To: Posting
"Christian leaders are worried that the kidnapping trend is on the increase, creating tensions between Muslims and Christians."
Yes, for some reason kidnapping your kids and raping your daughters creates "tension"
Christian leaders need to learn how to fight or all will be killed by the ROP. The war is on will anyone come?
To: Goldwater and Gingrich
I agree with you both... It is my responsibility and any other christian individuals to protect, response even with the use of force if savages are on the attack.
I fully trust that the Christian Nigerians will do something about this... Muslims only fear overwhelming power. To be a pacifist is a sign of weakness to them.
7 posted on
03/20/2007 12:27:55 AM PDT by
("Show No Mercy, For You Shall Receive None.")
To: Goldwater and Gingrich
this is an old old Muslim tactic.

12 posted on
03/20/2007 5:05:31 AM PDT by
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