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To: smoothsailing
For the Democrats in the MSM, admitting success would be admitting their defeat.
2 posted on
02/24/2007 9:52:57 AM PST by
([Democrats] are jubilant at our disasters and are cast down when the rebels are defeated -Sept. 1862)
To: smoothsailing
4 posted on
02/24/2007 9:55:14 AM PST by
T. Buzzard Trueblood
("left unchecked, Saddam Hussein...will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." Sen. Hillary Clinton)
To: smoothsailing
Even beyond the numbers of the surge is the importance of showing both our allies and our enemies that the 2006 GOP losses did not end our resolve.
5 posted on
02/24/2007 10:03:54 AM PST by
(Duncan Hunter 08)
To: smoothsailing
Caution against a whole lot of end zone dancing and high fiving just yet.
There's still a lot of work and progress to be accomplished.
Still, it's going to be SWEET to see the pained looks on these smug hate-America sons a bitches faces!
6 posted on
02/24/2007 10:04:44 AM PST by
To: smoothsailing
7 posted on
02/24/2007 10:06:48 AM PST by
To: smoothsailing
Surge 2007: More Rock, Less Talk
To: smoothsailing
When the Army and Marine Corps are on offense, carrying out combat operations and clearing out insurgent strongholds, we win. When we lay back, carrying out routine patrols and playing Baghdad beat cop, we lose. Great piece.
This is exactly why murtha and the RATS want us to 'redeploy' out of Iraq, if this continues to be successful we win over the terrorists and the RATS lose politically.
11 posted on
02/24/2007 10:16:02 AM PST by
To: smoothsailing
We are used to the msm policy of hushing any successes. But why is the Whitehouse not crowing about them?
12 posted on
02/24/2007 10:20:57 AM PST by
( (free speech is only good until someone else doesn't like what you say))
To: smoothsailing
14 posted on
02/24/2007 10:49:00 AM PST by
("The liberty we prize is not America’s gift to the world, it is God’s gift to humanity.”GWB-03)
To: smoothsailing
Should be nailed to the top of the thread.
15 posted on
02/24/2007 10:54:01 AM PST by
( If they say "speaking truth to power,"-they haven't had a l thought since the Beatles broke up)
To: smoothsailing; SandRat
Good news travels fast!!!!?
16 posted on
02/24/2007 11:02:15 AM PST by
(President Bush: I won't change my principals to be popular.)
To: smoothsailing
Shhhh...The democraps are wetting their pampers.
17 posted on
02/24/2007 11:04:07 AM PST by
To: smoothsailing
I believe that the "surge" was just another brilliant strategic move by GW to outflank the Dhimmis.
Although we have consistantly made progress in Iraq, it is too slow to conclusively shove the Dhimmi's noses in, and it's too subjective for our side to crow about. The end result has been a target-rich environment for the anti-American whiners in the Dhimmicrat Party and their agent provocateurs the drive-by media to sow the seeds of discontent amongst a fickle audience.
The Bush administration sees that they can't win in a head-on battle with these morons, so they devise a dodge - a classic red-herring. Proposing the surge draws all of the thimble-heads like Murtha, Pelosi, Durbin, and Biden out from under their rocks. It also shines the light of day on our internal enemies like Hagel, Paul, and Warner. It buys him critical time to prosecute the war relatively unimpeded while the nit-wits are busy showing off for the cameras, and it allows us to demonstrate the contrast between the cut~n~runners and those who really see the necessity to continue this fight.
GW is going to win on this surge thing. He has the prerogative, the law and the moral imperative on his side. Long after the Dhimmis have slinked (slunk?!) away, there will still be the sour stink of their cowardice remaining.
How is it that "History's worst President" consistently runs circles around the worlds self-styled "smartest party"?!
18 posted on
02/24/2007 11:04:43 AM PST by
(Never argue with a man who buys ammo in bulk...)
To: smoothsailing
23 posted on
02/24/2007 11:13:08 AM PST by
(Cold War Veteran===Beware of the IDs of Marx=Fairness Doctrine,3rd party,Slow Bleed+Hillary.)
To: smoothsailing
The strategy that Congress is busy denouncing is proving to be our best hope for victory. Typical.
28 posted on
02/24/2007 11:24:25 AM PST by
Harmless Teddy Bear
(All that is required for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing -E. Burke)
To: smoothsailing
30 posted on
02/24/2007 11:25:47 AM PST by
(Too bad these leftist advocates for abortion didn't practice what they preach on themselves.)
To: smoothsailing
Tonto, I don't like this. It's too quiet. The drums have stopped.
Kemosabe, you know what happen when drums stop, don't you?
What, Tonto?
Bass solo.
32 posted on
02/24/2007 11:40:44 AM PST by
To: smoothsailing
Which explains the wall to wall coverage of who gets Anna Nicole's body and Britney's new hair cut..
33 posted on
02/24/2007 11:44:54 AM PST by
(Elect an Airborne Ranger,Vietnam Veteran for President ! Duncan Hunter 2008!!)
To: smoothsailing
Shhhh... The Surge is Working
"Be vewy vewy quiet. We'er hunting Democwabbits here."
38 posted on
02/24/2007 1:12:42 PM PST by
(For Democrats; victory in Iraq is not an option.)
To: smoothsailing
I knew it was working as soon as I heard Sadr had run away to Iran. The problem is, he'll come back when the heat's off. We should have knocked him off a couple of years ago.
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