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Perspectives : The way to electoral suicide — vote Giuliani
One News Now ^
| Feb 20, 2007
| Matt Friedeman
Posted on 02/21/2007 12:06:36 PM PST by Reagan Man
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To: DocH; wagglebee; cgk; sitetest; jla; Fierce Allegiance; NapkinUser; EternalVigilance; Spiff; ...
posted on
02/21/2007 12:07:33 PM PST
Reagan Man
(FUHGETTABOUTIT Rudy....... Conservatives don't vote for liberals!)
To: Reagan Man
Nah - way too many pics of Rudy G in women's clothing for him to get many votes.
To: Reagan Man
Better to lose an election and reload ideologically than try to cheer on and take cues from a man with a worldview radically divergent from your own. The money line.
posted on
02/21/2007 12:12:47 PM PST
(Democrats :Tough on Taxpayers, Soft on Terrorism)
To: Reagan Man
Aw, cmon, Team Republican says, nobody who purports to be socially conservative, evangelical, or who voted twice for Ronald Reagan will be able to muster a vote for Hillary over Rudy. Probably right. But voting for her isnt the only option. When the electorate isnt excited about the candidates, they are capable of staying home particularly those who dont much care to think political thoughts 24/7 and are not enthused about the choices. There are others of us who will either leave the presidential portion of the ballot unmarked or decide for the first time in our lives to vote, say, the Constitution Party.
Only a moron would fail to notice that a non-vote for Rudy would redound to Hillary's benefit.
To: Chi-townChief
Better to lose an election and reload ideologically than try to cheer on and take cues from a man with a worldview radically divergent from your own. Yea. just like it was better to let Nancy take over the house than get off couch last November. That worked out just swell. You "I'm not going to vote for anybody other than Ronald Reagan" types are morons.
posted on
02/21/2007 12:13:13 PM PST
To: Chi-townChief
That'll lock up San Francisco for him.
posted on
02/21/2007 12:14:04 PM PST
(When Chuck Norris goes to bed at night, he checks under the bed for Jack Bauer.)
To: Reagan Man
Gun grabber.......strike 1
Pro abortion......strike 2
Pro illegal immigration....strike 3
posted on
02/21/2007 12:15:07 PM PST
(Misery loves miserable company.......ask any liberal. Hunter in 08!)
To: Minn
You "I'm not going to vote for anybody other than Ronald Reagan" types are morons.Amen to that!
posted on
02/21/2007 12:18:15 PM PST
(Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.)
To: beltfed308
Yeah.. the 'money line' that won us fruits in Nov 2006.
You people are pathetic... and no matter how much you pat yourselves on the back about being "pure", it doesn't change the fact that your "pureness" got Rummy fired, Bolton kicked out of the UN, Polici in as house speaker, Murtha closer to running the Iraq war, and every other thing DIRECTLY counter to everything you believe in.
But thats right... tell yourself that you are doing a good thing. Like the libs that say they support the troops because they want to get them out of harms way... you're psychotic if you don't see the results of your attitude on this.
Vote for whoever you want in the primaries... all out, thats exactly what I'd expect and would never suggest people should 'fall in line' at this point.
BUT you better not screw the rest of us, and elect a Hillary or Obama, just so you can brag about how "pure" you are.
Honestly... its like the libs who say it is the ultimate 'patriotic' thing to do to be willing to bash your own country... IT MAKES NO SENSE.
Only here there are republicans who think it is the ultimate 'conservative' thing be willing to allow a democrat to be elected to the highest office in our country.
GROW UP and stop being so SELFISH.
posted on
02/21/2007 12:19:46 PM PST
(Success is not final; Failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts -- Churchill)
To: Reagan Man
"How much do we HATE Hillary" is a crappy reason to cast a vote. Does Rudy give me something to believe in is a better question, and one of the reasons why this story will have more merit than some people give it. People will sit at home, and likely in bigger numbers if Hillary's out -ie how much do we hate Bill Richardson, or Obama, or whoever.
posted on
02/21/2007 12:20:06 PM PST
(FREEDOM had NEVER been another word for nothing left to lose...)
To: Minn
its amazing how "hard-core win at all cost" Republicans sound like "mean spirited leftist" Democrats..
"your a moron, your an idiot and more"
all for not supporting "their" choice of candidate...
posted on
02/21/2007 12:20:12 PM PST
("You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body. " - C.S. Lewis)
To: Reagan Man
Here come the rudyboosters!
posted on
02/21/2007 12:21:08 PM PST
(<----- Click here if you hate RINOs! 2008 GOP RINO cards!)
To: stephenjohnbanker
Pro campaign finance reform laws - strike four!
posted on
02/21/2007 12:24:02 PM PST
(<----- Click here if you hate RINOs! 2008 GOP RINO cards!)
To: Minn
Anyone who is unwilling to uphold minimum standards for who they will support is critically lacking in principle.
I have a fairly lax set of standards as the minimum threshhold for competing for my vote, but Rudy and Romney fail to meet even minimum qualifications -- which is pathetic. Even frickin John McCain is above minimum.
posted on
02/21/2007 12:25:04 PM PST
("I respect and will protect a woman's right to choose" -- Mitt Romney, April 2002)
To: snarks_when_bored
>>>>>Only a moron would fail to notice that a non-vote for Rudy would redound to Hillary's benefit. If you're a conservative and you're considering voting for the liberal Rudy Giuliani or the liberal Hillary Clinton, you're a person without a conscience, principles and integrity.
posted on
02/21/2007 12:26:33 PM PST
Reagan Man
(FUHGETTABOUTIT Rudy....... Conservatives don't vote for liberals!)
To: FreedomNeocon
Selfish? YOU people have no clue what Rudy is all about. YOU refuse to accept his statements and actions on these issues. Grow up.
posted on
02/21/2007 12:27:01 PM PST
(Democrats :Tough on Taxpayers, Soft on Terrorism)
To: flashbunny
LOL Great slogan flashbunny.
posted on
02/21/2007 12:28:03 PM PST
Reagan Man
(FUHGETTABOUTIT Rudy....... Conservatives don't vote for liberals!)
To: Reagan Man
I hate to say this: But it looks like a McCain and Guiliani ticket opposing a Hillary plus Obama ticket. I know it is really too early too tell. Mitt Romney may surprise me. But it looks like McCain-Guiliani today to me.
posted on
02/21/2007 12:28:08 PM PST
(Matthew 7: 1 - 6)
To: snarks_when_bored
Not only that, the Conservatives will NOT "stay home."
The Republicans lost in 2006, not because Conservatives "stayed home," but because "Undecideds" or "Independents" voted for Democrats.
If it gets to a choice between a Liberal like Rudy Giuliani and a Commie like Clinton, they will vote for Giuliani.
posted on
02/21/2007 12:28:16 PM PST
("Rust but terrify.")
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