007 1:11:25 PM PDT by TexasRepublic (Afghan protest - "Death to Dog Washers!")
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To: canuck_conservative

I predict there will be a second civil war before the US becomes a third-world country.

What will the teams be? Who will be handling the licensing opportunities in flags and t-shirts?

14 posted on 06/01/2007 1:15:11 PM PDT by durasell (!)
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To: TexasRepublic

As a matter of fact, I have virtually a lifetime supply of ammunition in over a dozen calibers/gauges.

If my house ever catches fire, the fireball will be visible for 30 miles.

15 posted on 06/01/2007 1:47:39 PM PDT by Renfield
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To: Renfield
what bothers me is that I'm going to get the government they deserve.

Not necessarily. There is a direct correlation between the increasing moral depravity in this country and our increasing loss of freedoms. There is no guarantee anywhere that America can get away with doing the same things that have driven other countries into extinction.

We're getting the government we deserve.

16 posted on 06/01/2007 1:56:00 PM PDT by GiovannaNicoletta
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To: Renfield

Absolutely Brilliant!

17 posted on 06/01/2007 4:19:13 PM PDT by happygrl (Dunderhead for HONOR)
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To: Renfield

thanks, bfl

18 posted on 06/04/2007 2:22:03 AM PDT by neverdem (May you be in heaven a half hour before the devil knows that you're dead.)
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To: Iris7
Hamilton particularly would have found our present circumstance expectable.

Hamilton was a principal architect of this predicament. It was he who provided the internationalists the means to institute the unconstitutional regulatory architecture by which to bring the republic to its own demise.

19 posted on 06/04/2007 6:11:00 AM PDT by Carry_Okie (Duncan Hunter for President)
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To: Renfield

20 posted on 06/04/2007 9:08:41 AM PDT by Liz (It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. Voltaire)
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