To: All
2 posted on
02/26/2007 3:58:09 AM PST by
(Stop Global Dhimming. Demand testicular fortitude from the hill. Call the crusade.)
To: AliVeritas
A statement from the U.S. military Monday said that 63 weapons caches have been discovered during major U.S.-Iraqi security sweeps around Baghdad that began Feb. 14.Wow, good thing the media's been on this story so thoroughly. /sarc
3 posted on
02/26/2007 3:58:52 AM PST by
(I not only want my child left behind, but left alone for me to direct, not some bureaucrat.)
To: AliVeritas
"U.S. and Iraqi forces have seized a large weapons cache that includes parts for sophisticated roadside bombs that are believed to originate in Iran, U.S. military investigators said."Hmmm, turn these IEDs over to Iranian Kurds, Baluchs and Arabs. You know Blowback is a bee eye itch.
5 posted on
02/26/2007 6:30:48 AM PST by
Jabba the Nutt
(Jabba the Hutt's bigger, meaner, uglier brother.)
To: AliVeritas
It looks like to me that both the Sunni's and the Shiite's are trying to kill American troops in Iraq.
6 posted on
02/26/2007 9:33:14 AM PST by
To: StarFan; Dutchy; alisasny; BobFromNJ; BUNNY2003; Cacique; Clemenza; Coleus; cyborg; DKNY; ...
Please FReepmail me if you want on or off my miscellaneous ping list.
9 posted on
02/26/2007 10:16:42 AM PST by
(National Security trumps everything else.)
To: AliVeritas
God bless and keep our brave fighting men. I hope they find all of these caches soon.
10 posted on
02/26/2007 10:26:00 AM PST by
Bigg Red
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