1 posted on
03/07/2007 3:50:23 PM PST by
To: 91B; HiJinx; Spiff; MJY1288; xzins; Calpernia; clintonh8r; TEXOKIE; windchime; Grampa Dave; ...
WAR News at Home and Abroad You'll Hear Nowhere Else!
All the News the MSM refuses to use!
Or if they do report it, without the anti-War Agenda Spin!
2 posted on
03/07/2007 3:50:57 PM PST by
(Duty, Honor, Country. What else needs to be said?)
To: SandRat
Jan 13th: Bush announces new 'plan' after Iranian embassy was raided days earlier
Jan 15th: Democrats come out against the 'plan', conclude it is a failure and renew calls to retreat from Iraq
Feb 3rd: Mookie Sadr tells his guys to 'stand down' while the new plan goes into effect, and he flees to Iran.
Feb 8th: The new plan officially starts, Gen. Patraus predicts it will be May before we can tell for sure if its working
Feb 22nd: Military cautiously points out that secular violence (dead bodies found shot in head, etc) drop by 80%, but say we can't tell for sure.
Mar 7th: Stories continue to be written about 'cautiously' daring to think that there might be some hope in the plan that the dems called a 'complete failure' 2 months ago, a full month before it even started.
3 posted on
03/07/2007 4:06:10 PM PST by
(Success is not final; Failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts -- Churchill)
To: SandRat
They have many jihadis still to take out. And they will.
4 posted on
03/07/2007 4:06:36 PM PST by
To: SandRat
Thanks for the news the MSM doesn't believe exists, SandRat.
Iraqi residents of the Sadr City section of Baghdad, a formerly violent part of the municipality, are being non-confrontational and cooperative as U.S. and Iraqi forces move in
I wonder how many of the residents are Mahdi...has the Mahdi left as well?
Eventually, I think, the Mahdi will become active again and we'll have to deal with them.
5 posted on
03/07/2007 4:18:28 PM PST by
("Always take the offensive...Never Dig in." - Gen Patton)
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