Posted on 04/09/2007 8:35:35 AM PDT by kellynla
Something ominous is happening on our southern borders. For years, we have faced masses of poor workers illegally entering our country in search of jobs, as well as a smaller number of more dangerous narcotics smugglers. But today we have evidence that the same terrorists who killed 3,000 Americans on September 11, 2001, are now infiltrating the United States through our southern border.
Suspected al-Qaeda sleeper agent Mohammed Junaid Babar has told investigators of a scheme to smuggle terrorists across the Mexican border. Babar is tied to a terror plot to carry out bombings and assassinations in London. Along the Mexican border there have been stories of suspicious items picked up by local residents, including Muslim prayer rugs and notebooks written in both Arabic and Spanish.
We have also seen numerous reports of Middle Eastern males, speaking Arabic or Farsi, who have been caught crossing the American border with Mexico. Adnan Shukrijumah, a top al-Qaeda operative whom the FBI wants for questioning, met with alien smugglers in Mexico and Honduras in 2004 and was seeking ways to bring al-Qaeda members into the United States. Recently, Mahmoud Youssef Kourani, who was smuggled into our country from Mexico in 2001, was sentenced to five years in prison for helping the jihadist terror group Hezbollah.
They continue trying to penetrate the United States because they want to attack us in our homeland. Time Magazine recently reported that Osama Bin Laden has personally urged his Iraqi-based lieutenant, Abu Mousab Al-Zarqawi, to attack America itself and that Al-Zarqawi believes terrorists can bribe and buy their way through Mexico and into the U.S.
Al-Zarqawi and his fellow terrorists are banking on the fact that they can slip across our border with Mexico by walking through the desert or wading across the Rio Grande. They have changed their tactics because entry through official border crossings have become more difficult thanks to new passports, more visa controls and an increase in computer identity checks instituted as part of the War on Terror.
The terrorists are counting on southern border policy and an overworked and undermanned Border Patrol to allow them to slip into our country. Under present regulations, the Border Patrol automatically turns back Mexicans caught at the border, but detains non-Mexicans for deportation hearings. The majority are released pending their court hearings, which allows them to easily disappear into the general population. The Border Patrol reports it released 5,775 of Other Than Mexican (OTM) illegal immigrants in 2002; by 2004, that number soared to 30,075. Those who are released are assigned a court date for a deportation but the no-show rate for these court meetings is as high as 90 percent. We are not sure how many of those who are released are from countries with known jihadist organizations such as al-Qaeda.
Clearly recognizing our serious border vulnerability, Congress passed the Intelligence Reform bill last year which authorized an increase of 10,000 new border patrol agents over five years. Additionally, it included provisions to add 8,000 detention beds and 800 additional interior investigators to bolster border security. Unfortunately, the draft budget only allocated enough to cover 210 agents, 143 investigators and 1,920 beds.
Since 2001, 1,300 agents have been added to the force, but this number is still not sufficient to patrol the 6,900 miles of borders with Canada and Mexico. Texas alone shares a 1,254-mile border with Mexico.
To give our Border Patrol more help, I introduced and passed an amendment to the Senate Budget Resolution to provide sufficient funds for the 2,000 new border patrol agents. This will bring this year’s number of new border patrol agents to the number required by the Intelligence Reform bill passed by Congress in December. My amendment provides $352 million for new agents. Instead of creating new spending, the funds would be transferred from the $33 billion set aside for international affairs.
President Bush, Mexican President Vincente Fox and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin held a summit on March 23 at which they announced establishment of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP). Their goal is to provide for better regional security as well as prosperity by developing compatible systems for screening passengers, goods and cargo.
While I welcome the assistance of Canada and Mexico, America’s security depends upon our own government. I will continue efforts to ensure our Border Patrol has sufficient resources to do its job.
April 1, 2005
YUMA, Ariz. - President Bush visited the U.S.-Mexico border Monday to tout a guest worker program for immigrants, pursuing a key domestic policy goal despite chilly relations with Congress.
Watch Video The Threat of DeportationBush will be in
Bush touts guest worker program proposal
Arizona pushing for an overhaul on immigration.
Watch Migrants hold LA protestThousands of people have demonstrated in Los Angeles to demand citizenship rights for illegal immigrants.
FULL Immigration coverage
The President of Mexico today announced that his country will not Participate in the 2008 Summer Olympics.
Anyone who can run, jump, or swim has already left the country.
I'm tired of the double standards. Citizens have to abide by the laws of this country and illegals get a free pass to take advantage of the US. Whne you register your child for school you have to supply a calid SS number. That is one thing that illegals can not do, so they commit another crime by using bogus SS numbers.
Try using a fake SS number and see what happens. Try driving around without legal plates on your vehicle and see what happens.
Are we getting fair representation when we are NOT being heard? Are we getting fair treatment under the law when we are expected to ebey hte laws and illegals get a pass?
I think most people are at the point of giving up. When people first tried to speak their minds they were told to write their congresspersons, senators, reps. Well, what good did it do? We have a couple of politicians that agree with us, but the majority are actively workingagainst us.
So, where do you turn when the official means to redress grievances is closed?
Sounds like a good place to start checking citizenship.
Bush Tackles U.S. Border Security
'Z' Visa Would Allow for Three-Year Work Permits
Bill Introduced to Help Coast Guard Battle Illegal Immigration
People aren’t giving up. More and more local and state governments are cracking down on illegals since the do-nothing/do-little federal government has long since dropped the ball.
“Was there anything different from his usual line of excuses expressed?”
I heard it was delivered in Spanish. We have a President who is inarticulate in two languages.
What's absurd is educated, intelligent people with a knowledge of history fulminating about human nature. No, not the desire of the world's poor to emigrate to more economically developed regions, but the corrupting influence immigration has on politics and business.
Immigration, legal & illegal, is as natural as (solar) global warming. It has always taken place throughout human history, through the rise & fall of civilizations, and it will continue to always take place.
Opposing illegal immigration is purely defensive; we should reprise manifest destiny by considering how to annex Mexico's 38 states.
Gotta buy that book BUMP!
LOL Funny ... but sadly true.
Um, considering the current, relatively simple immigration laws are not being enforced, why would any reasonable person think new, complicated, hard to verify regs and laws be enforced?
Sounds like a fig leaf for amnesty.
The Dems for sure, have no reason to oppose Bush on an amnesty, after all, it won’t be 20 million and rapidly increasing new, low income citizens for the Repubs.
Rather they will be Dem voters, voting for the hand that offers the most handouts, thus assuring a hard left govt for a long, long, long time to come.
I just noticed what you were saying about other Freepers and, I wondered if they were saying the same about you?
Threads like this and irresponsible, angry, hate-filled posters like the ones posting here are the reason so many, many decent, honest conservatives rarely, if ever, post on FR any more.
The same words can be found on DU. In fact, I would guarantee that some the same posters can be found on DU.
This thread is disgusting.
You’re a windbag.
GWB’s “plan” is a disaster for this country....Fiscally, socially and culturally.
Hey! I’m completely on your side. I think that GW is destroying the Republican Party with this issue. The point I was trying to make to the person who I was responding to was that if you take his example of 30Million illegals (which is already a disaster) and figure just one child per parent (much lower than the reality of the situation) and multiply those 30M kids times the $100,000 per student average to fund public school K-12, you’re way, way over his amount “contributed” to the treasury.
Illegals are a huge net loss to the economy, and will drive down the pay scale for the lower middle class to the point where they will eventually make it all but impossible for an American worker with less than a college degree to live above the poverty level.
Your “list” is BULL$__T. You called me a racist on another thread...first off Hispanic is not a race and Mexican is not a race...and secondly on the same thread YOU referred to these illegals in question with 2 hispanic / latino names.
Talk about the cat calling the kettle black....
You’re just the latest Newby/TROLL/illegal apologist here on FR.
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