1 posted on
04/11/2007 2:09:30 PM PDT by
2 posted on
04/11/2007 2:12:34 PM PDT by
To: veronica
Have to admire Dean as he did stand his ground; unlike, perhaps those on the other side.
Have conservative/Christians pleased the Lord!???
3 posted on
04/11/2007 2:14:04 PM PDT by
(Starting' to catch on the conspiracy is no "theory??")
To: veronica
Dr. “Demento” Dean need not worry. The labor groups will not abandon the Democrat party unless the Communists run a candidate.
To: veronica
Hoffa told the Denver Post last week that it was ironic that Republicans were planning their convention in the heavily unionized Twin Cities. He added: Maybe we should flip it and let the Republicans come to Denver.
Please do. Our city would end up better for the trade.
To: veronica
RE-Create ‘68? Oh the glory days! No showers for months, fighting The Man! Aren’t those folks living in McMansions in suburbia now??
To: veronica
YeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaa! Let the games begin!
7 posted on
04/11/2007 6:47:51 PM PDT by
(Never forget Matt Maupin)
To: veronica
The Colorado Dems' base could be angered enough to sit out the next election. I love it!
"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached." - Manuel II Palelologus
8 posted on
04/12/2007 9:35:33 AM PDT by
(In Memory Of A Dearly Beloved Friend Who Lives In My Heart Forever)
To: colorado tanker
labor groups to threaten to withdraw support from the 2008 Democratic National Convention.
9 posted on
04/12/2007 10:05:47 PM PDT by
(Ward Churchill : Fake Indian, Fake Scholarship, and Fake Art)
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