"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."
"Christian leaders are worried that the kidnapping trend is on the increase, creating tensions between Muslims and Christians."
Yes, for some reason kidnapping your kids and raping your daughters creates "tension"
Christian leaders need to learn how to fight or all will be killed by the ROP. The war is on will anyone come?
I'm sorry, but when Muslim heathens steal children, and legal authorities will not or cannot do anything about it with a "we must wait until the Sultan returns..." attitude, the time for fathers has come to take up "the use of a gun" (or swords or machetes for that matter) to take them back, regardless the risk.
To be pacifist in this is not turning the other cheek. The bible never says we must lose our children to savages.
May God give steel the the parents of the stolen children in Nigeria--and may they "steal" their children back.
If you want on or off, go to the link for instructions. Otherwise, it won't be guaranteed that you will be put on or taken off (it still won't be 100% guaranteed, anyway, but will be much more highly probable).
Those Nigerians had better watch out or the 6 Flying Imans will sue them for not being tolerant...
Wherever islam goes, evil follows.
This has nothing to do with any Inquisition. This is simply kidnapping. An inquisition is a purely western process - it is not Islamic, cannot be Islamic. Just as no one should call a jihad a crusade no one should call anything Muslims do an inquisition. That is simply showing radical Muslims more respect than they deserve, and denigrating westerners who were more honorable than modern leftists myths relate.
A lack of courage leads to this future for everyone.
You can't really. If he's a Christian in his heart, all the exterior trappings aren't going to change that fact.
Can you imagine the outrage from the leftists if Christians tried kidnapping and presenting the Gospel to muslim teens?
Islam is the scourge of the earth.
It's easy. The Koran demands it. These barbarians have been doing this sort of thing for centuries.
Islam is a religion of war, not peace.