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1 posted on 02/04/2007 1:50:42 AM PST by familyop
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To: familyop

" So those who still want to take the diplomatic route, and continue to appease Tehran, must set up a series of obstacles: first try to keep the intelligence bottled up; if that fails, discredit it; and if all else fails join the “war is not the answer” crowd, whose credibility rests on the hope that nobody in America has read any history. "

That just about says it all, don't it??

"Feckless" is the appropriate word to describe the War on Terror as waged by this country... It pains me to come to the sad conclusion that we may no longer have the Leadership, or the Vision, or the Will to win this, or any other war.

2 posted on 02/04/2007 2:10:01 AM PST by Uncle Ike (Aspiring Guru Seeks Disciples and Admiring Followers -- apply within)
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To: familyop

I love reading Michael Ledeen - "Faster, please."

6 posted on 02/04/2007 2:54:04 AM PST by Psalm 73 ("Gentlemen, you can't fight in here - this is the War Room".)
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To: familyop

A warhead a day keeps the Muslims away, that's what I always say.

9 posted on 02/04/2007 3:01:18 AM PST by word_warrior_bob (You can now see my amazing doggie and new puppy on my homepage!! Come say hello to Jake & Sonny)
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To: familyop

Best scenario would be for a multi-pronged, simultaneous hit on iran, syria, and the pakistani tribal areas. And not just military targets. In syria, all damascus power, transportation, and military infrastructure, in pakistan every village along the border followed by boots on the ground, in iran all manufacturing, refining, military, and hydro. Until they all cry "unconditional surrender."

But we won't do it, because our application of force isn't pre-emptive. Instead, there will be cruise missile and bombs on ied factories and several of the nuke sites in iran alone.

15 posted on 02/04/2007 4:02:47 AM PST by gotribe (There's still time to begin a war in Iraq.)
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To: familyop
Bush's mistakes in this war aren't the ones that the Democrats say he made. WMD's were found in Iraq, Saddam was preparing to re-start his WMD programs as soon as sanctions failed, thanks to the French, Germans, Russians and Chinese.

Let me make a, to be sure, incomplete list of Bush mistakes:

1. Bush did not insist on an explicit declaration of war.

2. Bush did not start a comprehensive information strategy to fight this ideological war.

3. Bush has fought the war not to win, but to avoid losing.

4. The Libs should actually love Bush for how he's fought this war in such a PC manner. You can't attack terrorists shooting at you in Mosques. WTF?

5. Right after the toppling of Saddam's statue, Sec State Col. Colin Powell went to Damascus on bended knee to assure Baby Doc Assad that the US would not invade Syria. Ah, this was plain stupid.

6. A coup pushed Hugo Chavez out of power, the US overturned the coup and put Chavez back into power. Huh?

7. Bush won't go after terrorists and their State supporters where he can find them. He's leaving terrorists safe havens.

8. Iraq and Afghanistan cannot be pacified when Iran and Pakistan and Syria are allowed to remain safe havens to launch attacks.

9. Regime change must be the goal in Syria and Iran.

10. Coming out in support of a Palestinian State without the Pallies completely fulfilling their obligations of ending terrorism was off the charts stupid. Now, we're giving Fatah (the PLO) $86 million to fight HAMAS (Terrorists from column B) and what have we got in return.

11. The Federal government bureaucracy from State, the CIA, the EPA to the JustUs Department have conducted a war on the Bush Administration. Bush has basically gone along with his saboteurs and stabbed his supporters in the back. Can you say Scooter Libby? Can you say one NY Times leak of a war program after another? Can you say support for man-made Global Warming? Can you say open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens and nonchalance in the face of a foreign invasion?

12. Bush and the GOP have been unwilling, unable or simply complicit in the assault on their political base and supporters. They won't defend themselves from political attack, they won't defend us from political assault. And they don't seem to be able to defend America from her enemies and win the war. That's why they lost and will continue to lose until they go balls out for victory.

13. Hmm, what are the chances for Victory, when your leaders include Hagel, Warner, Graham, Snowe, Collins?

20 posted on 02/04/2007 4:28:20 AM PST by Jabba the Nutt (Jabba the Hutt's bigger, meaner, uglier brother.)
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To: familyop
They have waged war against us for 28 years, and we are only now beginning to contemplate the possibility of a response.

Imagine the frustration of Ahmadenijad. He has tried in every way, shape and form to get the US to attack Iran preemptively, thereby outraging the entire Muslim world into declaring Global jihad on the West - all part of the grand return strategy of the 12th Imam, according to Ahmadenijad's "don't-wait-for-it;-make-Armageddon-happen" activist Shiite sect. He knows he can't overtly attack the West first, since even die-hard readers of "Jihad Weekly" and apologists in the western MSM wouldn't be able to spin it as anything other than the first blow thrown, and Iran would therefore not be be able to play the victim and instigate global jihad.

Standing in his way to jihad is primarily President Bush - who just won't take the bait yet. I think Bush is sincere in his desire to avoid a war with Iran, but knows that he is being manipulated by Ahmadenijad into a position where he will soon have no choice but to overtly attack Iran. Hence, the positioning of aircraft carriers and other assets in the region.

The other obstacles to Ahmadenijad's plan are cowardly or traitorous western "leaders" that believe that avoidance of war is the End and Only, no matter what the cost. If Ahmadenijad has anything to say to these people, it might be "I appreciate your treasonous behavior on my behalf, but you are not helping matters."

So the strange game continues, with Ahmadenijad coming out with every provocation he can think of short of sending a gilded invitation to the OK corral. Supplying insurgents and weaponry in Iraq, threatening to close off the Hormuz strait, developing nuclear weapons and long range delivery vehicles, and promising to wipe out Israel, Europe and the US within nanoseconds of achieving nuclear capability. What else can a poor Twelver-Jihadist do?

It may be that Ahmadenihad's troubles at home are from the non-Twelver Imams who are no matter desirous of all-out war than the West is, but enjoy the theatrics of Ahmadenijad taunting the West as long as it comes short of instigating a real war with the US, which would be disastrous for them, but nirvana for Ahmadenijad. Now that a real war may be coming down, they may not be so fond of his one-man clown act anymore.

So the pressure mounts on both sides. Can Ahmadenihad keep power long enough to provoke a direct western attack? And can Bush avoid launching such an attack long enough for Iran to do something so far over the top that even our traitorous 'Rats couldn't justify it?

Meanwhile, Israel must be racing its jet engines and fingering triggers, Olmert or not. They know that they will be the first to pay the price of any appeasement or further delay - which would effectively amount to the former.

As for us, I think we should accept the invitation without further delay, as we will not be able to avoid it in the future anyway. Ahmadenijad's determination to fight is not subject to reason, other than his quite logical reasoning and strategy - flowing as it is from a crackpot jihadisdt ideology.

This surge may be the acceptance of the invitation. Perhaps the stage calls have already gone out to all players, who are now busy playing out their parts. Iran and Syria start Iraqi civil war - we surge troops to quell, Iran and Syria massively step up the flow of weapons and insurgents to both sides, US is compelled to attack support networks straddling the borders. Iran then declares itself an innocent victim of an unprovoked act of aggression and attacks US forces in the Gulf, cuts off oil flows, calls for global terrorist attacks, and Presto - we have ourselves a global jihad.

We don't really have a choice, no matter what the appeasers say. The war is coming sooner or later, and it might be better that we wage it before our sissified societies decay any further.

25 posted on 02/04/2007 5:23:24 AM PST by guitfiddlist (When the 'Rats break out switchblades, it's no time to invoke Robert's Rules.)
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To: familyop
This from the clown who has been screaming mindlessly for years against the War in Iraq and how we should NOT use "the military option" against Iran?

Face it, Michael Ledeen is just a mindless whiner. What ever is going on he whines. He has nothing to add to the political debate at all. His whole position on any issue is simple to know in advance. He is against what ever the USA is doing.
28 posted on 02/04/2007 5:54:08 AM PST by MNJohnnie ( If they say "speaking truth to power,"-they haven't had a l thought since the Beatles broke up)
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To: familyop
"That is about the most one can say on behalf of our feckless national-security team, whose leaders are trying to be a little bit pregnant instead of trying to win this thing."

No, it's actually that we run a tight rope between letting the rulers of the Islamic states know we are deadly tough without creating too much fear in the masses of such states.

If this was 700 years ago when the population of extremists was much smaller there may have been a chance to bring about a quick decisive change by overwhelming force without caring what the greater masses of Muslims think. But as it stands, they are set to surpass the population of all other peoples in the planet within a few decades.

It's the numbers stupid.

That said, change will be slow. Nobody likes slow. Embrace the suck.

30 posted on 02/04/2007 6:13:30 AM PST by Earthdweller (All reality is based on faith in something.)
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To: familyop

I say let Tehran destroy france, then help it to continue to destroy france. Then destroy Tehran and give it to the Jews.

36 posted on 02/04/2007 5:29:43 PM PST by Porterville (Through experience I have discovered that Yoda is a dumbass and Karma is a lie.)
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To: familyop

If Tehran Only Knew, what will happen if there is no regime change in Iran.:

"In America, we lie for tactical reasons, stating over and over that military action against Iran is unlikely. However in Iran, out of ignorance, they reiterate that American military action against their country is impossible because the US is "unable" to do so!

We say and hope our analysis is wrong. A possible military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities is in the final stages. Unless a political miracle occurs that revives the halted dialog between Iran and the international community, Iran and its neighboring countries should not be surprised by a scenario that includes American military action. "

Just maybe, President Bush is purposely allowing the media and the left to spout their garbage in order to create the illusion that we are completely incapable of taking any action against Iran. It would come as a complete surprise if we did take action.

Iranian Map: Before we unleash the real hell on earth shown below for the Iranian Whackjobs:

Then, we show the suicidal Islamofascist serial killers in charge of Iran, what real nuclear weapons will do.

Hey, what is causing all those bright lights and loud noises!

Iranian Map: After the above!

The nuclear bomb used at Hiroshima was puny compared to what we have ready for the Islamofascist serial killers in Iran:

Atomic blast in Hiroshima

An atomic blast demolished the centre of Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6,1945. Japan agreed to surrender after a second atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki on August 9.

Summary of US military buildup in the Persian Gulf area since the first of the year:

Over the past month, the U.S. Navy has given orders to the U.S.S. John Stennis carrier battle group, based in Bremerton, WA, to steam toward the Persian Gulf, where it will join the U.S.S. Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Navy sources say the Pentagon is getting ready to announce the dispatch of a third carrier battle group – the U.S.S. Ronald Reagan – from San Diego. That will make three carrier battle groups in the region starting at around the end of January.

Oh, and along with them is the amphibious assault group led by the U.S.S. Boxer, which can land several thousand U.S. Marines to seize and destroy strategic sites near the coast at a moment’s notice. (Busheir? Bandar Abbas? Jask? The three Persian Gulf islands Iran seized from the UAE in the 1990s and has since fortified to harass Gulf shipping? Your pick).

Other recent US Naval and Marine Corp additions to handle/control/kill the Iranian Serial Killers:

Bataan Transits Suez Canal, Enters U.S. 5th Fleet Story Number: NNS070130-14 Release Date: 1/30/2007 7:00:00 PM

By Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class (SW) Joanne De Vera, Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/ Commander, U.S. 5th Fleet Public Affairs

USS BATAAN, At Sea (NNS) -- The multipurpose amphibious assault ship USS Bataan (LHD 5) and the Sailors and Marines of the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) successfully transited the Suez Canal on Jan. 30 and entered the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations.

While in the region, the Bataan Expeditionary Strike Group (ESG) will conduct maritime security operations (MSO).

MSO help set the conditions for security and stability in the maritime environment, as well as complement the counter-terrorism and security efforts of regional nations. These operations deny international terrorists use of the maritime environment as a venue for attack or to transport personnel, weapons or other material.

U.S. 5th Fleet’s area of operations encompasses 2.5 million square miles of water and includes the Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, Gulf of Oman and parts of the Indian Ocean.

“We’ll continue our role as the surface warfare commander and the air defense commander for the Bataan Expeditionary Strike Group,” said Cmdr. Jon Carriglitto, Bataan’s operations officer. “Together with the MEU, we bring the ability to insert a quick, capable amphibious force where it’s needed.”

While in theater, approximately 6,000 U.S. Sailors and Marines assigned to the ESG and the 26th MEU provide the combatant commander a versatile sea-based force that can be tailored to a variety of missions. The Bataan ESG has the capabilities to support MSO, combat operations and humanitarian assistance/disaster relief.

“Bataan ESG’s presence in the U.S. 5th Fleet will require the crew to conduct what it does best: well deck and flight deck operations,” said Carriglitto. “We’ll be conducting varsity-level operations, but much of it falls right in line with our ongoing training, so I know we’re ready to meet those challenges.”

Bataan, commanded by Capt. David Hulse, left its homeport of Norfolk on Jan. 4 for a regularly-scheduled deployment as the flagship of the Bataan ESG. The ESG is comprised of the Bataan Strike Group, commanded by Commodore Donna Looney, commander, Bataan Strike Group/Amphibious Squadron 2, and the 26th MEU based out of Camp Lejeune, N.C., commanded by Col. Gregg Sturdevant.

In addition to Bataan, the strike group consists of USS Shreveport (LPD 12), USS Oak Hill (LSD 51), USS Vella Gulf (CG 72), USS Nitze (DDG 94), USS Underwood (FFG 36), and USS Scranton (SSN 756).

For related news, visit the Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command/Commander, U.S. 5th Fleet Navy NewsStand page at

"Due to rapidly developing events in Somalia, U.S. Central Command has tasked USS Dwight D. Eisenhower to join USS Bunker Hill, USS Ramage, USS Anzio and USS Ashland to support ongoing maritime security operations off the coast of Somalia," said Navy Lt. Cmdr. Charlie Brown, a spokesman for 5th Fleet in Bahrain.

More Iranian related news:


Pentagon official tells LA Times aggressive new tactics designed to deter Iranian assistance to Iraqi militants may include more forceful patrols by fighter planes along Iran-Iraq border to counter smuggling of bomb supplies from Islamic Republic; ‘For every improvised explosive device that goes off in Iraq, a bomb should go off in Iran,’ retired Air Force lieutenant general says.


Thursday, February 01, 2007 -


Military and intelligence sources continue to tell me that preparations are advancing for a war with Iran starting possibly as early as mid-to-late February. The sources offer some differences of opinion over whether Bush might cite a provocation from Iran or whether Israel will take the lead in launching air strikes against Iran’s nuclear facilities.

8 posted on 02/01/2007 4:24:51 PM PST by M. Espinola (Freedom is Never Free)

A Quote from: The Dogs of War - Lessons of the 20th Century. By Victor Davis Hanson, (author most recently of Carnage and Culture: Landmark Battles in the Rise of Western Power):

"I would not wish to fight the United States - either militarily, politically, or culturally. For every threat, our history teaches us that Americans offer not just a rejoinder, but the specter of a devastating answer of a magnitude almost inconceivable to those now chanting and threatening in the streets of the Middle East.

Do they have any idea of what sort of dangerous people we really are? Do they understand the history of the names of those ships now off their coasts, like the USS Peleliu or Enterprise, or the pedigree of the 82nd or 101st Airborne?"

In spite of all the reality above, the insane Islamofascist serial killers in charge of Iran are going ahead with naval war games in the Persian Gulf.

Iranian navy, air forces to launch wargames in Persian Gulf, Oman Sea IRNA / Reuters ^

Posted on 02/06/2007 10:20:34 AM PST by maquiladora

Missile units of the air and naval forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) will begin a specialized wargame in southern and central parts of Persian Gulf and the Sea of Oman from Wednesday.

The announcement follows mounting tension with the United States, which has said it will step up pressure on Iran. This has included despatching a second aircraft carrier to the Gulf, a major shipping lane for oil exports.

The exercises will be staged on Wednesday and Thursday by the missile units of the Guards' naval and air forces, the semi-official Fars news agency reported, citing a Guards source.

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38 posted on 02/07/2007 8:31:56 AM PST by Grampa Dave (GW has more Honor and Integrity in his little finger than ALL of the losers on the "hate Bush" band)
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