The major problem in raising funds is that putting up a website isn't enough. There has to be publicity for the funds. Let jazusamo or me know if you'd like to get involved in this effort.
1 posted on
01/17/2007 4:30:01 AM PST by
To: RedRover
Can you please post where we can send contributions for both cases? We owe it to our men and women who serve us so well.
2 posted on
01/17/2007 4:38:55 AM PST by
To: the mo; Tuscaloosa Goldfinch; fishergirl; TNdandelion; slipper; Eagles6; jazusamo; smoothsailing; ..
For the latest news and analysis in this case, let jazusamo or me know if you want on the Haditha Marine Ping List.
3 posted on
01/17/2007 4:53:45 AM PST by
(They are not killers. Defend our Marines.)
To: RedRover
Ok, what can I do to help?
7 posted on
01/17/2007 5:29:06 AM PST by
(I believe SSGT Wuterich did his job.)
To: RedRover
10 posted on
01/17/2007 6:05:14 AM PST by
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